Tyre profiles 180 versus 190

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by DozynSleepy, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. DozynSleepy

    CT Guest

    As I said, maybe but I'm not so sure. Remember you're conversing with
    someone who has never ever changed the suspension settings on any of
    his bikes either. I just tend to get on and ride, without noticing
    that one things is better than another.
    What about Seasick Steve? Do you know him?
    My first thought was "J? What does he mean?" followed by "Surely not
    short for J Arthur" followed even more closely by "Ewwww" before I
    finally twigged!
    CT, Jan 20, 2009
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  2. DozynSleepy

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    I almost never touch the suspension settings on a road bike unless
    it has been set up to one extreme or the other or is bust.
    So long as the spring, springs and the damper, damps within an
    acceptable margin of functionality, it's good enough for the road.

    Tyre radius changes, however, make a fundamental alteration to the
    physical geometry and therefore, the handling characteristics of
    the bike. You will notice a difference.
    Alex Ferrier, Jan 20, 2009
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  3. DozynSleepy

    CT Guest

    OK, already! I'll admit I was wrong[1]

    [1] I'm still not 100% convinced, mind :eek:)
    CT, Jan 20, 2009
  4. DozynSleepy

    DozynSleepy Guest

    Have to say, the only change I noticed was the difference between worn
    out and new. I'll be making sure the recommended size goes on next time
    DozynSleepy, Jan 20, 2009
  5. DozynSleepy

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    I can tell the difference between a 180/50 and a 190/50 but not being
    a slave to fashion I don't know about a 190/55.
    Andy Bonwick, Jan 20, 2009
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