TWO Magazine

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by David Thomas, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    Just had a phone call, the lady says " it's two wheels only magazine here"
    my face lit up as I remembered I entered a competition for a VFR800 some
    months back, but then she goes on to say "would you like to subscribe blah
    blah blah..."

    From the heights of elation to the depths of despair in two seconds, that's
    why they call it TWO magazine, coz that how many seconds they take to piss
    you off.

    Still competition is not drawn till the 10 August... still hope yet.

    David Thomas, Aug 6, 2004
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  2. David Thomas

    HooDooWitch Guest

    .... I suspect your chances of winning, without taking up the "special
    once-only offer" of a subscription, which you have recently refused,
    are .... well ... nil.

    But for the sake of 30 snotters and some junk-mail you could have had
    a shiny new VFR to add to your ever growing list of steeds.

    HTH. ;)
    HooDooWitch, Aug 6, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. David Thomas

    Porl Guest

    I think that would be quite illegal.
    Porl, Aug 6, 2004
  4. David Thomas

    Slider Guest

    Heh, there was a nice little ditty in Bike mag this/last month about them
    phoning a competition entrant with congratulations on winning a shiny new
    bike. He hung up on them three times, so they phoned someone else to award
    them the prize.

    I can sort of understand the first guy hanging up once, but how many
    telephone marketers would ring back twice more?
    Slider, Aug 6, 2004
  5. David Thomas

    HooDooWitch Guest

    Two words, "Marketing" & "Honesty". ...
    HooDooWitch, Aug 6, 2004
  6. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    oh bugger, I was sort of relying on winning :)

    David Thomas, Aug 6, 2004
  7. David Thomas

    Blotto Guest

    I've had the same! In fact they have called me 3 times, as the first time they
    couldn't hear me on my mobile, then the second time they hang up! By the third
    call, just a few hours ago, I was getting really excited, thinking "my god! my
    god!! will have to make space in the garage over the weekend"
    Then as said in this thread before...Despair! Still, give the girl her due,
    ringing me 3 times then being told "no thanks" she must be keen. Guess my entry
    is in the bin now too. :-(
    SV1000S.....Stickier than Sticky the Stick Insect stuck on a sticky bun.

    SV1000S, TL1000R, ER5, CD175D (please pop the "pop" to reply)
    Blotto, Aug 6, 2004
  8. David Thomas

    David Thomas Guest

    David Thomas, Aug 6, 2004
  9. David Thomas

    dwb Guest

    I was sure you'd worked in a marketing department - but a post like this
    makes me wonder..
    dwb, Aug 6, 2004
  10. David Thomas

    Porl Guest

    [1] I'm a creative worker bee. Ie, I do what I'm to told, I realise a
    "creative's" vision.
    [2] By elevating the "creatives" above the law you're simply embuing them
    with some kind of godlike power. They're subject to laws to as great a
    degree as us common mortals, in fact more so. It's not funny or ironic it's
    just pointless.
    Porl, Aug 7, 2004
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