TT preview

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Tonight on BBC NI at 5 past midnight, for those of you with a Skybox.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 1, 2006
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  2. Grimly Curmudgeon

    Monkey Guest

    There's a very good TT documentary on Men and Motors at the moment as well -
    started at 9 and goes on 'til 10.
    Monkey, Jun 1, 2006
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  3. 11 :)
    Martin Coogan, Jun 1, 2006
  4. Grimly Curmudgeon

    SD Guest

    Can you do the honours, please? Like wot you dun with the Southern
    100, etc.

    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/CBX1000Z
    |_\_____/_| ..80264../..21661.../..31308.
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 WG*
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 PM#5
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4 YTC#4 two#11
    '^' RBR'06 Points: 75 Miles: 317
    SD, Jun 1, 2006
  5. It's on tape as we speak. I'll get it up tomorrow.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 2, 2006
  6. Grimly Curmudgeon

    SD Guest

    Top lad.
    I need 24hrs notice these days, too.
    | ___ Salad Dodger
    |/ \
    _/_____\_ GL1500SEV/CBR1100XXX/CBX1000Z
    |_\_____/_| ..80264../..21661.../..31308.
    (>|_|_|<) TPPFATUICG#7 DIAABTCOD#9 WG*
    |__|_|__| BOTAFOT #70 BOTAFOF #09 PM#5
    \ |^| / IbW#0 & KotIbW# BotTOS#6 GP#4
    \|^|/ ANORAK#17 IbB#4 YTC#4 two#11
    '^' RBR'06 Points: 75 Miles: 317
    SD, Jun 2, 2006
  7. I have all these helpful offers from t'internet pharmacies.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 2, 2006
  8. In, Grimly Curmudgeon belched forth and ejected the
    And for those without?
    Whinging Courier, Jun 2, 2006
  9. Fret not; it's going up to Google as I write. Being a half hour prog
    I've split it into 3 parts at the natural breaks. Each part is approx

    Part 1. Pissing around in the pits and blethering to people.

    Part 2. Pissing around in the pits and blethering to people.

    Part 3. A re-run of last year's Senior TT.

    I'll let you know when Google clear it/them.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jun 2, 2006
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