Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog Introduction and Chapter 1 Options

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    “Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!”
    (THE TALMUD: Sanhedrin 59)
    A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But
    it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is
    less formidable for he is known and carries his banners openly.
    But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his
    sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very
    halls of government itself... for the traitor appears no traitor: He
    speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their faces
    and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in
    the souls of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works
    secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of
    the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
    resist. A murderer is to be less feared. — Cicero
    “Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!”
    (THE TALMUD: Sanhedrin 59)


    This is the free abridged version containing the first six of twelve
    chapters. Please purchase the entire book at our website:

    Kill the Best Gentiles!

    Copyright ©2002 Holy Western Empire, LLC.
    All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright
    Published in the United States by Holy Western Empire (HWE), LLC.
    United States Copyright Office: This book/manuscript may not be
    reproduced in
    any form or by any means without permission of the publisher.
    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: TXu 916-945, 10 September
    Post Office Box 2821, Easton, Maryland 21601, United States of
    In Memory of:
    “Now, there was a man!”
    + + +

    John Geraerd Crommelin, Jr., Rear Admiral, USN, served in
    the Pacific Theater during WWII, as Executive Officer, and Air
    Officer, aboard the USS Enterprise, CV-6 (the most decorated ship
    in naval history). Crommelin, was acknowledged by the crew as
    the “heart and soul of the Big-E.” Later, holding the Legion of
    Merit with a Gold Star; a Combat “V,” a Presidential Unit Citation,
    a Letter of Commendation, and a Purple Heart, he was given
    Command of the then most advanced aircraft carrier in the world,
    the USS Saipan (CVL-48).

    In 1949 Admiral Crommelin precipitated a Congressional
    investigation that prevented powerful Communist influence
    within the U.S. government from crippling the U.S. Navy and tipping
    the balance of military power in favor of the Soviet Union. In
    1987, Rear Admiral Crommelin was elected to the Carrier Hall of
    Fame, located aboard the preserved USS Yorktown (CV-10),
    Patriot's Point, Charleston, S.C. His plaque, next to that of
    of the Navy James Forrestal, reads:
    “In 1949 he sacrificed his 4.0 Naval career by precipitating
    the ‘Admirals’ Revolt’ that saved Carrier Aviation.”
    The purpose of this book is to present to WHITE YOUTH
    factual information conventionally suppressed or distorted by the
    mass media, and denied them by schools and universities — which
    are forced to promulgate the Marxist line or lose their government
    subsidies. Appearing throughout the text are quotes from world
    authorities whose credentials appear in the bibliography. Upon
    GENTILES!) you will understand that — despite loud protests of
    denial — an age old CONSPIRACY does exist to destroy Western
    Civilization. At this moment we are engaged in a deadly war with
    the HISTORIC ENEMY to determine whether or not our Nation
    will endure. We are losing that war because an Iron Curtain of
    censorship has descended over the landscape abrogating the First
    Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Without
    Freedom of Speech our system of government cannot function.
    The hour is late. You and your family are in grave danger. We will
    present the FACTS then discuss what actions must be taken.
    Best wishes,
    James W. von Brunn
    Post Office Box 2821
    Easton, Maryland 21601
    8 June 1999 (Remember the U.S.S. Liberty.)

    1. The Conspiracy
    2. Khazars Invent Judaism
    3. The Illuminati
    4. Money
    5. Spirochetes of Jew Syphilis
    6. The “Holocaust” Hoax
    7. Mendelism
    8. The Negro
    9. The Aryan Force
    10. Parasitism USA
    11. Pathology and Synthesis
    12. Summing Up
    Distinguished Personages
    Letter to US SecNav Webb
    Letter from Admiral Crommelin
    Gen. Anderson news item
    Letter to Talbot County Council Star-Democrat:
    Two (2) editorials in re Genetics
    Poem by Josephine Beaty
    Cicero ii
    More than anything else this book is a compilation of
    research data, ideas, and writings of men and women whom I
    admire, whose words have inspired me, and from whose writings I
    have liberally borrowed. I have attempted to acknowledge and
    credit my sources throughout this work. Special acknowledgement
    must be given to Oswald Spengler, Francis Parker Yockey, Wilmot
    Robertson, Revilo Oliver, and William Gayley Simpson. However,
    they should not be held accountable for the conclusion arrived at
    in my manuscript. In that sense the MS is my responsibility alone
    — as are its failures.
    — JvB

    For thou art a Holy people unto the Lord thy God. And
    the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself
    above all the nations that are upon the earth.
    THE HOLY BIBLE (Torah): Deuteronomy 14:2.
    All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation
    which, consequently, is entitled to seize it without scruples... A
    Jew may act contrary to morality if profitable to himself or to
    Jews in general.
    TALMUD: Schulchan Bruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.
    We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the
    goyim by rearing them in principals and theories known to us
    to be false although it is by us they have been inculcated.
    Protocol 9:10.
    You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our
    guilt. We ARE intruders. We ARE disturbers. We ARE subverters.
    We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny,
    and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not
    merely of your last great war but of nearly all your wars; not
    only of the Russian but of every other revolution in your history.
    We have brought discord and confusion, and frustration
    into your public life. We are still doing it. Who knows what
    great and glorious destiny might have been yours had we left
    you alone?
    MARCUS ELI RAVAGE, JEW Century Magazine, January
    Let me issue and control a nation’s money And I care not
    who makes its laws.
    1. Throughout this book I have inserted into my own text, and into
    text quoted from others, words to identify individuals as Jews so
    that the reader will not have to depend upon context or memory to
    make the proper identification. — JvB

    WE ARE WITNESSING today on the world stage a
    tragedy of enormous proportions: the calculated destruction
    of the White Race and the incomparable culture it represents.
    Europe, former fortress of the West, is now over-run
    by hordes of non-Whites and mongrels. The same is true of
    Australia and Canada. The once productive White civilizations
    of Rhodesia and South Africa, extorted by the ILLUMINATI
    and its enforcement unit, the United States, have
    been forced into DEMOCRATIC governments, thereby surrendering
    their White families to the mercy of numerically
    superior and mentally inferior Negroes whose ancestors were
    incapable of inventing even the wheel. The most concentrated
    attacks on the White Race, however, are occurring in
    the United States of America.

