Truckers Are "Four-D"ers: One Killed 7 In Fla.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by kinkysr, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. kinkysr

    Troublemaker Guest

    Lol - it is funny, all this ignorance and hatred you spew. All this
    name-calling and finger pointing you do - just remember, you so-called
    Wiccan: "All good that a person does to another returns three fold in this
    life; harm is also returned three fold."
    Troublemaker, Feb 8, 2006
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  2. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    You're comparing truck drivers to the physicists who dismantled the very
    matter the universe is composed of?
    You're confusing smart/stupid with good/evil. The difference is that
    stupid,good people don't do much more for society than stupid,evil people.

    You *must* admit that truckers are on the lower part of the IQ curve,
    right? If not, let's just walk away since there's no common point to
    start from.
    I guess I wouldn't like the truth, either, if I were a truck driver.
    KK, Feb 8, 2006
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  3. Scenario: You have some oilfield equipment to haul from
    Bakersfield, Calfornia to Farmington, New Mexico. You
    could load it on a truck, haul it to the nearest place
    to transfer it to rail, let it ride by rail to somewhere
    such as Gallup, New Mexico, transfer it back to a truck,
    and haul it to Farmington. You will have consumed the
    better part of a week and have a very complex logistics
    situation compared to loading the equipment once and
    driving it directly to Farmington in two easy days
    Everett M. Greene, Feb 8, 2006
  4. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest


    I never met a truck driver who's come close to accidentally dismantling
    the universe.
    One of us is.

    I wonder which one Jesus would agree with.

    The pomposity of the modern scientist is pretty stunning.

    Above and beyond opposing thumbs, our species' grand accomplishment is
    having developed the ability to render itself extinct, an "honor" reserved
    for us alone.
    That would depend on the arena, of course.

    Instead of your particularly meaningless (other that the -obvious-
    Freudian implication) parameters, what if you and I were to be locked in a
    room with one weapon between us, a more likely confrontation?

    I mean, if we ever meet, we're not sitting down to a chessboard, right?

    But I'd still put my IQ up against yours.
    The truth here is far more damaging to you, my friend.

    You wouldn't be here, period, if your IQ wasn't somewhere in this range.

    Popeye, Feb 8, 2006
  5. kinkysr

    Troublemaker Guest

    Just what is the IQ range of the common troll, anyhow?
    Troublemaker, Feb 8, 2006
  6. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    .... and you never will.

    Jesus said to feed the hungry and help the poor, so he'd probably go with
    the truck driver. But Jesus is imaginary, so it doesn't matter.
    Not in my experience. The most pompous, most useless people I've met are
    Wall Street types.

    You're suggesting we'd be better off without science because we're able to
    kill ourselves?

    No, it really wouldn't.

    What sort of weapon? I'm pretty handy with a knife or a pistol, but no

    I'm smart enough not to assume like that. But statistically, it's very
    unlikely that you'd win that bet.

    I never mentioned my own IQ - or yours. You did (there's that Freudian
    stuff again, huh?). I mentioned IQ in the context of the occupation
    you're defending and are presumably a holder of.

    And what's worse - being a truck driver because you're dumb and
    uneducated, or being a truck driver *despite* being intelligent?
    KK, Feb 8, 2006
  7. kinkysr

    Troublemaker Guest

    *Despite*? So what you are saying is, it's dumb to do something you enjoy,
    are good at, take pride in, and are proud of? Having a broad variety of
    opportunities at ones fingertips to choose as a vocation, it is dumb to
    choose something that makes you happy, as opposed to choosing something that
    society says is "better"? Comforming to the views of others, as opposed to
    choosing your own path, despite the narrow-mindedness of others?

    If ignorance is bliss - you must be in 7th Heaven, my friend.
    Troublemaker, Feb 8, 2006
  8. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest

    How about a lowly patent clerk?
    Good luck.
    No Bucks, No Buck Rogers.
    That's not what I said, Mr. College Boy.

    I said the means to make ourselves extinct.

    It's certainly arguable from the ant and rat colony perspective.

    Definitely via Darwin.

    We start rotting from birth, and science simply prolongs it.
    I doubt you have a metric for that statement beyond baseless fantasy.

    I have been shot and stabbed more than once (and am little worse for the
    wear, IMA) and have replied in kind as well.
    No one said anything about "statistically".

    Even so, let's play a game with your pompous assumptions.

    First, as I am a high school dropout (fact) , what's the chances of my IQ
    meeting or exceeding yours?
    That is incorrect.

