Touring in the States ?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nick, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. Nick

    Nick Guest

    Thinking about a biking tour in the US in 2007 ......

    Probably ride east to west....

    Options are to take my bike, or hire out there.. amongst others..

    For taking my bike...

    Obvious pros include - bike is familiar, no rental charge, replacement bike
    (?) if fault develops
    and cons - bike may be damaged in transit, shipping
    costs, Insurance situation,
    possibly no quick fix if something

    and no doubt others....

    Anyone here done it, either hiring there, or transporting from here, and
    what were the pro's and cons in practice ?
    and ? best time of year to do it ?



    CG125 (no- not really !)
    Nick, Jan 5, 2006
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  2. Nick

    wessie Guest

    Nick emerged from their own little world to say
    Here's a travelogue from a chap who shipped his R1150GS over there in Feb
    2004, returning to UK in Nov 2004.
    wessie, Jan 5, 2006
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  3. Do what we did. Offer to host a septic or couple of same, show them the
    UK, lend them a bike, tour with them here.

    And they reciprocate.

    Made some very firm friends that way, and had a whale of a time in the
    US into the bargain.
    The Older Gentleman, Jan 5, 2006
  4. Nick

    YTC#1 Guest

    Ditto.... June for 3 months
    Ditto.... then up and down a bit

    Taking XJ900F, and will probably buy a bike in New York area for Jean.
    Why not ? They have bike shops in the staes ....

    best time ? When you can afford the time and money :)
    Avoid death valley in Sept (apparently)
    YTC#1, Jan 5, 2006
  5. Nick

    Nick Guest

    See you ride a "naked" FJR1300 - which is on my short list - was thinking of
    buying out there and either bringing it back
    but don't know if the paperwork would be impossible or too much aggggggro to

    Any idea what the freight cost is each way ?

    Nick, Jan 6, 2006
  6. Nick

    YTC#1 Guest

    thinking of

    No , I ride an XJR 1300, which has the old FJR lump, tuned for torque and
    lower BHP :)
    Still investigating this option
    I believe it to be 500-600 for a round trip that drops off in NY and picks
    up on the West Coast.
    YTC#1, Jan 6, 2006
  7. Nick

    Mac Guest

    I'm just back from a 6 month trip that included 3 1/2 months in the US
    & Canada.
    I shipped my bike from London to Montreal with
    £800 one way. Not the cheapest but by far the easiest of the shippings
    I did.

    One killer cost is getting temporary US insurance. I was £500 for 4
    months !! (and I might have misrepresented my driving history :)

    Hiring is expensive and for more than 2 weeks is a waste of money.

    If I were going for 3 months again I'd find a bike shop that would sell
    me a bike & buy it back. A new blade there is around $8,000. (Or borrow
    a bike as TOG said). Or buy a bike in Canada, ride to the US & get the
    tax back then ship it home or sell it in the US. I can probably
    remember some of the bike shops that offered to buy back a bike if I
    dig through the business cards I gathered.

    Also - riding East to West ?
    There are good roads on the East and good roads on the West.
    The bit in the middle is dull, straight and flat.
    I squared off my _front_ tyre crossing the middle and I stayed beside
    the Missouri river in the hope of finding _some_ corners.

    Best time of year ?
    June through September was almost always too hot for the leather jacket
    so I bought an armoured mesh jacket that was perfect. Above 10,000 ft
    in the rockies it got chilly and the Canadian rockies were bloody cold
    in August.
    The only time the heat was bad was crossing the salt lake desert (42C)
    but later that day I was back in the mountains where it was lovely.
    Mid summer on the East coast can be very humid but I wouldn't do the
    rockies any other time. Even in mid summer it can snow so the weather
    can dictate your route.

    Details of the trip and maps are under the RTW link on
    Any questions drop me a line - or if you want a copy of the Garmin US
    road & rec

    Hope this rambling helps.
    Mac, Jan 9, 2006
  8. Nick

    CT Guest


    I did Death Valley last September, although had to be careful
    in parts due to the localised flooding.
    CT, Jan 9, 2006
  9. Nick

    YTC#1 Guest

    *ding* !
    YTC#1, Jan 9, 2006
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