    TIME magazine (4-9-90) reports that during the first
    half of the 21st Century (U. S. Census Bureau statistics), the
    White population of the United States will become a minority
    in its own land! “The ‘browning of America’ will alter
    everything in society from politics and education, to industry,
    values and culture... the new world is here. It is now. And
    it is irreversibly the America to come.” TIME goes on to say:
    “The former majority will learn as a normal part of everyday
    life, the meaning of the Latin slogan engraved on our coins
    — E pluribus unum, one formed from many.”

    Ben Wattenberg, JEW, spokesman for American Enterprise
    Institute, Washington, D. C., commenting on America’s static White
    miscegenation and the flood of non-White immigration enthusiastically
    “There is a nice chance that the American myth is going to ratchet
    another step, in the 1990's and beyond, toward this idea that
    we are the UNIVERSAL NATION. That rings the bell of
    manifest destiny! We are a people with a mission and a sense
    of purpose, and we believe we have something to offer the

    The “American myth” (created by JEWS) alleging our
    Founding Fathers intended that all races, from pygmy to
    Ainu, be invited to our shores, is based on Thomas Jefferson's
    words in the Declaration of Independence: “...all men
    are created equal.” The meaning of this much quoted statement
    has been distorted by the ILLUMINATI which subjectively
    is re-writing history and wielding the alleged
    “HOLOCAUST” like a battle-ax at the heads of those proclaiming
    genetic certainties: Men and races are NOT created

    Jefferson's statement can be understood only in context
    of his Era. Our Founding Fathers were Aryans, men of good
    breeding who understood, empirically, the great differences
    existing between strains of horses; strains of live-stock; races
    of men; and between individuals: knowledge confirmed
    today by the natural sciences of Genetics, Eugenics, and
    Anthropology. Hitler, as American boobs are beginning to
    learn, was not all wrong.

    The Framers of our Constitution, representing thirteen
    slave holding colonies expected to build a bastion of Western
    Culture in America for their White progeny. Jefferson, owner
    of many slaves, was NOT endorsing racial equality. The
    thought would never have entered his head (He also said,
    “...the two races equally free cannot live together under the
    same government.”). Jefferson referred to equality before the
    law — as it pertained to the burning issue of the day: “Taxation
    without representation.”

    The Founders also wanted a government in which the
    supreme power lies in the People. The Founders knew, however,
    that in this very imperfect world intelligent and capable
    people are always outnumbered by the unintelligent and incapable.
    Ergo, the majority vote nullifies the intelligent vote. The
    Founders also knew that the masses are easily controlled by
    unscrupulous, ambitious men. Therefore, in their wisdom
    the Founders created a Republic with strong checks and balances
    — NOT a DEMOCRACY — knowing that Democracy
    is intended to destroy the freedoms it presumes to
    protect. Accordingly, the franchise was held so precious that it
    was limited to White men deemed capable of exercising
    responsible votes. The Framers were influenced by Plato’s
    discourses contemning “rule by the majority,” and by the history
    of that remarkable city-state, Athens, during the Golden
    Age of Pericles (c. 430 B.C.). Athen's total population of
    130,000 consisted of 50,000 citizens (Greeks, closely
    inbred); 25,000 metics (Aliens in residence); and 55,000
    slaves. In that highly acclaimed “Democracy” — which
    produced many of history’s greatest men —women, metics, and slaves
    were denied the vote; and citizens
    were forbidden to marry slaves.

    Alexis de Tocqueville observed: to establish a power base
    in a DEMOCRACY it requires only that one profess belief
    in egalitarianism. This is precisely the stratagem initiated by
    the ILLUMINATI during the last half of 19th Century
    America. Fat with profits harvested in the Civil War, JEWS
    were like worms attacking a ripe cornfield. Their strategy, in
    accordance with the PROTOCOLS was: 1) Convert the
    American Republic into a DEMOCRACY; 2) Establish a
    Rothschild central-bank; 3) Capture the mass-media; 4)
    Enact a personal income tax; 5) Destroy White nationhood;
    and 6) hitch America's incredible resources, strength and creative
    energies to JEW aspirations, among which was the
    destruction of Germany, avowed enemy of LIBERALISM/
    MARXISM/JEWRY and Fatherland of the White Race.

    Emma Lazarus, JEW (1849-1887), signaled her tribe’s intentions
    toward our Republic in a poem, (“The New Colossus”)
    inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, inviting the
    world's “wretched refuse” to America's golden shores — Yahweh's
    GARBAGE DUMP. JEWS tend to destroy what they
    most envy.

    LIBERALISM/JEWRY/MARXISM was the formula
    used by Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, both
    Democrats, to betray their Nation. The former a naïf, bleeding
    heart sophist, blackmailed for his “Peck-o-dills” by U. S.
    Zionists; the latter a ruthless egotist bearing deep-seated malice
    toward his own race (“Some of my best friends are communists”).

    Under Wilson, DEMOCRACY replaced our
    Republic; America’s monetary system was placed in ILLUMINATI
    hands; and JEWS received the Balfour Declaration
    (guaranteeing a Jewish “Homeland”), quid pro quo, for
    bringing America into WWI. Under Roosevelt, LIBERALISM/
    MARXISM/JEWRY triumphed over Western Civilization.
    JEWS were guaranteed the state of ISRAEL quid pro
    quo for again bringing America into war against Germany
    (WWII). “The most gallant stag can be brought to its knees
    with enough dogs at its throat.” (William G. Simpson)

    The “people with a mission” referred to by Ben Wattenberg,
    JEW, above, are GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE whose
    messianic mission, as the Old Testament, Talmud and Protocols
    make abundantly clear, is the destruction of all Gentile
    nations through miscegenation and wars. The resultant
    dispirited, “brown proletariat-herd” is to be known euphemistically

    OF THE UNITED STATES (ZOG) has welcomed
    huge numbers of fecund non-White immigrants predicated
    upon the ideology that diversity is better. Paradoxically, the
    LIBERAL establishment is engaged in a counterculture campaign
    designed to eliminate diversity through racial miscegenation.