    I see your IQ doesn't extend into reading comprehension.
    It would take too long to point out the many errors in the above
    statement, suffice it to say, that of the several professions for which I am
    qualified, I chose OTR driving as offering the most freedom and advantage.
    If your ignorance and arrogance are an example of "education", we're all
    much happier to be where we're at.

    And it still doesn't explain what you're doing here...

    Your "slip" is showing...
    Popeye, Feb 8, 2006
  9. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    No, I didn't say it was 'dumb'. It would be more sad, I guess. In any
    event, I don't think it's likely that there are many intelligent truck
    drivers. I'm sure there are a lot of dopey ones who think they're smart,

    Someone with much of a mind *wouldn't* enjoy the mind-numbing hour after
    hour of highway driving. Keeping a truck going in a straight line for ten
    hours *isn't* something that someone should be taking pride in (or being
    proud of, is that different?), any more than there's any reason other than
    self-indulgence when the Special Olympians all get gold medals.

    Believe me, I'm no conformist to society.
    It's not.
    KK, Feb 8, 2006
  10. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    Oh, so clever. A patent clerk has higher educational and intelligence
    requirements than a truck driver.

    Save it for someone who needs it.

    So, be consistent. Disavow yourself from all gifts of science.

    Well, I'll hand you the real-world advantage with light arms and bladed
    weapons award. Do you think that being shot and stabbed hurts or helps my

    Yes, I did. I asked if you thought truckers were on the lower part of the
    IQ curve. That's statistics.

    I didn't make any claims about *your* IQ or mine specifically. You did.

    Given that fact alone? Statistically, it's very low. That doesn't prove
    anything about your IQ in particular, and I didn't claim that it did.

    You might be the smartest truck driver in the world. There's a tallest
    midget somewhere, too.

    Look in the mirror. I already repeated my sentence that started this.

    I also didn't tout education, and you've no idea what I think of the
    usefuless of it, or its value to those who've had it. Or, for that
    matter, what I've done.

    It's funny that it's *you* who brought up Freud, then proceeded to see all
    the things that bunch your panties in my words, though I never said any of

    I've always been here. What are *you* doing in *this* newsgroup?
    KK, Feb 8, 2006
  11. kinkysr

    J. A. Mc. Guest

    You have some oilfield equipment to haul from
    Bakersfield, Calfornia to Farmington, New Mexico. You
    could load it on a truck, haul it to the nearby yard and transfer the
    trailer to rail, let it ride by rail to somewhere
    such as Gallup, New Mexico, transfer it off and hook on a cab,
    and haul it to Farmington. You will have consumed the
    better part of a week and have saved round trip truck and driver costs.
    About 1/2 day at each end.
    J. A. Mc., Feb 9, 2006
  12. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest

    Cite, please.
    Not previously.
    No, it's not.
    Yes, you did.
    You made some grandly bigoted and ignorant claims about my IQ based solely
    on my profession.

    Next, how about the fact that I'm an Ex-Marine, or that I have 5 tattoos
    and a brand?

    Add that to my drop out/ truck driving IQ resume.
    I'm a truck driver posting in a truck driving newsgroup, responding to
    your sophomoric ignorance.

    Regardless of your newsgroup of origin, you find it necessary to attempt
    to demonstrate your alleged superiority by commenting about the supposed
    inferiority of truck drivers to/in a truck driving forum which you could
    have effortlessly removed from your posting string.

    As I said, your Freudian slip is showing.

    I do not suffer fools gladly.
    Popeye, Feb 9, 2006
  13. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest

    Flush out your headgear, newguy.

    I make an upper middle class salary, own a home in Gatlinburg, Tn and West
    Palm Beach County, and see the sun rise in a different state every day.

    I have satellite, pcs-notebook, and cel comm in the truck, with podcasts,
    e-books and e-docs.

    3400 mp4s on tap.

    I scuba dive in world class mentionable locations once a month.

    That's after retiring from a 24 year career in another field.

