Triumph Sprint ST

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Michael, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest


    I'm 6'3" tall and really like the feel of the Sprint but my knees rub on
    fairing, can you move the footpegs back a cm or two.
    Michael, Aug 10, 2006
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  2. Michael

    JL Guest

    JL, Aug 10, 2006
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  3. Hi Michael,

    I've got exactly the same problem as yourself, being 6'5-ish. I've not
    been able to find a solution yet, but I've not looked very hard either.
    If you do find something, please let me know.

    I've recently put on a sheepskin, but it didn't provide the necessary
    increase in seat height to solve the problem (made me nice and comfy
    though. On an aside, our dog - Border Collie - decided to get back to
    his sheet dog roots, and has adopted the sheepskin. Of course, there's
    a whole corner of it that's now missing, with what looks suspciously
    like bite marks around the ragged edge...). I've resigned myself to
    modifying the edge of the fairing, if I can ever be bothered.

    Not sure if moving the pegs back would solve my problem though - from
    looking at it, I'd reckon that moving them forward a couple of cm would
    stand a better chance. Moving the pegs backward would seem to drop my
    knee further south, whereas moving them foward would lever the knee up,
    and safely out of the way. Might be different for you though.
    Adjustable pegs would certainly be the "nicest" way to solve the

    If you're considering buying the Sprint, but this has put you off, I
    wouldn't be too worried. Take one for a longer spin, and see how often
    it actually does happen. Every now and then I knock my knee on it (LHS
    more so than the RHS, but then again, my back's pretty stuffed, so I'm
    probably just not sitting right), but it doesn't seem to be a major
    problem. I've certainly not worn through the paint from constant
    rubbing, put it that way.

    If anyone here has some amazingly simple and effective solution, I'd
    love to hear it.

    Matto :)
    05 Sprint ST - now with added dog-drool on the RHS fairing, below the
    VelocityTheory, Aug 11, 2006
  4. Michael

    Boxer Guest

    Have the seat remade a bit higher.

    Boxer, Aug 11, 2006
  5. Michael

    Chris Guest

    Yeah do that.
    You will be supprised by how cheap it can work out.
    Any good upholstery man can do it, or take it to a decent bike shop and
    they can arrange to have the job done. Doing this will straighten your
    legs and draw your knees away from the fairing.

    Chris, Aug 11, 2006
  6. Michael

    DetJan Guest

    DetJan, Aug 14, 2006
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