Turning The TW200 Into A Street Bike (Mostly)

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Bill Miller., Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Wrong. You see, we do not know what was going on in the design team's
    mind, do we?

    Had you asked: "more suitable for off-road than on-road use" I'd have
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 11, 2008
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  2. Bill Miller.

    . Guest

    But Bill *is* Uncle Jay, so the conversation between "Bill" and "Jay"
    must have resembled the one between Norman Bates and his mother...
    ., Aug 11, 2008
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  3. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    knobbies on the TW200 can clearly see that they are primarily
    designed for off-road (non-pavement) use."  Therefore, by saying false
    or "probably" you are essentially stating that knobbies are not
    PRIMARILY designed for off-road use.  Ergo, the only possible answer
    is T-R-U-E without any qualifications.  
    No, you are wrong. You see, what was going on in the design team's
    mind is absolutely and totally irrelevant to the statement that
    "kmobbies are primarily designed for off-road use." Anyone, except
    those who just like to argue for argue's sake, can clearly see that
    statement is true, without exception. I mean, how many "cruisers"
    have you seen that come with knobbies from the factory? DUH.....

    OMG. you like to argue so much that you totally disregard common sense
    and common language. "Primarily designed for off-road use" and "more
    suitable for off-road use" have exactly the same meaning to anyone
    whose agenda is not just to be an argumentative old grouch. My Uncle
    Jay was right, you definitely are someone who's useless in the
    information department since all you like to do is argue about
    anything you don't bring up yourself. I have no need for anything
    more you'd have to say so feel free to wander off somewhere else and
    annoy other people.

    Bill Miller., Aug 11, 2008
  4. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    I read the rest of the posts and still don't see the rationale for the
    misdirection regarding the gas mileage of a 250. Please provide an
    explanation, if there truly is one.

    Bill Miller., Aug 11, 2008
  5. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Well, obviously you do not read a lot of The Older Gentleman's posts
    which are rife with argumentative nonsense many times unreleated to
    the focus of the thread.
    Bill Miller., Aug 11, 2008
  6. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    My uncle would not be pleased to hear that since he and I are world's
    apart in many things, but I do admire him and thank you for the

    Bill Miller., Aug 11, 2008
  7. Wrong

    Let's take an easily understandable analogy. Fighter aircraft.

    Specifically, the Polish PZL11. Primarily designed for air superioity.
    Not suitable for air superiority, as it was shot out of the skies in

    You see, words and language are my thing. They are how I earn my living.
    I exercise vastly more precision in using them than you do. The English
    language is a very exact instrument. If you want to argue specifics, as
    you did, you must be prepared to be tripped up by someone who can wield
    the instrument better than you can.

    Now, yes, your lovely dual-purpose tyres will be better than the
    knobblies fitted to your toy motorcycle as standard.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 11, 2008
  8. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    whose agenda is not just to be an argumentative old grouch.  My Uncle
    Jay was right, you definitely are someone who's useless in the
    information department since all you like to do is argue about
    anything you don't bring up yourself.
    Gawd, a horribly weak analogy that has no bearing on the subject at
    The only thing you "exercise" is your self-inflated view of yourself.
    And your lame wielding of the "instrument" could easily lead to you
    being derided, especially after that weak preceding so-called
    "analogy" you spewed forth. Dictionary definitions....

    primarily = "for the most part," therefore the stock knobbies on the
    TW200 are designed, "for the most part for off-road use." An
    absolutely TRUE statement without any qualifications and using quite
    correct English.

    more suitable = "more designed for a particular use," therefore the
    stock knobbies on the TW200 are "more designed for the particular use
    of off-road riding." An absolutely TRUE statement without any
    qualifications and using quite correct English and also meaning the
    exact same thing as the previous definition.

    Now you can twist and turn that all you want but they mean ESSENTIALLY
    the same thing Mr. Big English Expert so go try your smokescreen of
    knowledge on someone else. You're still a failure here.
    And calling it a "toy" motorcycle is just further indication of your
    little boy immaturity of being snippity when you're proven to be

    Bill Miller., Aug 11, 2008
  9. Specifically, the Polish PZL11. Primarily designed for air
    superioity.Not suitable for air superiority, as it was shot out of the
    skies in 1939.
    No. A perfect one. One that illustrates the difference between 'designed
    for' and 'suitable for' perfectly.I exercise vastly more precision in using them than you do. The English
    language is a very exact instrument. If you want to argue specifics, as
    you did, you must be prepared to be tripped up by someone who can wield
    the instrument better than you can.
    Wrong. Which dictionary did you get that from, out of interest?

