Traffic Fines

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The mexican got herself a ticket.. First one in her life.. The inspection
    sticker expired on the car.. Since I normally handle all that, she wasn't
    aware.. Since I never drive that car, it slipped by me.. dammit..and all
    those other excuses for it.. The constable who cited her was in Irving and
    the jurisdiction he wrote is in Grand Prairie.. That sharp eyed dude spotted
    the sticker while she was stopped in a school zone..waiting for children to

    I went with her to appear on the ticket.. The fine was assessed at $350.00
    ... Whoa.. isn't that a little steep for an infraction such as this ? So.. I
    leaned over to her and told her to plead "not guilty".. The nice lady, whose
    painted on smile, told my wife that she'd could make payments on the fine..
    No thanks.. don't need favors like that.. "Preciate the offer, but we'd like
    to speak with the judge"..

    The courtroom was packed.. standing room, only.. sheesh.. The fine assessed
    on my wife was small compared to some of the fines being assessed on others
    for similar infractions.. Man.. that's one helluva bid'ness to be in, ain't
    it ?

    The very attractive little attorney for the court smiled and made the same
    offer as the smiling lady cashier.. As witness for the bride, I pointed out
    that the inspection sticker was expired for less than a week, the expiration
    was my own oversight and that the car is registered to me.. Her attitude
    commenced to change.. I also explained to her, that the mexican never had a
    ticket before and wouldn't knowingly violate any law.. I asked her if there
    was a possiblity of keeping the ticket off her driving record, since it
    technically was not a moving violation.. more like a clerical oversight..
    Whew.. you'd have thought the mexican had committed some kind of major
    crime.... That nice lady turned into a ferocious prosecutor who was trying a
    major felony case.. Damn.. lady.. this is a traffic ticket.. and the first
    one she's ever received.. check her driving record.. the cop did.. "That's
    not my job".. she told me..

    "Yep.. you are right... it not your job.. Forget it.. We'll talk to the

    Come on guys.. what I saw and heard in that courtroom was ludicrous.. and a
    bad joke.. There was definitely some shady looking characters in that
    courtroom, charged with a variety of traffic infractions.. Most were just
    ordinary people and charged with minor traffic infractions which we all
    commit.. Those fines being imposed were obscene.. designed to enhance
    revenue for the county, state and city of Grand Prairie.. Those fines,
    imposed extreme hardship on some of those people and they didn't deserve to
    be penalized to that extent, in a court of law and our justice system..
    Sure... if you get a justified ticket, pay the dues and go on.. when those
    dues become as extreme as the ones that I saw and heard, that's way over the

    I sat there and listened to that lady while she so kindly imposed those
    fines and so helpfully offered payment plans and I wondered.. I came to the
    conclusion, that if I ever appeared in that court, a fine of those
    magnitudes were imposed on me, I'd serve the time before I'd pay it.. The
    entire process that is evident in that place of so called justice is nothing
    more than a collection center.. Those are taxpayers who are being assessed
    weeks and even months of income.. Is this what we are all about ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You missed the point of the post, Steve.. A court date is set for March
    17th.. The fine hasn't been paid and the judge hasn't heard the case.. The
    exchange between my wife, me and the little city attorney was nothing more
    than a one sided negotiation.. The final disposition of the case will be
    made after the judge hears it, or perhaps a jury will be involved..
    The total cost of this ticket is $349.00 which is close enough to 350 for
    me.. The posture of most of the court participants is that the defendent is
    obligated to pay whatever fine is assessed or whatever they wish to assess..
    I may pay that amount, but it'll be after they have exercised the full
    process of their system..

    Be that as it may, the point of the entire post was to emphasize the system
    and the manner in which it victimizes anyone who gets caught up in it..
    Whether it is me or anyone else.. This system which should represent a means
    of justice is being used as the tool to inflict extreme harship on ones who
    can least afford it.. I can pay that fine.. Some can't, without extreme
    hardship which affects families .

    Before any officer writes a ticket for a minor infraction such as this, he
    should consider the consequences of the cost's to the offender.. or the
    effects such a fine imposed on his own family would affect.. I had the
    opportunity to observe this constable, close up and personal in the
    courtroom without him being aware of my relationship on the ticket.. I
    watched him carefully while some of the other offenders did what they had to
    do, to take care of their citations.. Arrogance and non-concern for the
    predicaments of some of those people was his attitude..

