Trials Training

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by BigJ, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. BigJ

    BigJ Guest

    I've been asked to arange some Motorcycle trials training for my motor

    Had a look round then net and only found one school run by Steve

    Does anyone know anything about him or know of any other schools ??


    Big J
    Lots of numbers I can't remember
    BigJ, Jan 1, 2004
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  2. BigJ

    kinell Guest

    It depends where you are in the country really, the ACU have details of
    approved/accredited trials school trainers. not sure if they have details on the
    actual website but give them a ring and they'll sort you out.

    I've done a few trials days with world class stars and Steve Saunders was
    the best by far. I spent 3 days with him in Pontypool last August
    (hottest week of the year!).

    He's a top bloke, very good at spotting mistakes and helping riders to
    adjust their technique. Trials riding is *ALL* technique :) Not sure if
    you've been on his website but here it is anyway... Good luck.
    kinell, Jan 2, 2004
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  3. BigJ

    Sorby Guest

    That looks like ferkin' good fun. Seems cheap at £50 a day too.

    Shame the rest of the website didn't live up to the smart Flash intro page.
    Sorby, Jan 2, 2004
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