
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Rexx, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. Rexx

    Rexx Guest

    Anyone seen the trailer for this film? Looks a bit better than Biker Boyz
    (or whatever it was called).
    Rexx, Feb 2, 2004
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  2. Rexx

    Ben Guest

    I've seen the film.

    It's shit. There are some good riding sequences, but the acting is
    piss-poor and there are some impossible riding sequences, including
    wheelies and stoppies of sportsbikes offroad and a jousting sequence
    where the bikes pull wheelies while stationary.

    Don't bother.
    Ben, Feb 2, 2004
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  3. Rexx

    Slider Guest


    Nice attempt at a recovery :)
    Slider, Feb 2, 2004
  4. Rexx

    Rexx Guest

    I couldn't remember if it was boyz or boi(s/z) - I knew it was something
    with a shit name though. :)
    Rexx, Feb 2, 2004
  5. Rexx

    Cane Guest

    I'd sooner go to see 'Herbie Rides Again'
    Cane, Feb 2, 2004
  6. Rexx

    Ben Guest

    Herbie is more realistic.
    Ben, Feb 2, 2004
  7. Yank friends were not impressed with it, and some even said it was worse
    than Biker Boyz as unbelievable as that may sound...

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    V&S Extreme Photography
    Extreme Racing
    Put Out The Lights On The Age Of Reason
    Veggie Meldrew, Feb 3, 2004
  8. While it is possible to launch a bike from a standstill into a wheelie,
    or park it straight onto the rear light/bar, I believe what's in the
    film is blatantly CGI

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    V&S Extreme Photography
    Extreme Racing
    Put Out The Lights On The Age Of Reason
    Veggie Meldrew, Feb 3, 2004
  9. Rexx

    dwb Guest

    I think most learners manage that on their CBT :)

    "Don't drop the clutch"


    "That's why".
    dwb, Feb 3, 2004
  10. Rexx

    Ben Guest

    In this scene the bike is stationary, the front wheel lifts straight
    up without any forward motion, the bike turns on it's back wheel, hits
    another bike doing the same thing and then drops down.

    It's laughable.
    Ben, Feb 3, 2004
  11. Rexx

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    I saw some chappy allegedly doing precisely that on a Hardley in some dweeb
    piece of Hollyweird crapola once. Hup! Onto the back wheel, the whilst there
    ('pon one wheel) wheelspin and accelerate like crazy at the gentlement
    opening fire with the Uzis; fortunately the engine block of the machine was
    doubling at armour plating at the time. Can't remember what it was called
    but it was a very crap fillum.
    Zobo Kolonie, Feb 3, 2004
  12. In theory it's possible (Wink 1100 does a similar stunt in his '98 vid),
    but I know the pros have seen Torque in the US and laughed their socks
    off at it

    Veggie Dave
    IQ 18 FILMS
    V&S Extreme Photography
    Extreme Racing
    Put Out The Lights On The Age Of Reason
    Veggie Meldrew, Feb 3, 2004
  13. Rexx

    sweller Guest

    Didn't Michael Douglas kick GPZ 900R ass with a Harley Electro Glide, or
    sweller, Feb 3, 2004
  14. Rexx

    Christofire Guest

    I must admit, I'm planning on going watching it. The trailer does show
    some cracking cheese dialogue and unbelievable stunts, with what is
    obviously (as you say above) CGI. With that in mind, I'll be leaving my
    brain in my lid when I watch.

    I'll also test out UGC's helmet policy at the same time.
    Christofire, Feb 3, 2004
  15. Rexx

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Using the gravitational formula: F = GMm / r^2 and substituing the
    appropriate mass values for a Hardley and a Kwak 900 then assuming a
    reasonable distance between the two machines it would appear that the
    Electro Glide wins every time due to its huge gravity well and subsequent
    event horizon :)
    Zobo Kolonie, Feb 3, 2004
  16. Veggie Meldrew, Feb 3, 2004
  17. Rexx

    Ben Guest

    This is true, the start sequence shows a lovely ride through some
    canyons and most of the normal road scenes are spot on.
    Ben, Feb 3, 2004
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