    The law and all it's intricacies are not the forte of anyone who appeared in
    that courtroom, that day.. Neither is it my arena of expertise.. Our courts
    are there to determine the fairness of our systems, not to penalize good
    citizens, beyond their means.. That isn't justice.. that's robbery.. Good
    law enforcement and fair judicial process has become a mockery .
    The standard fine is normally significantly lower
    The impression from these comments are well taken.. The city of Grand
    Prairie has obviously taken the liberty of maximum fines assessment.. I saw
    two of the tickets dismissed and those two were required to pay a "dismissal
    fee".. Any dismissal fee should be paid by the officer or the court, since
    the offender didn't deserve to be there in the first place.. I made that
    argument in Ft.Worth a few years back and the judge ruled that the dismissal
    fee would be waived..
    I can't speak to the policies in Luling.. or very few other jurisdictions,
    for that matter.. Only the ones where I have actual experience.. Obscene
    fines amounts for minor traffic violations are the issues which should be
    addressed.. The city of Grand Prairie is one such jurisdiction.. This was my
    first experience in that courtroom and what I observed was disturbing .. I
    plan to project my concerns to legislators during the upcoming session..
    With all due respect for your position as a law enforcement officer, as well
    as your expertise in interpretations of the law, the system that we've
    allowed to prevail in our courts and law enforcement is punitive to the very
    public that it is created to protect and serve.. Dismissal and
    Administrative fees are perfect examples.. When a ticket is dismissed
    because the defendent is not at fault, he is still required to pay for the
    privilege of being forced to take a day off from his work to address the
    issue.. The policeman who wrote the ticket should be required to pay the
    fee, if any.. He's the one who didn't execute his job properly and
    inconvenienced the citizen.. The taxpayer is paying his salary .. Seemingly
    ... we've lost sight of the concept which detemines our responsibility..That
    policemans' responsibility is not to penalize and punish the law abiding and
    conscienable citizens in his jurisdiction.. He is there to serve and protect
    them... In the Grand Prairie court, that was evidently a foreign concept to
    all the participants.. They were imposing extreme hardship on the people
    that were unfortunate enough to be captured in their system.. And then to
    add insult to injury, they were trying to make those people believe they
    were doing them favors..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    Damn, $350 for an inspection sticker ticket.

    Maybe you should look at a lesser charge plea, like murder,
    child pornography, political assassination, or terrorism.

    Based on your comment about serving time, I just had to laugh
    at the thought of your response of "inspection ticket", to a cell
    mates query - "whatya' in for"?

    Gary Walker
    The Family, Dec 17, 2004
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... ain't that the truth.. Whew.. now we're talking criminal.. huh ?
    While I sat there and listened to some of the fines being levied on those
    people, I couldn't help but think.. damn.. I'd just do the time for that...
    to hell with 'em.. Chances are, by the time I was in jail for 24 hours, I'd
    be paying the fine.. That's what they are counting on, I'm sure..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
  5. Bill Walker

    The Family Guest

    I dunno', that could be a bargaining/negotiating tactic. I suspect
    they're not interested in supporting you in jail, just the money please.

    Unfortunately, it's not you, but your wife that would have to agree
    to such a stance of denial. Don't know about you, but my wife
    wouldn't be "sent up the river" no matter what the cause.

    Gary Walker
    The Family, Dec 17, 2004
  6. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. heaven forbid.. The mexican wouldn't be a party to even a
    consideration of such an idea... Whew..

    She's been raised in a very close family .. The father was protective as
    hell with her older sisters, plus she has three older brothers that shielded
    her from anything that could have been perceived as a threat.. In our
    fifteen years together, she's been under my own solid protection..

    Now .. this woman is independent and has definitely got a mind of her own,
    but just the idea that she might go to jail would be unthinkable... If I
    should allow that to happen, you could count on half of Mexico invading
    Texas to "spring" her.. I'd more than likely wind up getting a good dose of
    "springin" myself.. For the most part, they didn't really cotton to the idea
    of her marryin' one of those gringoes, anyway... LOL..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
  7. Bill,

    With all due respect to your position as a moron, you should listen to
    people outside your family once in a while.

    Just because you got duped by morons, doesn't mean you have the right to
    blame other police officers or city attorneys.

    Best wishes for your reincarnation.
    Chupa Cerveza, Dec 17, 2004
  8. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFLMAO... wheee oooie.. same to ya'.. Chalupa.. Best wishes for you to
    cross up with Grand Prairie's finest, next time you go through the
    city...See ya'..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
  9. Gosh, $350 is a lot. I had a friend get the same citation, and I think
    his was $150 or little more, I think. Shoot, speeding 5 0r 10 over, isnt
    that much, I didnt think?
    Seems, another friend got a speeding citation, and it was about $300.
    I dont thiink the Expired Inspection fine
    varies, because it a State law, right?
    (Maybe my memory is off) probably is!

    <>Happy Holidays<>Bjay,.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 17, 2004
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Each jurisdiction varies their fines somewhat..As Stephan Rothstein pointed
    out, dismissal charges, court costs, administration costs, etc.. affect the
    amount.. Most base their assessments under the state requirements for
    fines.. With endemic budget shortfalls in most of the jurisdictions, we can
    always expect citations to increase and the fines will become as much as the
    traffic will bear..

    Goes with the territory when the economy is as weak as it's been for the
    past few years..

