Top tipple for a Sunday afternoon

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. ogden

    Wik Guest

    Yeah? So can we all put numbers in boxes and figure it the **** out?

    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 5, 2003
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  2. ogden

    Ginge Guest

    Ginge, Nov 5, 2003
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  3. ogden

    Slider Guest

    Wik wrote:

    I think he was referring to the fact that the URL you posted has already
    been posted twice...
    Slider, Nov 5, 2003
  4. ogden

    Wik Guest

    Wik, Nov 5, 2003
  5. ogden

    Wik Guest

    Not on my newsreader it ain't.

    Besides, isn't the normal response supposed to be "*ginge*" followed by
    masses of abuse?

    I feel cheated.
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 5, 2003
  6. William Grainger, Nov 5, 2003
  7. 'snot our fault you've got a crap newserver...
    I'm trying to be a little more original...
    William Grainger, Nov 5, 2003
  8. ogden

    Wik Guest


    Kudos for sorting it out, chap.

    Tedious prole that you can be, I'd rather have you around than not.
    | Wik -UKRMHRC#10- 2000 ZX12R-A1 -DC#1 -'FOT#0 'FOF #39 - BOD#12 BOB#12
    |# You don't believe me | "Experience is the worst teacher.
    |That the scenery | It always gives the test first
    |Could be a cold-blooded killer. | and the instruction afterward."
    ***** human response from wik at blueyonder dot co dot uk *****
    Wik, Nov 5, 2003
  9. Will'd dad reckons they made up the numbers in the (60s?). Basically,
    the number of units the scientists recommended was deemed to be too
    high and so they cut it down drastically.
    I can't be arsed to google to see if it is indeed crap or not.
    Power Grainger, Nov 5, 2003
  10. ogden

    Champ Guest

    Jesus on a motor scooter!

    My average is probably around 10 a week. Probably only Paul Corfield
    drinks less than this.
    Champ, Nov 5, 2003
  11. I actually have alcohol abuse on my medical record. This was from
    mentioning to a quack that I was drinking around 50 pints a week. At the
    time I thought this was quite normal. I still know lots of people that
    drink more than that and don't seem adversely affected.

    I'm down to 40-45 a week now, so that's probably ok.



    Ooh look, bikes and numbers and stuff!
    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    VTR1000 Firestorm
    RGV 250
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, Nov 5, 2003
  12. ogden

    athomik Guest

    Session 1 on my Drink Driver Education course taught me a) the "not a good
    number " idea above [1] and, more importantly, b) the recipe for a 'Turbo

    [1] which explains why I'm on this bloody course in the first place.
    [2] which sounds like a lot more fun than the course
    athomik, Nov 5, 2003
  13. ogden

    athomik Guest

    Apparently the number was agreed between scientists (high number), teatotal
    groups like Amethyst (0) and the BMA (middle ground) and was originally
    deemed to be 21 units (14 for females). Since this made it sound as if it
    was ok to drink all your weekly allowance in one big piss-up, rather than
    promoting regular, but moderate drinking, the figure usually quoted these
    days is 3-4 units per day (2-3 for females).

    BTW, the average for 15 members on a particular drink drive course recently
    was about 60 (lowest 0, most between 40 & 80, two at 100/117)
    athomik, Nov 5, 2003
  14. ogden

    deadmail Guest

    What worked for me was coming around in the morning with a splitting
    head being told I'd downed a bottle of vodka in an hour, proceeded to
    become abusive and then went to bed... only to be found an hour later
    lying on my back coughing on my vomit.

    I stopped drinking to silly excess on a daily basis then. I think I
    probably drink in the region of 30-50 units a week at the moment which
    must be fine and dandy.
    deadmail, Nov 5, 2003
  15. I think my average for the last 8 months is zero.
    Paul Corfield, Nov 5, 2003
  16. I can understand that.
    This is what I thought was the case but you've confirmed it.
    Err done that quite few a years ago. Very similar stories to those
    elsewhere in the thread but without the drinking of bottles of spirits.
    Yep - can understand that.
    Paul Corfield, Nov 5, 2003
  17. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Er, meant a bottle (or more) of vodka for him.
    Well fortunately for me it was just a case of deciding to drink less and
    sticking to only drinking in moderation, so I'd class myself as an ex
    heavy drinker rather than an alky.
    Like everyone I still get a bit leathered from time to time, but I
    don't have one shandy and wake up the next day on a park bench or
    anything ;)
    Heh. I'm usually at my most tediously prole-ish when I've had a few.
    Go figure.
    ogden, Nov 5, 2003
  18. ogden

    Champ Guest

    Well, that's going to be tought to beat. Anyone?
    Champ, Nov 5, 2003
  19. ogden

    Sean Doherty Guest

    **** no. I haven't had a drink today though.
    Sean Doherty, Nov 5, 2003
  20. ogden

    PeterT Guest

    Paul Corfield
    How can zero be an average, unless you produced and extracted booze from
    your veins?
    PeterT, Nov 5, 2003
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