Twin Peeks PIC ?????????????????????????

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. Dusty

    redshad Guest

    Big Ed will have to tote a couple sets of tires!!!- Hide quoted
    text -
    Yea no kidding and 4 cans of those BBQ weenies he likes so well.

    redshad, Aug 29, 2007
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  2. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    OK.. There has always been a pretty good bunch hanging out on this news-
    group.. Exceptions would include RedShad, Big Ed, Anonymous, Bjay, Brian
    Walker, Bill Cattell, Wakko, Jerry, Morgan Kane, Louie, and me.. hmmm..

    I probably left out a few, but it isn't intentional bias.. The list could go
    on and
    on, but, everyone knows that the ones listed are not desirable company in
    any setting.. All of these guys ride together and man, they do some country
    on their motorcycles.. Trouble is, if you've got thin skin, you'll be a
    case of hurt feelings.. These guys are hardcase and don't cut slack for any-
    one.. including each other..

    Bottom line is.. they've all been around for a long time.. If you can't
    the heat, better stay out of this kitchen.. So far.. it's all been pretty
    good natured..

    hehehe.. Nobody in this group claims to be "professional" racers or
    "professional" anything else.. but, every one of them will sure take you
    up on a highway run challenge, in a heartbeat..

    There's a lot of Texas to see.. You just happen to be in an area that is
    a little out of range for many of us.. Even some of the boys in the Houston
    area, ride up here to make a run to the Ozarks or other areas within runnin'
    distance that have some mountains and changes of scenery..

    Wanna run with this crew.. sign on and get to it.. Bring a thick skin and a
    good sense of humor with you..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
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  3. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bullshit.. Big Ed don't got no Kitchen Pass to go that far..
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  4. Dusty

    louie Guest

    Waiting on word from that rider down south there, Mr. Dusty

    louie, Aug 29, 2007
  5. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    Wanna run with this crew.. sign on and get to it.. Bring a thick skin and a
    good sense of humor with you..

    OH I have a thick skin for sure working in a hospital for 15 years has
    giving me a very thick skin for sure. To me it seems that some here can't
    take as well as they can dish it out. I will not stay out of the fire. As
    for a good sense of humor I have that also.

    I have run a lot of miles on the bikes that I have had and I run a lot of
    miles on the bikes (3) that I have now. There is a lot of Texas yes indeed
    and I think I have been to a lot of it and even to a lot of places out side
    of Texas.

    I do not know of the place that you are talking about, what rally is it ?
    There is one coming up here in October take a look at the web page and let
    me know if you would like to come to this get your room early if you are
    coming. If you like to fish bring your pole because this is a great place to
    fish either off shore on the beach both are great.
    Dusty, Aug 29, 2007
  6. Dusty

    Bill Cattell Guest

    I said it before and I guess it NEEDS repeating - FRIGGIN' TRAILER QUEENS.

    When did you guys trade in your bikes for Harleys? :cool:
    Bill Cattell, Aug 29, 2007
  7. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    There are a lot of rallies, all over the country.. but, I wasn't referring
    to any of
    them.. The Ozarks are mountains ..

    Quite a few of us have been to most of the big rallies around the U.S.
    Daytona, Austin.. etc. etc. Most of us don't do the rallies anymore..
    instead to make more or less spontaneous rides and just enjoy each others'

    Some of us make rides to places like Guadalajara, Mazatlan, and Durango
    in Mexico.. We ride to Arizona, Arkansas and all points in between..

    hmm.. I don't carry fishing poles when I travel.. Not much into that sort of
    thing.. Some of the guys are, however.. and they go for the big bass and
    such.. even got the boats to go with all that carryin' on..

    I think I mentioned awhile back .. that Brian and I made a trip down to
    Brownsville and crossed the border into Matamoros.. We carried a child's
    wheelchair there, to be picked up and transported to Guadalajara for a
    little girl that desperately needed such an appliance.. Quite a trip.. in

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  8. Dusty

    redshad Guest

    Bullshit.. Big Ed don't got no Kitchen Pass to go that far..

    Well Hell....Big Ed having kitchen pass problems again?? I thought we
    had all that worked out.

    redshad, Aug 29, 2007
  9. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    many dittos BillW...couldn've said it worser. -rngrin-/bjay/
    bj_kana, Aug 29, 2007
  10. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grin> We didn't clear it with the lady of the house.. Big Ed has been
    spending too much time running around with all us ol'Scooter Trash, and
    she just don't put up with much of that..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  11. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    WTF you "grinnin" about ? You just might be the "worser" of
    the "worst".. I'm tellin'..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  12. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Hey, don't make fun of my outran your Harley for almost
    200 miles!!! :)
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  13. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Don't pick at me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  14. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Dammitt.You joining the group????????
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  15. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Well,I figured your chain got pulled also.Join in ol' man!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  16. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    I'm going to look for a better class of people to hang out with!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  17. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Giv'em hell Bill C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  18. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Which one is the "race bike" you spoke of earlier...what was the name
    again? It sounded fast!

    The Ozarks? When you say you work in a hospital, you're not saying
    you're a doctor are you?

    The Gulf is a sewage pit. Getting within 5 miles of the coastline, you
    can smell the nasty crap. There's no way in the world I'd want
    anything that came out of there....
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  19. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Damn Bill Walker. You left out Cookie.She be mad
    Ed Hart, Aug 29, 2007
  20. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest


    You wanna be that way about it, I won't offer to haul those tires for
    you to Cleburne....won't be much room on my trailer anyway with the
    bikes and gas and tires and tents and stuff....
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
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