    Are you going to turn into another JS, by the way? Because having not
    one but two ranting rattle-throwers in the same month is rare fortune.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 12, 2008
  10. He's losing the plot nicely. A few more prods and we'll have the death
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 12, 2008
  11. It takes two to have an argument, sweetie.
    The Older Gentleman, Aug 12, 2008
  12. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Wrong again. I never said "designed for," I said "PRIMARILY designed
    for." Once again you conveniently fail to include accuracy of
    previous posts to futiley enhance your point that continues to fail,
    miserably so.

    Webster's, not like the dictionary you make up in your head to serve
    your purposes of argument.

    No, I'm just not going to let you get away with spewing your bullshit
    and lies without calling you on the carpet and exposing you for the
    phony argumentative asshole you truly are.

    Bill Miller., Aug 12, 2008
  13. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    I'm not losing anything. The only one losing anything here is you,
    losing your credibility as some expert, since you're being exposed for
    the phony you really are. LOL

    Bill Miller., Aug 12, 2008
  14. Bill Miller.

    Bill Miller. Guest

    Yes, but there's no "argument" that exists here, there's only The Old
    Gentleman continuing to try and fool people that he actually is
    something he isn't---a knowledgable individual---when, in reality,
    he's just an old fool and phony spinning his ancient wheels and
    desperately trying to keep up.

    And, BTW, you can save the "sweetie" routine for all your "boyfriends"
    and other butt-buddies. Find someone else who's interested in your
    homoerotic thoughts. I'm not.

    Bill Miller., Aug 12, 2008
  15. Bill Miller.

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Well, that's really, really interesting. You see, I don't know of
    dictionaries that actually provide meanings for phrases (groups of
    words) unless the actual word in question has different meanings
    according to which other words it's placed alongside.

    It just struck me that the definition of 'more suitable' came more
    from your own brain than from Websters. So I looked up more suitable
    on Websters online. And it failed to provide a meaning.

    I looked up 'suitable' and got this (http://www.websters-online-


    1. Suitable for the desired purpose; "Is this a suitable dress for the

    2. Meant or adapted for an occasion or use; "a tractor suitable (or
    fit) for heavy duty"; "not an appropriate (or fit) time

    (for flippancy".

    3. Appropriate for a condition or occasion; "everything in its proper
    place"; "the right man for the job"; "she is not suitable for the

    4. Worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse; "the parents found
    the girl suitable for their son".

    'More suitable' and 'more+suitable' failed to score hits. I'd suggest
    that 'more designed for a particular use' is your own definition. If
    that is indeed the exact definition result you got, perhaps you'd like
    to post the link?

    If you can't, then I'm afraid it won't reflect well.
    TOG@Toil, Aug 12, 2008
  16. Bill Miller.

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Ah, the fake laughter. Always a good sign of a mind hurtling down the
    mineshaft. Now, let's have a few more incoherent threats. You're doing
    very well.
    TOG@Toil, Aug 12, 2008
  17. Bill Miller.

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Ah, better and better. The homosexuality card. Frequently (and
    recently) played by Krusty and JS. You're in good company, dear.

    TOG@Toil, Aug 12, 2008
  18. Bill Miller.

    . Guest

    Knock it off, hanky prancer. This is a motorcycle newsgroup, not a
    fern bar.
    ., Aug 12, 2008
  19. Bill Miller.

    TOG@Toil Guest

    Great stuff. Now Krusty tears himself away from his imaginary
    ancestors and joins the lists. Have you, JS and Bill thought of
    starting your own little newsgroup. Just think: you could ask eople
    for advice, and throw all your toys out of your collective pram when
    you're not told what you want to hear, and you could post reams and
    reams of misleading and useless information.


    You could get that deluded classic bloke on board, too.

    Oh, can anyone enlighten me as to what a 'fern bar' is? Two nations
    separated by a common language, and all that.
    TOG@Toil, Aug 12, 2008
  20. Bill Miller.

    . Guest

    "Biker bar" is an antonym for "fern bar". Just try calling a biker
    You'll get a pool cue broken over your head.

    Don't you have biker bars over there?
    ., Aug 12, 2008
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