    These inconsistent concepts share a singular
    ILLUMINATI goal — destruction of the Aryan race.
    Approval of inter-racial breeding is predicated on idiotic
    Christian dogma that God’s children must love their enemies
    (a concept JEWS totally reject); and on LIBERAL/MARXIST/JEW
    that all men/races are created equal.
    These genocidal ideologies, preached from the American
    pulpits, taught in American schools, legislated in the halls of
    Congress (confirming TALMUDIC conviction that goyim
    are stupid sheep), are expected to produce a single,
    beautiful, non-White “American” population.

    Eliminating forever racism, inequality, bigotry and war. As
    with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally
    inconsistent with Natural Law: the species are improved
    through in-breeding, natural selection and mutation. Only
    the strong survive. Cross-breeding Whites with species lower
    on the evolutionary scale diminishes the White gene-pool
    while increasing the number of physiologically, psychologically
    and behaviorally deprived mongrels. Throughout history
    improvident Whites have miscegenated. The
    “brotherhood” concept is not new (as LIBERALS pretend)
    nor are the results — which are inevitably disastrous for the
    White Race — evident today, for example, in the botched
    populations of Cuba, Mexico, Egypt, India, and the inner
    cities of contemporary America.

    How differently TALMUDISTS protect their genepool!
    JEWRY has no intention of becoming part of the UNIVERSAL
    NATION they are creating for the dumb goyim.

    United Nations representative Count Folke Bernadotte,
    before the Irgun murdered him, proposed that Palestinians
    and JEWS live together under a DEMOCRATIC government.
    Palestinians accepted. JEWS violently refused,
    demanding a State exclusively for JEWS. DEMOCRATIC
    DIVERSITY is good only for goyim! JEWS — who have
    made anti-Semitism a profitable business: who bomb their
    own synagogues; scribble graffiti on their own tombs; mouth
    “HOLOCAUST” lies — are revealed today as the world's
    most virulent ANTI-SEMITES: murdering Arabs at every
    opportunity and screaming for U.S. assistance when the dispossessed
    “terrorists” fight back.

    Survival of the JEW nation depends upon maintaining
    its status as GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE. The TALMUD,
    therefore, makes it a crime for JEWS to marry non-JEWS.
    But not always. Male JEWS, seeking to invigorate sickly
    tribal genes may receive rabbinical dispensation to mate with
    trophy Gentile women. The mongrel offspring (bastards) of
    those mixed marriages are considered non-JEWS; however,
    sons of those marriages can redeem the JEW lineage by marrying
    JEWESSES, whose issue is always considered JEWISH.
    Selah, the TRIBE captures healthy Gentile genes! In a
    patriarchal society, as the JEWS’, the above described dispensation
    indicates a biological necessity. It was common practice
    for wealthy JEWS, following the wars, to search the
    ruins of Europe for starving Aryan widows and orphans to
    take back to the States.

    Steven Spielberg, JEW, pusillanimous Hollywood director,
    paid $22-million to Kate Capshaw, enterprising White
    hustler, before she would commit to the marriage bed (Vanity
    Fair, Oct. 1997). She then dutifully bore him two future
    candiates for America's booming nose-job industry. Such is
    the life of a bird in a gilded cage. It is not clear what remu
    Vice President Al Gore received, quid pro quo, for
    arranging the marriage of his blonde daughter to the scion of
    the wealthy Schiff tribe (Kuhn Loeb & Co., JEWS), a banking
    cabal notorious for financing the Bolshevik Revolution
    in which millions of unarmed Moslems, and Christians were
    murdered in the same manner that Texas ranchers round-up
    and slaughter jack-rabbits.

    In 1933 Germans in democratic elections opted for a
    German State exclusively for Germans (Aryans) — offering
    to help Zionists colonize JEWS in Palestine. WORLD
    JEWRY went berserk unilaterally declaring war (1933) on
    Germany. It is inconceivable to JEWS that any race but
    GOD'S CHOSEN should have its own State. ILLUMINATI
    ordered ALLIED forces to incinerate Germans in their
    cities, farms, and hamlets: advising the World that Nation-
    States will not be tolerated — except in Israel, and that
    WORLD JEWRY may live within whatever foreign nation it

    The phrase E pluribus unum, which appears on U.S.
    coins, referred to White immigrants who, upon reaching the
    United States, abandoned their ethnicity and assimilated
    into one White gene-pool (Nation): the same Aryan Nation
    that populated the great States of Europe. Here, instead of
    calling themselves English, French, Scots, Germans, Poles, et
    al., they called themselves Americans. Therefore, until
    WWII the entire world thought of Americans as White. No
    longer. We are known today as the “ugly American.” This is
    no longer our country. Shamefully, White America capitulated
    to the JEWS without firing a shot — whilst the American
    Indian fought for his land almost to the last man, leaving
    a legacy of bravery.

    The world homo sapiens population today is 6-Billion, of
    which 800-Million (13%) are White. Democratizing the
    world will provide the same result as pouring a container of
    milk down a New York City sewer. The White population
    simply will miscegenate into the muck and disappear — forever
    — as befitting a species lacking the Will to survive.

    From the earliest days of their history JEWS lived
    among alien nations. Strabo, the great geographer (c. 100
    B.C.), wrote that HEBREWS clandestinely controlled
    almost every prosperous People on earth. That seems a fair
    statement. Josephus, HEBREW historian of about the same
    period, boasted there is no nation HEBREWS have not penetrated.

    400-years after Cheops' first pyramid a trickle of
    HEBREW immigrants crossed the Suez isthmus into prosperous
    Egypt during the reign of Pepi II (2738-2644 B.C.).
    The trickle became a stream. Bribery, political and moral
    corruption burgeoned. The Egyptian dynasty verged on collapse.

    Nefer-rohu writes: “Every mouth is full of 'Love me!'

    and everything good has disappeared.” “The robber is now
    the possessor of riches... I show thee the owner in need and
    the outsider satisfied...” HEBREWS were not held in bondage
    by the Pharaoh. It was the other way around. Eventually
    the camel was kicked out of the tent and Egypt began a cultural
    and economic renaissance.

