Toll Notices

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by will_s, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. will_s

    will_s Guest

    Just received one from the M2 for $12.20 (includes admin charge of $10 ).
    The interesting thing is I could most probably fight it and win but is it
    worth the hassle. The notice is wrong because it shows the vehicle
    classification as "Car".

    Now I opened a pass account when I returned from my trip and received this

    "Transaction completed successfully Thank you for your request to open a
    Roam e-PASS account. The lodgement number for your application is xxxxxxxx.
    You are now able to travel on Westlink M7 (see and have the
    trips charged to your e-PASS Account"

    BUT cant remember receiving a follow up email from Also I
    thought roam covered the M2 as well.......

    Fark I hate these pricks

    will_s, Jul 27, 2007
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  2. will_s

    me Guest

    Will, I don't think I'd be giving it a run for it's money based on that defence. If time, date,
    place, reg number etc were in contention then by all means yes, worth a try. But the words "car" or
    ""bike, "driver" or "rider" are merely clerical errors and suitable adjusted at court, thereby
    leaving you in a precarious position with no other defence? I don't think I'd be going to court
    over $12.20 anyway.
    me, Jul 27, 2007
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  3. will_s

    JL Guest

    If you have an e-tag or equivalent then just fill in the form that
    comes with the notice and fax it back to them and you'll be only
    charged the actual toll. BTW are you sure that was the M2 not the M4 ?
    M2 is 4.40, M4 is 2.20 ... (there's some sort of weird symmetry there
    isn't there ?)

    JL, Jul 27, 2007
  4. will_s

    will_s Guest

    I am just your average country bumpkin who has no fking idea about the
    tolls. Apparenty there is a toll booth on the M2 where you can pay but I
    cant remember seeing it or I assumed that the e pass account I was creating
    would pay for it.( I think I am getting that horrible disease where you cant
    remember but I cant rememeber its name ) If I had created an etag then that
    would work on all tolls but the epass doesnt work on the M2.

    Now after ringing the M7 Roam and finding out they charged my credit card
    but the M2 is different and wont accept epass according to the roam girl
    and M2 bloke I spoke to yet the notice shows that you can pay using your
    roam account ????????.

    Also we came back the same way so I would assume there is another notice on
    the way ?

    I guess purchasing an etag may be the way to go .....
    will_s, Jul 27, 2007
  5. will_s

    JL Guest

    Well to be honest I'm not sure, but if you go to the RTA website
    there's a link there to the various toll roads websites and you can
    get the info you want with a bit of hunting and reading.

    What I would do though is fill in the form, put your Epass number on
    it (I assume they've given you one of some sort - I've never used
    that option) and fax it back - given how half arsed they are about
    enforcing this stuff that's probably enough to make 'em go away.

    I'd also do the passive resistance part of waiting for it to get to a
    point where you're either getting a letter from the state govt mob
    that enforces debts (SDRO) before paying the $12 but that might
    backfire into you have to pay $12 plus some additional fee
    Yeah that's what they want you to do

    JL, Jul 27, 2007
  6. will_s

    will_s Guest

    From an enquiry email I sent

    <start quote>
    However, at this stage the Roam e-TAG Device is not recommended for
    motorcyclists as the tag is required to be mounted onto a window and is also
    a safety issue for the rider.

    As you are a Roam e-TAG holder - trips made on the M7 with the Motorcycle
    you register to your account will be charged to your account via video
    matching. This is where a video image is taken of your number plate and your
    account is then charged accordingly. Usually there is a video imaging fee of
    75 cents; this fee is being waived for motorcycles.

    Additionally, as video matching is only an option for the Westlink M7, if
    you use other toll roads, you will be required to pay cash. There is no
    estimated time as to when other toll roads will have video matching
    facilities unfortunately.
    <end quote>

    It was funny but they told me ( M2 ) on the phone that I could but it in my
    jacket pocket and it would work. I guess its a case of no guarantees. FFS,
    the RTA should be in charge of all tolls and have all the relavant
    information about all tolls in the one spot and weekly they could transfer
    monies due to the owners of the tolls
    will_s, Jul 29, 2007
  7. In on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:48:20 +1000
    The difficulty with jacket pockets is not just they dont' work well
    there, but the little buggers tend to split into sharp shards if
    thumped hard. Such as being landed on.

    Not a high risk, but one you should be able to choose to take, not be
    forced to take.

    If you have an e-tag then don't bother taking it with you. Make them
    spend the money to chase you.