    You and KK are grossly bigoted scumbags.
    Popeye, Feb 9, 2006
  14. kinkysr

    TeamZebra Guest

    Dude? OK.. that helps explain a few things. You're either a
    hippie-tree-hugger stuck in the sixtys or some surfer "dude" from
    California... or you just need to grow up. yeah, that's probably it.
    Yes, I'm sure you have driven on the road with trucks.. and
    unfortunately, us trucks have to drive on the road every day with cars.
    Discourteous and unsafe. Hmm... be sure to give us your car description
    and license plate number so if we see your car broke down on the side of
    the road we'll be sure NOT to stop.
    Yeah, well I've had cars tailgate my rig in snow, ice, rain, sleet and
    hail storms. I've had cars fly around my truck doing 70 MPH in a 70MPH
    zone and cut so close in front of me that it disappears in front of my
    hood. And, uh, those trucks going side-by-side on the Interstate
    backing up traffic are actually doing you a favor. If you'll look
    closely (assuming you can get your head out of your a$$ long enough,
    that is) you'll notice those bright orange MERGE signs. Oh wait,
    four-wheelers can't see those can they? Two trucks side-by-side usually
    indicates a lane closed ahead and people trying to jump in the open lane
    at the last minute. either that or one truck is goverened a little
    slower than the other and the slightly faster truck is trying to pass
    the slower one. Man, I wish cars were cut off at 68 MPH.
    OOOHHH... One guy kills someone and we're all bad. When I was a kid I
    had a friend get killed riding a horse. The horse got spooked because
    some drunk in a car thought it was funny to honk their horn as they
    passed him on the road. The horse jumped, he fell off... foot caught in
    the stirrup... drug him down the road and smacked his head up against a
    tree. It was a tragedy that could have been avoided had the people in
    the car been courteous enough to pass quietly. But I don't blame ALL
    car drivers and say they are ALL stupid, drunk assholes. Nor did I
    start a campaign to shoot all the horses of the world and cut down all
    the trees. The world is not perfect, and nothing you say will ever make
    it that way. The best thing for you to do is open your eyes and realize
    there are bad apples in every bunch... not just truckers. If you can't
    handle the pressure of living in such an imperfect world.. most towns
    have at least one gun shop. Find yourself a nice pistol, stick a bullet
    in the chamber and fire it at the side of your head. End your
    suffering... and ours.
    Never been a Teamster... or in any union as far as that goes and
    probably never will. I just speak from experience and maintain a firmer
    grasp on reality that you tend to exhibit.
    Yeah, well, 15-year-olds know everything... except how to obey the law
    that says they can't drive without an adult in the car.
    TeamZebra, Feb 9, 2006
  15. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    You want a cite that a patent clerk position requires a high school

    Yes. In the first post I made in this thread, in fact.

    Yes, it is. An IQ curve necessarily implies a representation of a
    population of people.

    You saying I did doesn't make it so.

    No. I made a general observation about the IQ of people in your
    profession (which you haven't addressed or challenged at all).

    How about it?
    But I don't care about your resume, and it's not about you specifically.

    You keep trying to analyze me from some words I've typed. And you keep

    So it's on-topic.

    As could have the person who posted prior to mine removed the group I'm
    reading in from his.

    I do not think that means whatever you think it means.

    Then you picked the wrong profession!
    KK, Feb 9, 2006
  16. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest

    <snip a piss poor tap dance>

    Well you don't have the IQ to match wits with a truck driver.
    Popeye, Feb 9, 2006
  17. kinkysr

    KK Guest

    You've yet to refute my statement that generated all your self-validating
    , strutting, and name-calling.
    KK, Feb 9, 2006
  18. kinkysr

    Popeye Guest

    You've yet to validate your statement.

    And there's still Freud.
    Popeye, Feb 9, 2006
  19. If you want to load the trailer on the train, you'll have to
    drive to Long Beach or somewhere similar where there are
    facilities for putting the trailer on a train. At the other
    end, you may have to go to ABQ to find a place to take the
    trailer off the train. You've now routed on truckload through
    two congested metropolitan areas just so the trailer can take
    a ride on the train.

    Let's agree that the railroads have gotten quite efficient
    at movement of bulk commodities from point A to point B by
    the trainload as with coal. In this case, the train rolls
    through the loading facilities, travels to the destination,
    rolls through the unloading facilities, and travels back to
    the mine. If the shipper and receiver have rail service to
    their sites, carloads can be handled reasonably efficiently.
    If either has no rail service to the door, things are less
    efficient and if you have less than a carload, the RRs don't
    even talk to you anymore.
    Everett M. Greene, Feb 9, 2006
  20. kinkysr

    Troublemaker Guest

    Judging from your fascination with the Wiccan NG, it seemed like you were.
    Guess it was just another NG you were trolling, you lying sack of ****.
    One could only wish.
    Troublemaker, Feb 9, 2006
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