The mexican got herself a ticket.. First one in her life.. The inspection sticker expired on the car.. Since I normally handle all that, she wasn't aware.. Since I never drive that car, it slipped by me.. dammit..and all those other excuses for it.. The constable who cited her was in Irving and the jurisdiction he wrote is in Grand Prairie.. That sharp eyed dude spotted the sticker while she was stopped in a school zone..waiting for children to cross.. I went with her to appear on the ticket.. The fine was assessed at 0.00 ... Whoa.. isn't that a little steep for an infraction such as this ? So.. I leaned over to her and told her to plead "not guilty".. The nice lady, whose painted on smile, told my wife that she'd could make payments on the fine.. No thanks.. don't need favors like that.. "Preciate the offer, but we'd like to speak with the judge".. The courtroom was packed.. standing room, only.. sheesh.. The fine assessed on my wife was small compared to some of the fines being assessed on others for similar infractions.. Man.. that's one helluva bid'ness to be in, ain't it ? The very attractive little attorney for the court smiled and made the same offer as the smiling lady cashier.. As witness for the bride, I pointed out that the inspection sticker was expired for less than a week, the expiration was my own oversight and that the car is registered to me.. Her attitude commenced to change.. I also explained to her, that the mexican never had a ticket before and wouldn't knowingly violate any law.. I asked her if there was a possiblity of keeping the ticket off her driving record, since it technically was not a moving violation.. more like a clerical oversight.. Whew.. you'd have thought the mexican had committed some kind of major crime.... That nice lady turned into a ferocious prosecutor who was trying a major felony case.. Damn.. lady.. this is a traffic ticket.. and the first one she's ever received.. check her driving record.. the cop did.. "That's not my job".. she told me.. "Yep.. you are right... it not your job.. Forget it.. We'll talk to the Judge." Come on guys.. what I saw and heard in that courtroom was ludicrous.. and a bad joke.. There was definitely some shady looking characters in that courtroom, charged with a variety of traffic infractions.. Most were just ordinary people and charged with minor traffic infractions which we all commit.. Those fines being imposed were obscene.. designed to enhance revenue for the county, state and city of Grand Prairie.. Those fines, imposed extreme hardship on some of those people and they didn't deserve to be penalized to that extent, in a court of law and our justice system.. Sure... if you get a justified ticket, pay the dues and go on.. when those dues become as extreme as the ones that I saw and heard, that's way over the line.. I sat there and listened to that lady while she so kindly imposed those fines and so helpfully offered payment plans and I wondered.. I came to the conclusion, that if I ever appeared in that court, a fine of those magnitudes were imposed on me, I'd serve the time before I'd pay it.. The entire process that is evident in that place of so called justice is nothing more than a collection center.. Those are taxpayers who are being assessed weeks and even months of income.. Is this what we are all about ? Your friend in Irving Bill Walker