Twin Peeks PIC ?????????????????????????

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    Ok I have put up pick's of the hog pit and I have yet to see pick's of the
    Dusty, Aug 28, 2007
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  2. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    That's because cameras aren't allowed in such an exclusive spot like
    Twin Peaks....

    The Pig Pit....well, what can you say?

    Besides, I haven't seen any pictures of this Pig Pit you speak of....
    Brian Walker, Aug 28, 2007
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  3. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Brian Walker, Aug 28, 2007
  4. Dusty

    Anonymous Guest

  5. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    That's because cameras aren't allowed in such an exclusive spot like
    Twin Peaks....

    The Pig Pit....well, what can you say?

    Besides, I haven't seen any pictures of this Pig Pit you speak of....

    I sent 20. pic's of the hog pit to you and you have yet to send one pic off
    the foot hills . I know you can take a camera in the you maybe don't have
    the guts to do it . I have taken my camera in to many a place so this I know
    you can do don't tell me you can't .

    Probably your foot hills is just another Hooters like we have here just a
    over rated restaurant .

    Brian Walker you should change your name to Smack . That is because all you
    do is sit at your computer and talk smack . You have not even put up any
    pic's of your so called rides and this I have done also. Oh I get it you
    cost too much to have a camera around when riding your bike .

    HUMMMmmm is Smack a hooker ?
    Maybe if he is too expensive to take pic's around LOL :) :) :)

    Brian Walker
    Ok now just get a life .
    You don't have to always have to talk smack I know you like the Twin Peaks I
    like the Hog Pit so just shut up or put up the proof Brian Walker.

    Brian Walker if you come down here maybe I will tell you about the bar
    called Charley but you had better be the right person to go there the club
    that hangs out there wont take any smack.

    As always.

    "Ride it like you stole it "
    Dusty, Aug 28, 2007
  6. Dusty

    louie Guest

    'Go head on then', Dusty - as they say in some portions of Tx

    louie, Aug 28, 2007
  7. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    Sounds good to me.....I heard what Dusty said, but not too sure what
    he old demetiaed dim today....guess too much
    hot farm work around here happening. -bjay-
    bj_kana, Aug 28, 2007
  8. Dusty

    redshad Guest

    Your mind gets Dim watching people do hot farm work? You better turn
    your head and not look at that.

    redshad, Aug 28, 2007
  9. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Okay, I thought it was just me....when Bjay Kana gets all fucked up by
    what someone typed, I know it's fucked up!

    Brian Walker, Aug 28, 2007
  10. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Brian Walker, Aug 28, 2007
  11. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    You misspelled it.It is BIOTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Ed Hart, Aug 28, 2007
  12. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, okay! Whatever you say!!!

    That would be a picture for Gusty...he'd really get his jollies seeing
    a picture of you riding "biotch" on the back of the Blackbird!!! :)
    Brian Walker, Aug 28, 2007
  13. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Dang, Dusty.. You seem to have all the joints staked out.. <chuckle>

    You surely must be new on this newsgroup.. but, that's alright, too..

    You might wanna take some time to figure out the players on this
    newsgroup.. Brian Walker rides with most of them and there have
    been hundreds of pictures posted by first one and then another, to
    document those rides..

    On the other hand.. most of the riders on this newsgroup are pretty
    much non-drinkers, especially when they are on a run.. There are sev-
    eral pretty lively water holes, where we hang out occasionally.. Even
    there.. the serious riders will be careful what they are drinking..

    Unless you just limit yourself to reading your own posts, only.. you
    may have noticed that these guys around the metroplex and Austin
    San Antonio area, make some pretty impressive rides together..
    Some of their day runs amount to something like 500 miles and more.

    Also, if you notice.. Brian Walker is involved in most of these runs..

    Talking "Smack" is a double edged sword, pard.. Riding over to hang
    out in a beer joint don't favor much.. But, to each his own.. if that's
    your thing.. get to it.. Challenging some old boy that you've never laid
    eyes on.. to race isn't too savvy.. Might even be embarrassing..

    Challenging someone you've never laid eyes on.. to hook up in a bad
    assed beer joint, don't favor much.. Some of these guys have hung
    in some of the most notorious joints in Texas.. in their day..

    The point is.. get serious and knock off all this bullshit that you are so
    impressed about and you might be surprised about what you'd pick
    up on this newsgroup.. Most of these guys aren't impressed with all
    your beer joint nonsense.. 'Nuff said ??

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  14. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest


    I sorta like being thought of as a "cheap hooker". Besides, you might
    screw up Gusty giving me all these computer lessons to show me how to
    post these pictures here....
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  15. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    I don't go on a ride just to go a bar I do like to have a beer but my beers
    are one or max two beers. I love to ride don't get me wrong. Maybe if you
    all were closer to me you would not talk smack about me and find out I am a
    good guy and a good rider also . I will not back down if challenge I do have
    a completive spirit in me to the bone . That is left over from my pro racing
    days I raced for Team Huskurvarna if you have to know . I am sure you all
    are good riders and the best on the computer also and I am the new person
    here I have tried to put my hand out in a friendly way and have had it
    slapped by some of you. Some of you all have been very nice like BJ .

    Please do not get me wrong I am not talking smack I like to have fun and
    relax with a good friend after and tell some stories also.

    You all have started this by talking down to me and telling me I don't know
    what I am talking about, maybe you should just lighten up a bit . If you all
    should come all this way on a ride I would do my best to meet up with you
    and show you around this place. There is a lot of good places here
    Dusty, Aug 29, 2007
  16. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Who??? WTF???

    Is that some Chinese riding team with a bear???

    Do you mean "Husqvarna"???
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  17. Dusty

    louie Guest

    thanks for the compliments Dusty, we appreciate it.

    We'll get together soon.
    What about that Cleburne meetup? Rio Vista? Work with us.

    louie, Aug 29, 2007
  18. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm up for the Cleburne meet!!!

    Will I need to make room reservations? I can provide a trailer to help
    with the long haul....might even need a few gas cans in the event gas
    stations get scarce....
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
  19. Dusty

    redshad Guest

    Cleburne? Damn..I better get my oil change before that trip.

    redshad, Aug 29, 2007
  20. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Big Ed will have to tote a couple sets of tires!!!
    Brian Walker, Aug 29, 2007
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