Well sisters here is the honest truth of it. I am not a Canadian, on my honor, spelled honor, like that la cucaracha Jerry keeps saying. I got Jack Johnson and John L. Sullivan here for any mf who calls me a Canadian again. Bring it greaser, if you can hang, cause I'm am one badass motor bike rider. Here is the honest truth. I set out on Tuesday in a warm misty area of Plano and I did ride straight and steady up to Sanger, Tx on some personal business. By 0945 I was flying 80 mph through the country headed toward Texarkana and my newest internet amigo(for you Jerry), none other than Mr. JayT. I got gas in Paris and sent Willie a note on my Blackberry. He estimated my toa within 15 minutes of actual, despite my getting stopped by the Federalis, or john darm as we say in Toronto. Willie took me to the taco stand of all taco stands. They had a lovely little Niggerina working there and two of the kindest people I have met next to Jerry, who as you all know is incessantly claiming that I am a Canada spy. Two of your relatives was there Geraldo, tossing the red sauce. We had a couple of beers, lunch, went down to the courthouse, took some photos, promised undying affection to one another, and went our seperate ways. I made it home at 10 til 8 after 11 hours on the cherry. Total miles: 527. I plan to stand up later and try out my legs. Don't try it boys. It hurts so good. No I did not get a ticket. Yes I did tell the officer I was armed. No I did not get lost even once. Yes, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana in one day. No armpitted wife Canada spy could do that without a ton of Molson onboard. I am still peeing blood. Willie is a stone gentleman. What a really nice man to meet up with in Texarkana. You all really should make the trip. Where to next Tuesday? Pender Photos are on their way. Just real busy. Thanks Willie. I had a blast.