Transponder keys

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Tullyhubbert, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. Tullyhubbert

    Tullyhubbert Guest

    The Blade (RRY) refused to start on Saturday, it turned out to be a faulty
    transponder key. With one working key its possible to get another
    cut/programmed at a Honda dealership. The spare works fine which is a good
    job as apparently if you lose/break both keys the only solution is "new
    ignition system" (whatever that is) at £980 !!!

    Being a passive item I didn't think they were likely to go faulty, anyone
    else had the same problem?

    Tullyhubbert, Nov 30, 2004
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  2. Tullyhubbert

    wessie Guest

    Tullyhubbert emerged from their own little world to say
    It's "passive" in that it does not need a power supply. There is still some
    electronic activity when it is stimulated by the HISS system into giving a

    A number of things could damage the circuitry within the device e.g.
    an electrostatic discharge, probably during the assembly stage
    thermal shock - frost?
    manufacturing defect causing premature fail
    physical shock
    wessie, Nov 30, 2004
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  3. Tullyhubbert

    Stonge Guest

    I have this problem with my cage, I've only got the one key and don't have
    the 'red' key which is used to make copies. If I lose this key, then I need
    a new ignition system - it's a bugger.
    Stonge, Nov 30, 2004
  4. Tullyhubbert

    wessie Guest

    Mark Olson emerged from their own little world to say
    I bet Stonge has a 1990s Fiat. With that system you have to have the
    Special Red Master key to programme it to accept new keys. Watchdog gave
    then a load of neg publicity over it as loads of cars, especially ex
    fleet cars, came onto the used market with only one working key. The red
    key had been "put somewhere safe" in Dilbertworld never to be seen

    Paging SWK: do Fiat still use this type of system?
    wessie, Dec 1, 2004
  5. Tullyhubbert

    TW Guest

    We had one of those very cars (a 2000 Punto) until recently, previously
    owned by Budget. We didn't have the red key and I didn't even know about
    the issue until a prospective punter asked me about it and then walked
    away because we didn't have it.

    Fortunately the next bloke along didn't ask...
    TW, Dec 1, 2004
  6. Tullyhubbert

    Stonge Guest

    '98 Mondeo
    That's the same idea
    Stonge, Dec 1, 2004
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