    Zebee Johnstone, Jul 29, 2007
  8. will_s

    Boxer Guest

    Agreed I have my motorcycle e-tag registered with all of my bikes
    registrations, it sits in my office drawer so as ot to get damaged. In any
    case if I ride to the left of the toll booth lane the bike does not register
    and no toll is charged.

    Boxer, Jul 29, 2007
  9. will_s

    will_s Guest

    With modern technology surely they can figure out a half decent way for
    motoebikes to pay for tolls

    Anyway will do as you suggest........
    will_s, Jul 29, 2007
  10. will_s

    killermail Guest

    I got fingered by the RTA for travelling in a bus lane through an etag booth
    and I sent this email to the RTA and got a response back!

    Sometimes you can't just win!

    Dear RTA
    I just received a toll notice for crossing the Harbour bridge and not paying
    the toll.

    I was in the bus lane traveling south on my motorbike (motorbikes are
    allowed in bus lanes) When I got to the toll booth there was an e-tag only
    payment option (you can not get tags for motorbikes) I could not get off the
    bus lane as there was a traffic island between lanes. This left me no option
    but to go through the toll gate.

    Because you have failed to adequately signpost the lane as e-toll only, and
    that you fail to provide an option to pay cash at this lane and that you don't
    even have a tag that works for bikes I have been fingered an additional $5.

    Please explain why you charge a toll for motorbikes whilst Victoria doesn't
    and if you do have to charge a toll for motorbikes why you don't have an
    e-tag (after 7 years of operation) for motorbikes and why you don't have an
    option to pay cash on this lane.

    As a licensed motorbike rider I have the right to use bus lanes, please
    explain how I can cross the bridge using the bus lane.

    Look forward to your response to:

    1:Why NSW bikes have to pay a toll when Vic Roads don't

    2:Why you don't have an e-tag for a motorbike after 7 years of operation.

    3:Why a motorbike cant use the bus lane to cross the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

    4:Why you charged me an additional $5 administration fee to use a bus lane.

    I recieved this email back:

    Dear Killer,

    Thank you for your enquiry.

    The Bus lane on the Sydney Harbour Bridge is clearly marked as an E-Toll
    lane, meaning vehicles eligible to use a Bus lane require an electronic tag
    in order to do so.

    Tags will not work with all types of motor cycles, and the RTA is working
    with the Motor Council of NSW towards a solution. In the meantime, a tag
    fitted to the rider's side of a motorcycle windshield will work but a tag so
    fitted may need to be protected from wet weather to ensure the tag continues
    to operate.

    For weather protection, it is recommended that a silicon sealer be placed by
    the user:
    · All around the tag casings join;
    · All around the join between the tag and the already attached tag bracket;
    · Over the small holes on the tag casing that displays the RTA logo.

    A tag bracket will need to be fitted to enable the tag to be removed from
    the motor cycle windshield. Tag brackets are available from any of the RTA
    nominated Motor Registries that service E-Toll. A list of those registries
    can be found at the following link:

    Tolls are charged on the NSW tollways as although motorcycles have almost no
    physical impact on a road, motorcars also have little impact as roads are
    designed for large (44 tonne) trucks. Climatic impacts on pavements such as
    heat, cold, rain and sunshine should be shared equally by all vehicles.

    The tolls charged on the Victorian motorways are determined by a private
    company, Citylink, in Victoria if you wish to enquire why they do not charge
    tolls I have provided their contact details below:

    Ph: 132 926
    Fax: 03 9920 8676

    The $5 administration fee is not for using a Bus lane, it is for using an
    E-Toll lane without an electronic tag present on the vehicle, your toll
    notice will have information on how to make a payment of the deferred toll
    amount or lodge an objection.

    I hope this information has been of some assistance.

    E-Toll Customer Service
    Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW

    The information contained in this email is subject to change at any time
    without notice.
    killermail, Jul 31, 2007
  11. will_s

    killermail Guest

    No havent killed a Chinaman latley but........might be a good idea, like
    theres just so many of them, like just one isnt that many.....maybe if .....

    What flight you on tomorrow?
    killermail, Jul 31, 2007
  12. will_s

    Boris Guest

    "I got fingered"? A good choice of words considering your recent history with The Establishment.
    You seem to be clocking up a "run of outs on the board" lately killer; ya kill a Chinaman or
    Boris, Jul 31, 2007
  13. will_s

    Boris Guest

    Hahahaha, that's right. I have to fly from Maroochy to Sydney to prove you're tough. Hahahaha, ya
    Boris, Jul 31, 2007
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