
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by GPZ, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. GPZ

    Tony Guest

    Im all in favour - so I'd comment - but out of joy. I think they should make
    it a legal requirement. Evens the odds slightly for other forms of transport
    too, plus perhaps disinclines tailgaiters from getting so close. Would make
    better drivers of a lot of people I bet - if they equated the risk to
    themselves could actually be proportional to that of them hitting a ped or
    biker. I'll happily drive my car without belt - provided they make it a
    legal musthave and rip em out of cars during the mot. Who knows some day it
    *might* happen. Think of that in mind and vote liberal democratic or green
    party at the next elections hehehe
    Tony, Jun 10, 2004
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  2. GPZ

    Zymurgy Guest

    Or naked with a naked pillion.


    Zymurgy, Jun 11, 2004
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