Quite a few years ago, after years of riding the big touring class motorcycles, it was time for me to consider taking a step back- wards.. The GoldWing had become entirely too heavy and awk- ward for me to handle in the day to day traffic .. That great tour- ing motorcycle which had served me so well, was going to be replaced with a lighter and more agile model that I could navig- ate the traffic scenarios which we all encounter every day.. In case my motorcycle got on it's side, for any reason.. I'd be able to pick that puppy up by myself.. if needs be.. Shopping and comparing with a passion.. I finally decided that the Vulcan 800 would fit my needs very well.. This decision was made with a lot of hand wringing and reluctance since I'd not riden a motorcycle with less than 1200 cc's for may years.. Damn, that's sure a small engine for a big ole macho biker like me.. The upshot was that I rode one of those little bitty bikes for a coupla hundred miles and settled up on it.. Never regretted buying that motorcycle.. Not one day of those ten plus years that I've been riding it.. On that last trip down into Mexico, there was an obvious downside to my decision.. We'd run all day against a steady headwind.. The weight and power of my little 800 worked against me.. Gas mileage was very poor, as it was necessary for me to keep that throttle nail- ed in order to keep up with those heavier and more powerful engines of the bikes running with me.. Speed was minimized and at best, keep- ing up was all that I could manage.. hmmm.. Even at that, we did man- age to pick up a speeding ticket on the open highway.. Those bigger bikes.. one a top of the line Harley and the other.. a top of the line sport bike.. just handled that headwind and road conditions that my smaller cruiser was having some problems with.. There can be no doubt, the riders of those bigger and more powerful motorcycles were more comfortable and less stressed than I was.. While they were cranking out top road speed with stereos and Ipods making music for them, I was working that little cruiser to not keep anyone waiting very long.. Goes without saying, times like these and I question the advis- ability of the trade off in weight and power.. Then.. while my friend from Arizona visited with me.. he parked his ElectraGlide on the Mexican's patio, behind the Green Vulcan.. When we took them out of there for a little ride, he needed some help to nav- igate the close quarters.. The Green One whips in and out of that patio with ease and has never required any assistance for manuervering the little feller.. in or out.. Like a pair of rookies.. we parked head on and uphill in a place that was- n't motorcycle friendly.. That ElectroGlide needed to be assisted when we left.. The little Green Vulcan just rolled back with only me.. pulling on those handlebars.. Pros and Cons of the tradeoffs probably counteract each other.. but, they are significant when you consider that you might need to give up a little, just to get a little.. Everything considered.. the little cruiser has stood me well for more than ten years.. Think I'll just keep it for a spell longer.. Regards Bill Walker Irving