[QUOTE] this sounds like a different Steve to the guy I rode (me on my TRX850, Champ on his new-ish Gixer Thou, you on a 9r) with (with Champ and Ben Sales?) on that run from that pub somewhere to somewhere else where you came out with the inspirational (to me) line about "I really enjoyed that last bit; some particularly dangerous overtakes". That day augmented my personal "anything you got away with was inherently safe by definition" philosophy". Please tell me you've not gone soft.[/QUOTE] I've sold the sports bike and ride BMW K's through choice. Mind you the challenge is much greater on the K and there's much more skill in planning the overtake because (I think) it's more about the position on the torque curve than downright power. The K doesn't as much accelerate as gather momentum. Still manage to do the same number of sharp intakes of breath though. I tend to get my jollies from filtering and overtaking lines of traffic rather than cornering these days. Although there's a certain amount of pleasure gained dragging my pegs; especially at the entrance roundabout to my office campus but I have to balance this bit with being a responsible member of staff... [QUOTE] oh, yes.[/QUOTE] It's even better on an old bike. Of course the fuckers come back at you and fly past at 120+ given the first clear, straight bit. Makes it even *nicer* if you can catch them in traffic again. I'm convinced I get as much pleasure out of riding an old bike close to its limits as a new bike well within its limits. I was also thinking today that my corner entry speed isn't *that* much slower on the K100 and came to the conclusion that my limiting factor in corners was visibility (and ability...)