Toll roads

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    What's the story for transitory motorbicyclists with regards to tollways in
    Sydney and Melbourne?
    What do I do if I accidentally get sucked into one of those
    wealth-stripping funnels while innocently transiting next week?
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
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  2. Knobdoodle

    bikerbetty Guest

    i think if you're in Sydney you're Up Shit Creek mate! I suspect you might
    be able to call some phone number or other in Melbourne if you think you
    might've transgressed their magical RingRoad Whatsits...aaaargh!

    But hell, what would I know? I'm just a poor Learner in Canberra, where it
    isn't the guvmint or the Toll Road owners so much as the ute drivers who are
    trying to kill you!

    bikerbetty, Feb 23, 2006
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  3. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    So is that still the case?
    Is that official [bikes are free] or is there nominally a toll but they
    don't pursue you to collect it?
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
  4. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    But you posted a reply and that's what's important!
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
  5. M7 has signs, you call them within 48 hours to pay.

    No tag here either, I dont really need one.

    Alan Pennykid, Feb 23, 2006
  6. Knobdoodle

    Dale Porter Guest

    Transurban have listed prices for motorcycles on the tollways, but are yet to devise a way of collecting the toll. End result,
    m/bikes travel the tollways in Melbourne free of charge. :)
    Dale Porter, Feb 23, 2006
  7. Knobdoodle

    PB Guest


    In Sydney, the new M7 and Cross City Tunnel are cashless. So you are pretty
    much screwed there. I think you just go through, get your letter and pay
    then. I got one from a mob called Statewide Roads and had to pay an extra
    fee 'cause I had not etag. Or you can find out the phone numbers and call
    then to find out what to do.

    As far as the M2, M5, M4, Eastern Distributor, Harbour Tunnel and Harbour
    bridge you can pay up to 4.50 at the gates.

    I just realised ... jeez we got a shit load of tolls in Sydney.

    Hope that helps.

    DO you have any idea where you are travel to and from in Sydney. I can give
    you a heads up on which tolls will apply.

    PB, Feb 23, 2006
  8. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Mate; I don't PLAN on going on any of those roads but I have a history of
    sorta' getting lost....
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
  9. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    (I dunno' if the K75 could've outrun the cameras!)
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
  10. When are you passing through Clem

    Alan Pennykid, Feb 23, 2006
  11. Knobdoodle

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Probably hitting Sydney Tuesday night (28/2) and Wednesday morning Al.
    There's so many roads I want to try and so many people I wanna' catch up
    with I could spend a fortnight but it'll be a typical
    wave-and-toot-the-horn visit instead.
    Knobdoodle, Feb 23, 2006
  12. Knobdoodle

    PB Guest

    Then remember all those toll road names.

    PB, Feb 23, 2006
  13. Knobdoodle

    Dale Porter Guest

    Why bother remembering the road names? It's not as though Sydney is a world leader where sign-posting is concerned. :-/
    Dale Porter, Feb 23, 2006
  14. Knobdoodle

    Boxer Guest

    Take your e-tag with you Clem

    Boxer, Feb 23, 2006
  15. Knobdoodle

    JL Guest

    Given your distaste for Sydney and desire to avoid her, you might actual
    find the $15 money well spent, you can get from the end of the Newcastle
    freeway to the start of the Hume freeway in about an hour with no
    traffic lights.

    (of course if you want to ride *interesting* roads contact Al P and go
    down the putty and via one of his backways to the Southern Highlands
    then down to vic by any thing OTHER than the hume)
    JL, Feb 23, 2006
  16. Knobdoodle

    GB Guest

    One wonders, if one goes nowhere near these magical whatsits but
    calls up, quotes a rego number, and asks "have I been recorded
    as passing through a whatsit?", what the answer would be.

    I'm a cynic, I reckon they'd take your money.

    GB, Feb 23, 2006
  17. Knobdoodle

    Aeek Guest

    You're missing the point if you think its only the utes, or all the utes.
    There are dickheads in everything + plus everyone has the bad moments.

    Aeek, Feb 23, 2006
  18. $8. If they bother.
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 23, 2006
  19. I still haven't been charged for last months efforts.
    Pisshead Pete, Feb 23, 2006
  20. Knobdoodle

    bikerbetty Guest

    yeah, i noticed - last week it was 4WD drivers on the Clyde, and the week
    before that it was a yobbo in a shitbox stationwagon at a set of lights -
    but yesterday it was ute drivers.

    Paranoid? me?

    bikerbetty, Feb 23, 2006
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