GPS has been done and done to death on UKRM but I've just had a few days of personal experience of the Tom Tom. It was a completely positive experience and I can recommend the little bugger, far better than most in-cage OEM solutions. The level of detail of the maps is awesome, even having the various roads inside m-way service stations correct. The 1gig card carries maps for most of Europe in acceptable detail. If you ignore a turn for whatever reason it recalculates the route in a few seconds. The touch screen is excellent. The ability to drag the map around on the screen and tap on names to zero in is nice. The set up options have most things you might want and the 3D map is an interesting aid to fast night A-road driving! Although a bit larger than some the bigger clearer map image is perfect for hopeless cunts like myself. It's not a waterproof design but a little work would make it fine for in-fairing mount (possibly just a freezer bag). All in all for £400ish a bargain. The Tom Tom gets quite insistent as a turn approaches! it would be nice to have the ability to edit the voice commands though. "You ignorant cunt I told you to turn left, you're on your own now fuckwit"