    BTW.. Bowie county is also a place to watch, when passing through.. City
    police and the county sheriff's dept. don't seem to be so bad, but those
    state troopers are hell on wheels..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2004
  11. <>~~~>BTW.. Bowie county is also a place to watch, when passing
    through.. City police and the county sheriff's dept. don't seem to be so
    bad, but those state troopers are hell on wheels..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    <><><>><>><><><><><you always say that, about Bowie being tuff,
    especially the DPS guys.......I guess, I must be a safe, law abiding old
    Man driver around here,just ain't that bad, that I know about.......I do
    know where to ‘‘watch It’’, every little ole community ha§
    those spots to ‘‘be aware’’.....dont they?
    Now, you get on that old green motorbike, tomorrow, rain or shine, hell
    or highass hera?

    <>Happy Holidays<>Bjay,.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 18, 2004
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <>~~~>BTW.. Bowie county is also a place to watch, when passing
    through.. City police and the county sheriff's dept. don't seem to be so
    bad, but those state troopers are hell on wheels..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    <><><>><>><><><><><you always say that, about Bowie being tuff,
    especially the DPS guys.......I guess, I must be a safe, law abiding old
    Man driver around here,just ain't that bad, that I know about...

    LOL.. you must lead a "sheltered life"...Might want to talk to Coy Lorance
    of DPS and the Estes boys, both DPS and the Sheriffs dept.. They are all
    distant cousins of mine .. Those guys really "get off" on giving tickets to
    "old guys" like you and me.. Whoooeeeeiii..

    .....I do
    know where to ''watch It'', every little ole community ha§
    those spots to ''be aware''.....dont they?
    Now, you get on that old green motorbike, tomorrow, rain or shine, hell
    or highass hera?

    I gotta do it.. It's already been too damn long.. I'll make that toy run, no
    matter what that doctor (ugly bitch) says..LOL...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker

    <>Happy Holidays<>Bjay,.
    Bill Walker, Dec 18, 2004
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The trial date is set for March 17th.. I really don't expect much relief, in
    that courtroom.. I'll more than likely pay the full amount of the fine..
    LOL.. The mexican has made it clear, that principle or not, she ain't
    servin' time..

    The upside is that I'll be in Austin for most of January during the upcoming
    legislative session.. I haven't run the excessive fine assessment by them,
    yet..but I'm thinking that TMRA II would likely be a good place to start..
    At any rate, I get after politicians pretty damn strong, just on my own..
    You can bet that I'll be addressing this issue with some of our illustrious
    legislators while I'm there..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Dec 19, 2004
  14. Bill Walker

    Bownse Guest

    X-No-archive: yes

    Heh. Actually fines are meant to be painful. If they didn't "hurt"
    then people wouldn't think twice before doing it (again).

    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, TX
    "In my opinion you made yourself look more stupider than before." -
    Bownse, Dec 20, 2004
  15. Bill,

    Wasn't myself last week. Glad you were able to laugh about it (veiled
    threats aside).

    Best to you and yours,

    Chupa Cerveza, Dec 20, 2004
  16. Bill Walker

    dcg Guest

    Bill, can you scan that ticket in? Is the $350 fine listed on the
    I checked with the "Grand Prairie" website, and they don't make the
    offense amounts public via the web.
    A more "normal" fine for that offense is around $100 - and they'll
    usually waive that if you get it inspected and pay a "fee".

    According to the Texas Transportation code:
    PLATE. (a) A person commits an offense if, after the fifth
    working day after the date the registration for the vehicle

    A justice of the peace or municipal court judge having
    jurisdiction of the offense may:
    (1) dismiss a charge of driving with an expired motor
    vehicle registration if the defendant:
    (A) remedies the defect not later than the 10th
    working day after the date of the offense; and
    (B) establishes that the fee prescribed by
    Section 502.176 has been paid; and
    (2) assess an administrative fee not to exceed $10
    when the charge is dismissed.
    (c) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
    punishable by a fine not to exceed $200.
    dcg, Dec 20, 2004
  17. Bill Walker

    dcg Guest

    Correction - above applies to expired license plate.

    I did track the City of GP down on the internet. According to their

    The fine should be $135.
    dcg, Dec 20, 2004
  18. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    What threats?

    Me thinks you're a "nervous elk" about it.
    Brian Walker, Dec 20, 2004
  19. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'll do you one better than that...I sat in a courtroom where a guy was
    fined $15 for going 15 over the limit (by a jury). That same "jury" fined me
    $95 for a license light out. Even though the guy admitted to speeding and
    had tickets on his record...and I denied the light being out and showed that
    the deputy who stopped me stopped me for other reasons and wasn't able to
    tell if the light was out or not. Even the judge made a comment during the
    hearing about "how could you tell going down the highway and meeting him if
    his light was out".

    That jury was comprised of people with Mark's mentality..."it needs to hurt
    to serve the purpose" and "the police have to be right, otherwise why would
    they say it".
    Brian Walker, Dec 20, 2004
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    The ticket isn't issued by the city.. This ticket was issued by Dallas
    County Constables.. I don't have a scanner, and I think the court clerk has
    my copy of the ticket, now.. This whole deal has been kind of screwy all
    the way...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 20, 2004
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