Tories tackle speed camera rules

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by CT, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. CT

    Ben Blaney Guest

    So management of the economy, foreign policy, ideological positions,
    taxation rates, the future of Education and Health, and lots, lots more
    can't entice you to put a cross on a piece of paper once every five
    ....but speeding fines might?

    Sorry, but I find that utterly contemptible.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 30, 2003
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  2. CT

    sweller Guest

    I'm still sitting here open mouthed with disbelief.
    sweller, Dec 30, 2003
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  3. CT

    Steve Parry Guest


    yebbut ... it appears that whoever gets into Government they
    instantly become lying coniving two faced spin lining twats. All
    promises made during campaigns are instantly forgotten which is I
    guess why there is so much voter apathy nowadays. Prime example
    was when the fuel protests where happening and from various polls
    etc most people seemed to be in support of the action being
    taken, but the Government, as per usual, just ignored what the
    public was saying and asking for.

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 30, 2003
  4. CT

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Predictably, I don't agree with this.
    Don't agree with any of that, either.
    Because the public was *wrong*.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 30, 2003
  5. CT

    Steve Parry Guest

    Oh I see so what was it now .. about 80% of the UK public were in
    support of the cause/action yet that clear majority were wrong
    .... hmm some democracy this septic isle has become

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 30, 2003
  6. CT

    sweller Guest

    Whoose figures?
    People really need to understand how a parliamentary democracy works.

    In fact it may be a better idea for people to learn how a modern western
    fucking democracy works. Don't go running away with the idea that you
    feature that highly in it.

    no, I've lost the will to live.
    sweller, Dec 30, 2003
  7. CT

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Ben Blaney, Dec 30, 2003
  8. The Older Gentleman wrote: >

    Didn't the Tories intorduce just such a system in t he early 90s? A chum of
    mine was fined £625 and awarded 6 points for 72 in a motorway roadworks 50
    limit. There were howls of outrage because this and similar punishments
    were fitting the offender's income and not the 'crime'.

    How would you feel about longer jail sentences for younger people on the
    grounds that they can afford more time than older people. Just curious
    Kevin Lambert, Dec 30, 2003
  9. CT

    mups Guest

    We vote a government in to *run* the country for the next five years. Which
    may or may not involve doing things which go against public opinion.
    mups, Dec 30, 2003
  10. CT

    sweller Guest

    You're right. There was a similar system which was revoked because it
    started to make those with a bit of cash start to think of the

    So we returned to the system of fining everyone (say) £50 for a certain
    crime. For some an hours wages, others a months income.
    I can see this gaining popular support. Unfortunately seriously.
    sweller, Dec 30, 2003
  11. CT

    Ginge Guest

    It's not disimilar to the Feudal system in many ways, is it? But with
    the people in positions of power representing the new nobility.

    I mean if you took the dictionary description of democracy it's a system
    whereby the majority (rather than the most powerful) of the people are
    represented by the those they chose to elect. I can't think of anywhere
    that works like that.
    Ginge, Dec 30, 2003
  12. You have the option to keep the points if you want to. Pikey :)

    SimonB - South Wales. BOF#32
    email simonb@zapikdotcodotuk
    Triumph Sprint ST,
    ZXR750L2 Wazimbaki.
    Kawasaki Z1R For Sale
    eric the brave, Dec 30, 2003
  13. CT

    Steve Parry Guest

    .... and the problem with this is ??? ;o)

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 30, 2003
  14. CT

    Steve Parry Guest

    so if they were to decide to ban all motorcycles because they
    deemed them unsafe you'd be ok with that 'cos they were voted in
    and "We vote a government in to *run* the country for the next
    five years. Which may or may not involve doing things which go
    against public opinion. " ??

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 30, 2003
  15. People talk such crap. The other end of the scale. The more you earn the
    more you give back to the governmant in the first place. The more you
    speed the more you give the government. It's nothing to do with anything
    more than another stealth tax.

    I earn nothing. The government funds my drugs habit. I don't have a
    license and the car isn't registered...

    SimonB - South Wales. BOF#32
    email simonb@zapikdotcodotuk
    Triumph Sprint ST,
    ZXR750L2 Wazimbaki.
    Kawasaki Z1R For Sale
    eric the brave, Dec 30, 2003
  16. It does, rather.
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 30, 2003
  17. Exactly. Higher fines for people with private education. Simply because
    their parents can afford it...

    SimonB - South Wales. BOF#32
    email simonb@zapikdotcodotuk
    Triumph Sprint ST,
    ZXR750L2 Wazimbaki.
    Kawasaki Z1R For Sale
    eric the brave, Dec 30, 2003
  18. CT

    AW Guest


    It's missing the point entirely as it is the perception that speed
    cams are revenue raisers by another name that is the "problem".

    What most people seem to want to see is intelligent siting of cameras
    in places where there is a clear need and a move away from the "camera
    solves all" approach. Oh, and police in North Wales having to wear
    false noses and big dunces hats for winning the "Who's Got The Most
    Stupid And Sanctimonious Chief Constable" competition..
    AW, Dec 30, 2003
  19. CT

    Steve Parry Guest


    you are Canes evil doppelganger and I claim my 5 quid

    Steve Parry
    Steve Parry, Dec 30, 2003
  20. CT

    Champ Guest

    As others have pointed out, you seem to have no understanding of

    But, to take your example: I'm sure that 80% of people would answer
    "yes" if asked whether they should pay less duty on fuel. However,
    those same people are likely to be pretty fucking quiet when asked who
    they shortfall in revenue should be compensated for.

    That's the problem with "listening to the people" - the people can't
    agree on what they want from one day to the next. One minute it's
    "we're over taxed" and the next it's "look at the state of the NHS".
    Which is why, as I've said before, populism is a dirty word for anyone
    serious about politics.
    Champ, Dec 30, 2003
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