    The twelve HEBREW tribes to whom Yahweh promised
    the World were united for less than 100-years ("Golden
    Years") under kings Saul, David and the bastard Solomon.
    Torn by internecine strife and heavily taxed to support the
    “wise” king's excesses the tribes unwisely split into two parts
    (922 B.C.): Israel with 10 tribes, to the north; and Judah
    (containing Jerusalem) with 2 tribes, to the south. Assyrians
    (Syria, Semites) killed or assimilated the northern tribes —
    which disappeared forever from history. Then Judah was
    defeated in battle by Babylonians (Iraqis, Semites). Surviving
    Judeans were held in Babylonian captivity. Later those held
    in positions of trust (530 B.C.) betrayed Babylon to the Persians
    (Iran, Aryans) even as JUDEANS later betrayed the
    Greek-Roman cities of Asia Minor to the Patricians, as JEWS
    in the 20th Century betrayed America's military secrets to
    the Soviet Union, Israel and China. (The O.T. Book of
    Esther reveals the JEWS' concept of a heroine). Persia
    allowed the JUDEANS to return to Jerusalem and rebuild
    their temple. In 330 B.C. Alexander the Great (Macedonians,
    Greeks, Aryans) conquered Persia. Eventually Hellenism
    was replaced (27 B.C.) by the great Roman (Aryan)

    Under Hellenism and later Rome the objective was to
    bring together as a functioning entity the heterogeneous
    populations of Asia and the mid-East. Improvements were
    made in government and civic affairs; roads and aqueducts
    were constructed, trade routes and businesses established
    (more HEBREWS lived in Alexandria than in Jerusalem).

    The concept of Western Reason was introduced into education,
    i.e., the objective search for FACTS as opposed to subjective
    (HEBRAIC) reasoning. All of the conquered areas
    profited. However, GOD'S CHOSEN had their own
    agenda. Hebrews split into two substantive camps: the High
    Priests and business community which cooperated with the
    satrap governments for political favor and monetary profits;
    and the traditional looney religious zealots seeking martyrdom,
    and death to Gentiles.

    To Greece-Rome, Judeans appeared of little importance —
    until a treasonous 5th-column
    spread throughout the region. The air filled with
    rumors, slander, superstitions and dire omens. Usury, bribery,
    extortion soared. Morale and business suffered. Government
    officials and army officers were assassinated. Pushed
    beyond patience as many nations have been, first Greece,
    then Rome struck back hard. And they have been demonized
    for their actions ever since. Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the ruling
    Ptolemy, attempted to gain Hebrew cooperation through
    edicts supporting the Torah, the High Priest, and the business
    community. However, his patience ran out when he
    learned of another armed Israeli rebellion (169 B.C.). “Raging
    like a wild beast,” Antiochus marched against Jerusalem
    where — after his Hebrew supporters treacherously opened
    the city gates — the Greeks killed 80,000 ISRAELIS in three
    days, and sold at least that many into slavery.

    Rome, too, having experienced 100-years of HEBREW
    lies and treason (7-Million Hebrews lived within the Roman
    Empire), and smarting under another rebellion in Palestine,
    ordered the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed (70 A.D.). In
    addition, according to Tacitus, 600,000 of the 2.5-Million
    ISRAELIS living in Palestine were slain in combat (Josephus,
    the Elie Wiesel of his day, claimed 1,197,000 men, women,
    and children were murdered).

    In 115 A.D., HEBREWS and Gentiles killed one
    another in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Cyprus and Cyrene. During
    the Diaspora (i.e., Hebrews banished from Canaan) “God's
    Chosen” scattered throughout the Mediterranean littoral.
    Tragically for the West, many of them joined the Hebrew
    enclave in Rome where as early as 63 B.C. it is recorded
    Hebrews caused economic problems by exporting gold from
    Italy. Their corrupt influence was powerful enough to bribe
    Roman judges and influence foreign policy. The pitiful tale
    of ISRAELIS forced to live in the Diaspora is another
    HOAX. Only a small HEBREW population ever lived in
    Palestine; genetically they are compelled to live among host
    nations. The ISRAELI administrative capital was not Jerusalem
    but Babylon. There, a NASI (Chief) administered the
    far-flung Hebrew nation. Joseph Ben Tobiah, JEW (c. 240
    B.C.) is described as “the prototype of the INTERNATIONAL
    FINANCIER for whom neither frontiers nor
    restrictive ethical considerations exist... the first great JEW
    banker.” (Peter Green, Alexander to Actium).

    From the Pharaohs to Hammarubi to modern times
    JEWS have been the object of dread and disgust:
    (CICERO) JEWS belong to a dark and repulsive force.
    (TACITUS) They are always ready to show compassion to
    one another while reserving bitter enmity toward all others.
    (CONSTANTINE) The JEWS are a nefarious and perverse
    (THE KORAN) Satan has prevailed upon them. JEWS
    are the party of Satan.
    (GOETHE) This crafty race has one
    great principle: as long as order prevails there is nothing to be
    (VOLTAIRE) All JEWS are born with a raging fanaticism
    in their hearts, just as Bretons and Germans are born
    with blond hair. I wouldn't be surprised if these JEWS
    would not some day become deadly to the human race.
    (WASHINGTON) The JEWS work more effectively against
    us than the enemy's armies.
    (JEFFERSON) Dispersed as JEWS they still form one nation, foreign to
    the land they live
    (FRANKLIN) I fully agree with General Washington
    that we must protect this young nation from an insidious
    influence and penetration. That menace, gentlemen, is the
    (NAPOLEON) The JEWS are the master robbers of
    the modern age; they are the carrion birds of humanity.
    (LISZT) The presence of the JEWS in the midst of the European
    nations is a cause of many evils and a serious danger.
    (HEGEL) The state is incompatible with the JEWISH principle.
    (LORD HARRINGTON) JEWS have ever been the
    greatest enemies of freedom.
    (HUME) The JEWS have a
    peculiar character and are known for their fraud.
    (U. S. GRANT) The JEWS, as a class, violating every regulation
    established by the Treasury are hereby expelled from that
    (SOMBART) Wars are JEWS' harvests.
    JEWS are draining the soil of Russia.
    (JUNG) The JEW has never created a cultural form of his own and as
    far as we can see never will.
    (R. L. STEVENSON) JEWS lead on the farmer into irretrievable
    and keep him ever after as their bond-slave.
    (R. WAGNER) On one
    thing I am very clear: that is the deflection and falsification
    of our cultural tendencies can be attributed to JEWISH
    (LINDBERGH) We are disturbed about the effect
    of the JEWISH influence in our press, radio, and motion
    (NESTA WEBSTER) England is no longer controlled
    by Britons. We are under an invisible JEWISH dictatorship.
    (KEROUAC) The real enemy is the Communist,
    the JEW.
    (J. R. LOWELL) Where would the JEW be among
    a society of primitive men without pockets?
    (MALCOM X)
    You can't even say JEW without him accusing you of anti-
    (MENCKEN) It seems to me, save for a few
    bright spots, the TALMUD is quite indistinguishable from
    (G. B. SHAW) This is the real enemy... the oriental
    parasite; in a word the JEW.
    (SOMBART) Turn to the pages
    of the TALMUD... JEWS were taught early on to look for
    their chief happiness in money.
    (MARK TWAIN) I read in
    the Encyclopaedia Britannica that the JEWISH population in
    the U.S. was 250,000; I wrote the editor that I personally
    was acquainted with more JEWS than that. I am of the opinion
    that we have an immense JEWISH population in the
    United States.
    (THOMAS WOLFE) JEWS seduce pure
    young Christian boys (and girls) because they love them and
    want to destroy them.2
    2. quotations are from the book ANTIZION, compiled by William
    Grimstad, Noontide Press.

