I understand our first guest arrives at about 23:59 on Friday night. My phone number has been given out as a contact in case he has any problems getting in, hopefully he wont. Kayak Trailer is being moved out of the store in a couple of days to make room for the bikes going in. The new fridge will be moved into the main hall, ready for it being stocked with what ever you want to fill it up with. Must remember to turn on the water for the shower and fix the lock on the boys toilet door. There's a hole in the lower glass in the door going to the main hall where a clumsy Explorer Scout put his foot through it, don't know if that will be fixed for the weekend, but it has a nice bin bag selopated over the hole. Hope you all enjoy your stay those who are coming over. Ash [URL="http://www.2ndonchan.net"]www.2ndonchan.net[/URL]