turbo ZX10

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by J5, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. J5

    J5 Guest

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  2. J5

    Centurion Guest


    Obviously this machine would go (in a straight line) like the proverbial
    shite off a shovel, and is a credible piece of engineering, but let's face

    1. The swing-arm looks gay (extended ones usually do)
    2. You would have time to make a double caramel soy latte using the turbo as
    the heating element, and then drink it, whilst waiting for the thing to
    turn a corner. See #1.
    3. The semi-naked thing actually looks good (IMHO)

    For balls-out straight line acceleration and top speed though, I think you
    would be the king of the block on this machine (except for all the
    turbo-busa's floating around - then you'd look like some namby-pamby
    doughnut puncher).


    Centurion, Jun 17, 2005
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  3. J5

    GB Guest

    4. It's been dropped on the left side.

    GB, Jun 17, 2005
  4. J5

    Marty H Guest

    I thought they put dogs in space, not Cats?

    Marty H, Jun 18, 2005
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