triumph hesitation

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by eduardo, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. eduardo

    eduardo Guest

    hey-my 70 650 bonneville hesitates badly when i take off. is clip on
    needle which attaches to slide mechanism supposed to be on top or
    middle or bottom slot?
    any help appreciated. ed.
    eduardo, Nov 12, 2006
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  2. Impossible to say unless you can tell us whether the bike is 100% stock
    or has been modified in any way.

    And if by "hesitates badly when I take off" you mean "hesitates when it
    comes off idle" it's unlikely to be the needle setting anyway - more
    likely the pilot setting. But you can always change the needle positions
    to check yourself.

    Actually, on a 1970 Bonnie, it could be anything.... ;-)
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
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  3. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    What kind of carburetors? Amal concentrics? If I had a nice-looking
    Trumpet with Amals on it, I would sell it to Ted Mittelstadt as a
    collector's item and let him suffer with the starting problems once or
    twice a year when he takes it to motorcycle shows.

    If I had a mediochre looking Trumpet that I wanted to ride everyday, I
    would swap it for a nice 1976 Norton Commando. If I couldn't find
    anybody willing to swap his Norton for a Trumpet and about $1500 cash,
    I would install a set of Mickey Rooney carbs on the Trumpet.

    Mikuni carburetors are so much more tunable, they have five circuits
    instead of the three circuits that an Amal had. Mikunis add emulsion
    *air* to the jet tube and to the idle jet, mixing the gasoline and air
    together *before* they ever get to the mixing chamber.

    Mikunis are much more responsive to small throttle openings, which is
    where your problem seems to occur.

    But, let's just *ass-sume* that you have Amal carbs on your Trumpet and
    that The Older Gentleman's toothless Uncle Fester hasn't tried to make
    an air filter out of old red shop towels, and that TOG's drooling
    nephew Cletus hasn't kept his pet hamster in the Trumpet's air box.

    The first thing I would do is clean the ignition points and set the
    timing and replace the spark plugs. If *that* doesn't fix the
    hesitation problem, *then* I would turn the idle mixture screw
    clockwise about half a turn to see if that helps. It reduces the amount
    of air in the idle mixture.

    But, what's this stuff about jet needles? Has TOG's transsexual twin
    brother Brucie been at your carbies?

    The clip on a jet needle is usually installed in the second slot from
    the top, or in the middle slot. If you find that you need to put the
    clip in the lowest slot, your main jet is far too small for continuous
    high speed operation.

    But the whole business about jet needles is off the wall and people who
    mess with the jet needle are usually clueless about how the needle
    works in series with the main jet.

    The clueless ones are usually just messing around with the needle
    because they read a tuning guide somewhere and they didn't understand
    anything about how the various circuits in a carburetor OVERLAP, and
    what circuit they are mainly using at any given time.

    If you're having problems with off-idle hesitation, you work on the
    idle mixture circuit, but only after you get the ignition system
    working perfectly.
    B-12, Nov 12, 2006
  4. You are being unusually poisonous, so I shall not snip what you've
    posted and merely post comment.

    He doesn't have Mikunis so all the above is irrelevant.
    If you are trying to be witty, you really need lessons.
    See above. I'm quite interested in your reference to transsexuality,
    actually - bringing in this sort of reference from nowhere, in my
    experience, speaks volumes about the person making the reference.

    It is interesting that the last regular here to behave like this was
    Depends on the bike and the carb(s). Impossible to generalise.
    This is very true.
    So, actually, your advice is, once one has removed the usual Hemingway
    dressing, what I said earlier. With the added, and wise, advice to check
    the ignition.

    Serious question here: why do you feel the need to write so much
    irrelevant stuff? Reams and reams of it? I mean, the end advice is
    pretty sound, but apart from the need to show off, or possibly the
    desire to bore audiences rigid, I can't see why you drone on like this.
    Brevity is the soul of wit, and a few other things besides.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
  5. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    I was clip clopping across a wooden bridge this AM, and a troll ran
    out, shaking his fist...
    Sometimes it takes a lot of clip-clopping to wake the troll up...
    B-12, Nov 12, 2006
  6. You really, really aren't showing yourself in your best light, you know.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
  7. Heh.

    And a Ducati, Kawasaki and Honda owner, too.

    And in the past, Suzuki, MZ, Triumph, Moto Guzzi, Morini, Jawa.....
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
  8. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't know your twin bother Brucie was that way. It
    was just a joke, yannow...
    B-12, Nov 12, 2006
  9. eduardo

    Guest Guest

    The clueless ones put down Amal carbs because they don't understand 'em.
    They're simple, work great, and easy starting in all weather conditions.
    Guest, Nov 12, 2006
  10. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    Oh, yass. Amal carburetors are so wonderful nobody has used them since
    B-12, Nov 12, 2006
  11. Nope, sorry, still not funny. Just offensive, were I to take offence.
    And still showing yourself in a poor light.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
  12. Still on sale, still being bought, still being used.

    Next pearl of wisdom?
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 12, 2006
  13. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    Ya-a-a-a-wn! There'll always be an England, and collectors will want
    new old crocks to keep in their garage while it rains endlessly.
    B-12, Nov 13, 2006
  14. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    But isn't this what you've been spoiling for, a flame war in

    I guess you just can't please some people.
    B-12, Nov 13, 2006
  15. eduardo

    Guest Guest

    Pardon, but your ignorance is showing.
    Guest, Nov 13, 2006
  16. No. You, OTOH.....
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 13, 2006

  17. So you were wrong, then?
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 13, 2006
  18. No shit.
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 13, 2006
  19. eduardo

    B-12 Guest

    Are you going to write this down on your list of grievances too, Dustin?
    B-12, Nov 13, 2006
  20. <Shakes head, sadly>
    chateau.murray, Nov 13, 2006
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