    Behind all Western wars and revolutions lurks the International
    JEW, forever wailing anti-Semitism, while sucking
    Gentile blood.
    We are not hyphenated JEWS: we are JEWS with no qualifications
    or reservations... Your spirit is alien to us... your
    national ambitions and aspirations are alien to us. We are a foreign
    people in your midst, and we emphasize we wish to stay
    that way... we recognize a national unity of Diaspora JEWS no
    matter in which land we reside. Therefore no boundaries can
    restrain us from pursuing our own JEWISH policies...
    DR. JAKOB KLATZKIN, JEW, “Krisis und Entsheidung.”
    In the Modern Era JEWRY was expelled, punished or
    exposed by many Aryan States including the following:

    restricted JEWRY for slave trade, prostitution, and pimpery.

    1253 FRANCE — restrictions for violating Civil Law.

    1255 ENGLAND — 18 hanged for ritual murder.

    1275 ENGLAND — Parliamentary proscription of
    JEW usury.

    1290 ENGLAND — expelled from England for treason,

    1300 RUSSIA — ongoing warfare between Aryan Rus
    and Khazars culminating in Bolshevik Revolution and
    ILLUMINATI take-over of Russia/Eastern Europe, and

    1348 SAXONY — expels JEWS to Poland, Turkey;

    1360 HUNGARY — expels JEWS for violations of
    Civil Law.

    1370 BELGIUM — expels JEWS for usury, treason.

    1380 SLOVAKIA — expels JEWS for usury, treason,

    1420 AUSTRIA — expels JEWS for violation of Civil

    1444 NETHERLANDS — expels JEWS for usury,
    treason, pimping.

    1492 SPAIN — expels JEWS for blasphemy, treason.

    1495 LITHUANIA — expels JEWS for violation of
    Civil Law.

    1498 PORTUGAL — expels JEWS for blasphemy,

    1540 ITALY — expels JEWS for blasphemy, murder,

    1551 BAVARIA — expels JEWS for treason.


    1913 RUSSIA — expels Bolsheviks for treason, murder.

    CROATIA, VICHY FRANCE, expel JEWS for treasonous
    activities, usury, murder.

    1953 U.S.A. — Congress identifies and convicts JEW

    1966 U.S.A. — Senator McCarthy proven correct re
    JEW spies.

    1990 CANADA — Zundel Trials prove “HOLOCAUST”
    a HOAX.

    1999 U.S.A — JEW espionage.
    The JEW has already emancipated himself in the JEWISH
    way: The JEW who is for example merely tolerated in Vienna
    determines by his money power the fate of the entire German
    Empire. The JEW who is without rights in the smallest German
    state decides the fate of Europe.
    KARL MARX, “A World Without Jews,” 1840

    In Nature all organisms feed on other organisms. In that
    sense Mankind is parasitical because it feeds on other living
    things. However, the only human parasite that embeds itself
    in the sinews of other humans is the JEW. Their genius lies
    in cunning; in their chameleon-like ability to deceive; and, as
    Cicero points out, their malevolence in appealing to the
    baseness that lies deep in the souls of all men. Publicly the
    JEWS evoke PITY. Presenting themselves as JUDEANS
    wandering forever in Diaspora: tragic, defenseless victims,
    persecuted by EVERYONE in a bigoted, anti-Semitic world!

    Beneath this chimerism international JEWRY is a virulent,
    organized, powerful, enormously wealthy TETRAD combing
    commands allegiance; traverses all national boundaries; and
    holds in utter contempt the Gentile nations that their genocidal
    GOD has commanded them to destroy.
    The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations and his
    fury upon all armies. He will utterly destroy them... their slain
    shall also be cast out and their stink shall come from their
    for it is the year of the Lord's vengeance and the year of
    recompense for the controversy of Zion.
    THE HOLY BIBLE: Isaiah 34:2.
    Edward Gibbon, in his The Decline and Fall of the
    Roman Empire, describes JEWS as “a race of fanatics... with
    an irreconcilable hatred of Mankind.”

    Arnold Toynbee calls JUDAISM a “Fossil religion.”

    Winston Churchill denounces JEWS as “A gang of personalities from
    the underworld CONSPIRING to overthrow Western Civilization.”

    Rabbi Stephen Wise, leader of “American” JEWRY during WWII,
    and instrumental in creating the “HOLOCAUST” (HOAX)
    said: “I am not an American citizen of JEWISH faith. I am a
    JEW. I have been a JEW for a thousand years. Hitler was
    right — we are a People.”

    Yes, Hitler was right.

