In amongst all the usual crap advertising Viagra, enlargement, unmissable shares, mortgages, and invitations to update my on-line banking details at institutions I've never even heard of, I received an email that might interest some here. TWO currently have a subscription offer of 3 issues for £3, thereafter a discounted rate of £8.90 for 3 issues against their normal £11.10. If anyone is interested they can call 08456 777807 quoting reference MDN1D. Please note, I have absolutely no connection with any publishing house, printer, magazine in any way at all and couldn't care less whether TWO get 1, 2 or zero new subscribers. As I'm going to be heading off to foreign parts in a few months I'm in the process of cancelling subscriptions rather than taking out new ones - I just thought that a ukrm-er could maybe benefit. Cheers