    In this Foreword we have reviewed briefly the intentions
    of our Founding Fathers to create a bastion of Western Culture
    in America for their White progeny. Current U. S. Census
    Bureau statistics reveal that White Americans are being
    eradicated. We also explored a brief history of the
    HEBREWS/JUDEANS/ISRAELIS because, as Spengler so
    convincingly demonstrates — and as America can now attest
    — history unfailingly repeats itself. The ancient JEW cancer
    is now embedded in America's sinews.

    The Rules of Navigation tell us that to set a new course
    we first must know where we are; to know where we are we
    must know where we have been. Therefore, we intend to
    briefly examine the history of the CONSPIRACY; followed
    by a description of the CONSPIRACY in action: LIBERALISM/
    MARXISM/JEWRY; and finally we will offer a plan to
    remove the cancer from our Cultural Organism. If it is not
    removed we die.

    REMEMBER: White genes cannot be created, they can
    only be transmitted. We Aryans can always build another
    State upon the ruins of the old; but once the White genepool

    Chapter 1 THE CONSPIRACY
    For thou art a holy people unto the lord thy God and the
    lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself,
    above all the nations that are upon the earth.
    HOLY BIBLE: Deuteronomy 14:2.
    The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his
    fury upon all armies. He will utterly destroy them... their slain
    shall also be cast out and their stink shall come from their
    for it is the year of the Lord's vengeance and the year of
    recompense for the controversy of Zion.
    HOLY BIBLE: Isaiah 34:2.
    Extermination of Christians necessary.
    TALMUD: Zohar II 43a.
    It is more wicked to question the words of the rabbis than
    TALMUD: Michna Sanhedrin 11:3.
    The administrators, whom we shall choose from among
    the public with strict regard for their servile obedience, will not
    be persons trained in the art of government, and therefore will
    easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of men of learning
    and genius who will be their advisors: specialists bred and
    reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole
    Protocol 2:2.
    All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearings
    which I make in the future shall be null from this Day of
    Atonement until the next.
    TALMUD: Kol Nidre Oath.

    WHEN HISTORIANS publicly commit to a CONSPIRACY
    THEORY the media goes berserk, labeling them
    Nazis, bigots, paranoids, fools. Why such furious denials?
    Since the beginning of recorded history men have conspired
    to rule the world, or what they thought to be the world.

    Why should it be any different today? It isn’t. There is a
    working at this moment, to destroy Western Civilization
    and the Aryan Nation that created it. This is not a
    new conspiracy. It began over 3000-years ago as spoken tribal
    legends, which eventually were collected in the Torah (c. 900
    B.C.), a tapestry of myths and tales plagiarized, largely, from
    Egypt, Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Greece.

    The Mosaic Law, the Garden of Eden, the Flood, the story of David,
    came from non-Hebraic sources. The idea of monotheism
    was borrowed (c. 1400 B.C) from Pharaoh Iknaton. Into this
    rich tapestry the Hebrews wove threads of their own history
    as they believed it to be, or desired it to be — the modus operandi
    of Hollywood scriptwriters today. The fictitious protagonist
    of these self-serving tales is Yahweh (Adonai, Jehovah,
    God): a jealous, vengeful, wrathful, genocidal, anthropomorphic
    tribal god, created in the image and likeness of the
    Hebrews who created him. Naturally, this BIG HEBREW in
    the sky LOVES the HEBREWS. All other nations are considered
    cattle to be used, milked and exterminated.
    For thou art a holy people unto the lord thy God and the
    lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself,
    above all the nations that are upon the earth.
    THE HOLY BIBLE, Deuteronomy 14:2.
    Ye shall be a treasure unto me above all people: for the
    earth is mine.
    THE HOLY BIBLE, Exodus 19:5.
    Remember, these delusions of grandeur were written by
    HEBREWS about themselves. Megalomaniacs of such magnitude
    generally are manic-depressives confined to insane asylums.

    The treasure of treasures is Abraham whom Yahweh
    “loves above all others.” We are told that Abram (Abraham)
    and his wife Sari (Sarah), who also is his half-sister, journeyed
    to prosperous Egypt looking for loot. There, Abraham
    arranges an assignation between his sister and the Pharaoh.

    Yahweh, omnipresent, catches them en flagrante delicto. The
    Pharaoh, unaware he has committed adultery, presents Abe
    and Sari with cattle, servants, silver and gold “and Abraham
    was very rich.”

    But, JEHOVAH is a jealous god and
    WRATHFUL (Gen.12); NOT at the pimp Abraham whom
    he loves above all others; NOT at the hustler Sari. He's furious
    with the duped gentile, Pharaoh, and visits a plague
    upon Egypt (Spielbergism). Many years later (Gen. 20) in a
    repeat scenario Sarah, then 92-years old, hustles Pharaoh

    God said to Ambimilech: “behold thou art but
    a dead man... for she is a man's wife!” Real history records
    JEWS were expelled from Egypt for treason and for transmitting
    the plague — as JEWS were carriers of typhus during
    World War II (See Chapter 6, “HOLOCAUST”).

    In another example of GOD's hatred for Gentiles we
    learn that Abraham, patriarch of Israel, had his eyes focused
    on Canaan, a “land of milk and honey” belonging to a pastoral
    Semitic tribe — the Philistines (Palestinians). As luck
    would have it Yahweh fashions a sweetheart arrangement
    with his pimp pal Abraham:
    And I will give unto thee and thy seed after thee the land
    wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, for an
    possession; and I will be their God.
    GENESIS 17:8.
    JEHOVAH, like Alley Oop, says whatever the scriptwriters
    print in the blurbs. Those who find it compelling to
    believe Yahweh created a flat earth, circa 5000 B.C., spoke
    from a burning bush, bared his buttocks, parted the Red Sea,
    and loves JEWS above all other nations, share a childish credulity
    with those who believe millions of JEWS died in German
    gas-chambers. It also confirms JEWISH conviction that
    Gentiles are stupid sheep. It makes one want to puke.

    The TORAH commands Gentiles to worship JEHOVAH
    or suffer the torments of Hell. On the other hand
    JEHOVAH assures JEWS they may rob, cheat, rape, and slay
    Gentiles with impunity. He promises that JEWS alone shall
    inherit the Earth.


    THE HOLY BIBLE informs us that Moses, a Hebrew
    (or was he Egyptian?), climbed Mt. Sinai (c. 1300 B.C.) to
    confer with Yahweh, who gave him THE LAW (The Ten
    Commandments) which Moses wrote down on two stone
    tablets (there was no Hebraic alphabet in those days so the
    writing may have been cuneiform, hieroglyphic, Chinese, or

    Traditionally, Moses also wrote the TORAH

    Centuries later Pharisees claimed that God
    orally interpreted THE LAW given Moses. The Pharisees
    claimed that Yahweh’s oral interpretation was identical with
    their oral interpretation. Thus, the PHARISEES' ORAL
    LAW and THE TORAH are recognized as THE HOLY

    The Pharisees' ORAL LAW, called Pharisaism,
    which Jesus despised as the “Synagogue of Satan,” was eventually
    written down and became the TALMUD (500 A.D.)
    The TALMUD consists of 63 books of legal, ethical, and
    historical writings of the ancient rabbis (22 B.C. — 500 A.D.).
    It was edited 5-centuries after the birth of Jesus. It is a
    of law and lore: the legal code which forms the basis of
    JEWISH religious Law and the book used in the training of
    rabbis; it is the very foundation of JEWISH life. It is taught to
    JEWISH children as soon as they are able to read.
    Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, President, Jewish Chaplain's Association,
    Armed Forces, U.S.A.; spokesman for the American Jewish
    Committee (the “Vatican of Judaism”).
    There are two TALMUDS: the Palestinian, and the
    Babylonian. It is the Babylonian TALMUD (Socino Ed.
    1935), used by most JEWS that we, largely, will refer to here.
    It is a huge tome; much of which is dull, the syntax cumbersome;
    herein the genetic schizophrenia of JEWS is manifest:
    it is boastful, despondent, vindictive, vulgar, dishonest,

    The TALMUD is concerned with almost every conceivable
    aspect of JEWISH existence, little is left to chance,
    from how to use seeds and herbs, to diet, and sexual relations;
    when to lie; whom to kill; what goat to sacrifice; Cabalism,
    numerology, necromancy, thaumaturgy, and
    obsessions with Hollywood-style perversions, body functions,
    etc. Nevertheless, throughout, the rabbis wove the
    thread of JEWISH philosophy, JEWISH Law, and JEWISH
    “history.” Here is the grist underlying the JEWS' goal to rule
    the world, garner its wealth, and enslave the Gentiles. It is
    this Luciferian credo, that is changing the United States into
    an ILLUMINATI controlled, non-White nation, soon to
    become part of One Mongrel World.
    Gentiles prying into JEW LAWS will receive death.
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin 59a.
    Do not save Christians in danger of death.
    TALMUD: Hilkoth Akum X, 1.
    Kill the best Gentiles!
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin 59.
    A woman who has intercourse with a beast is eligible to
    marry a priest.
    TALMUD: Yebamoth 59b.
    A maiden three years and a day may be acquired in marriage
    by coition.
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin 55b.
    Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not
    deemed pederasty.
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin 54b-55a.
    Jesus was illegitimately conceived during menstruation.
    TALMUD: Kallah 1b (18b).
    When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl, less
    than 3-years old, it is as nothing.
    TALMUD: Kethuboth 11a-11b.
    Sexual intercourse is permitted with a dead relative.
    TALMUD: Ya Bhamoth.
    Let us all remember that we are a distinct nationality of
    which every Jew — what ever his country, his station, his shade
    of belief — is necessarily a member.
    Michael Redkinson, JEW, and Rabbi Isaac Wise, “two
    of the world's greatest authorities on the TALMUD,” collaborating
    on the celebrated tome, History of the Talmud, have
    this to say:
    The source from which Jesus of Nazareth drew the teachings...
    that enabled him to revolutionize the world... is the TALMUD.
    It is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus,
    was called the traditions of The Elders of Zion, to which he
    makes frequent allusions.
    Redkinson and Wise, of course, are LIARS. The TALMUD
    resounds with hatred for Jesus:
    Jesus was conceived while Mary was menstruating.
    TALMUD: Kallah 1b.
    Jesus is the bastard son of Pandira, Roman soldier.
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin 67a.
    Jesus is in Hell, punished by being boiled in hot semen...
    all Christians are boiled in shit!
    TALMUD: Libre David 37.
    And the New Testament clearly shows Jesus’ disdain for
    the Pharisees and their oral (TALMUDIC) teaching:
    I know the blasphemy of them who say they are the Children
    of God, but are of the Synagogue of Satan! For ye are of
    your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He
    was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth
    for there was no truth in him... When he speaketh a lie he speaketh
    of his own for he is a LIAR and the father of it.
    JESUS, JOHN 8:1
    Under the Pharisees’ direction the Temple had become
    the Federal Reserve System of its day. Christ drove the usurers
    from the Temple with a snake whip, indirectly attacking
    the Pharisees’ purse. That sealed his fate! The Anti-Defamation
    League of his day acted quickly. Using standard procedures
    they defamed Jesus (“L'Infamie”) to get the mob on
    their side — as centuries later they would defame Marie
    Antoinette, the Romanovs, Hitler, Gen. MacArthur, McCarthy,
    et al). Then, Jesus was framed by the Sanhedrin, who
    had Him arrested, tried, sentenced, and crucified. (Pope
    John Paul, 1995 A.D., denied the HOLY WORD, pronouncing
    that JEWS had no part in the death of Jesus Christ!).
    His blood be on us (JEWS) and upon our children!
    MATTHEW: 27:24-25.
    I am innocent of the blood of this just man!
    THE SYNOPTICS: Pontius Pilate.
    Jesus fornicates with his jackass.
    TALMUD: Sanhedrin.
    Rodkinson and Wise with goose-grease chutzpah say:
    The TALMUD has survived in its entirety, not a single letter
    of the TALMUD is missing... and now it is flourishing to
    such a degree as cannot be found in its past history. It dominates
    the minds of a whole people, who venerate its contents as
    Divine Truth.
    One of those “Divine Truths” from the TALMUD is
    the holy KOL NIDRE OATH (All Vows Prayer). It is recited
    thrice by the synagogue congregation as prologue to YOM
    KIPPUR rites, (The Day of Atonement) “The Highest of
    Holy Days.” It has also been set to music by Felix Mendlessohn,
    JEW (Marrano). Most Christians, including the clergy,
    believe the KOL NIDRE OATH is a profound vow to God.
    In FACT the TALMUD demands that every JEW must
    break in advance all oaths and sworn declarations a JEW
    might make to a Gentile during the ensuing year:
    “ promises shall not bind... my vows shall not be reckoned
    vows... nor my oath oaths... every vow which I make in
    the future shall be NULL from this Day of Atonement until the
    TALMUD: Kol Nidre Oath.
    Joseph G. Burg, JEW, author of “Zionist Nazi Censorship”;
    “Guilt and Fate,” and several other important books
    on WWII, testified for the defense at the on-going Canada v.
    Ernst Zundel, “Holocaust” Trials, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    (blacked-out in the U. S. A.). Burg stated that JEW
    “Holocaust” survivors invented the gas-chamber stories. But,
    as their testimony was sworn before a Gentile court they
    could LIE with impunity.
    If those Jews had sworn before a rabbi wearing a skull cap
    then these false statements, these sick statements, would go
    down by 99.5%, because the superficial oath was not morally
    binding on JEWS.
    JOSEPH G. BURG, JEW, Zundel Hate Crimes Trials, 1988.
    JEWS may lie and perjure to condemn Christians.
    TALMUD: Babha Kama 113b.
    The TALMUD is the very foundation of JEWISH life. It is
    taught to JEWISH children as soon as they are old enough to
    RABBI MORRIS KERTZER, American JEWISH Committee.
    The TORAH, then, was created to inspire and control a
    “stiff necked,” defeated people; while the TALMUD was a
    pragmatic interpretation of that MYTH. High-placed Pharisees
    and priests, profoundly aware of the Jehovah HOAX,
    also understood that TORAH/TALMUDISM not only sup
    ported their life-styles, but was the glue that held together
    the Hebrew nation.

    Beautiful continents rich in natural resources were waiting
    to be discovered and civilized. But JEWS produced no
    explorers or conquerors. They might have assimilated within
    the Semitic nations. Instead, compelled by the genotype of
    their species, and convinced of their “CHOSEN” status,
    JEWS implanted themselves like leeches within the Gentile
    nations they secretly vowed to dispossess and destroy.

    Wherever TALMUDISM appeared “anti-Semitism” followed
    as night follows day. JEW communities — ghettos,
    with synagogues and rabbis forming the operative nuclei —
    designed to keep goyim out, invariably became enclosures to
    keep JEWS in. Gentiles could not tolerate this alien, corrupt,
    manic-depressive nation in their midst.

    Psychologists report that children conditioned to
    develop exaggerated or unfounded levels of self-esteem —
    and unnatural feelings of self-love — who are taught to think
    of themselves unrealistically as better than everyone else
    invariably suffer deep depression when their achievements
    fail their expectations. When they are criticized by others, or
    don't get their way they resort to tantrums and violence.

    They consistently blame others for their inadequacy. They
    hate their superiors upon whom they seek vengeance.
    JEWS especially envy and hate the Aryan Nation whose
    remarkable achievements and physical beauty JEWS find
    humiliating — bitter, bitter vetch to swallow day after day,
    year after year, generation after generation — especially for
    those who so fervently believe themselves God's Chosen People.

    new approach, without sacrificing tradition, to deal with
    contemporary political problems. It should come as no surprise
    then, to discover that certain Elders of Zion — after
    centuries of frustrations and humiliations — took matters
    into their own hands and formulated a plan to implement
    and expedite JEHOVAH'S unfulfilled promises.

    We shall have World Government whether or not we like
    it. The question is only whether World Government will be
    achieved by consent or by conquest.
    JAMES WARBURG, JEW, Banker, 1953, U. S. Congressional
    The truth is that for the last 147-years the fire of revolution
    has smoldered steadily beneath the ancient structure of
    it is not local, but universal... its causes must be sought in
    a deep-laid conspiracy... which constitutes the greatest menace
    that has ever confronted the human race... the conception of
    the Jews as the Chosen People ...forms a concerted attempt to
    achieve world-domination. NESTA H. WEBSTER, World Revolution, Briton
    Press 1971.
    This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days
    of Sparticus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx and down to
    Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kuhn (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg
    (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this worldwide
    conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and the reconstruction
    of society on the basis of arrested development, envious
    malevolence, and impossible equality has been steadily
    growing. It played, as Mrs. Nesta Webster, historian, has so ably
    shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the
    French Revolution, and the mainspring of every subversive
    movement during the Nineteenth Century ...the majority of
    the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration
    and driving power comes from Jewish leaders.
    WINSTON CHURCHILL, Illustrated Sunday Herald (1920).
    Amshel Mayer Rothschild, JEW, (1743-1810) patriarch
    of the Frankfort, Germany, banking family, was intrigued by
    ancient scrolls bearing Hebrew Protocols that he had
    acquired for his library. He commissioned Adam Weishaupt,
    an apostate Jesuit priest, to up-date them. In the fateful year,
    1776 A.D., Weishaupt presented the Einigen Original-
    Scripten (Protocols) to Rothschild accompanied by an organizational
    paradigm, designed to implement the revised Protocols,
    which he named “THE ILLUMINATI” after Lucifer
    (Satan), “The Bearer of Light.” Its objective: ONE WORLD

    The Weishaupt/Rothschild documents were revealed to
    the world (1784) “by an act of God” when a Rothschild courier
    and his horse were struck dead by lightning in Ratisbon
    enroute to Paris. Bavarian authorities discovered a copy of
    the Einigen Original-Scripten in the saddlebags. The ILLUMINATI
    was promptly outlawed, and the Grand Orient
    Lodges, wherein the conspirators met, were permanently
    closed. The ILLUMINATI, then, quickly infiltrated Freemasonry
    Lodges throughout Europe, from which the French
    (JEW) Revolution was fomented and directed.

    Many years later the Protocols, again revised, reappeared
    in St. Petersburg, Russia, around the time of the Bolshevik,
    JEW, revolution there. Victor E. Marsden, correspondent for
    the London Morning Post (during an era when integrity of
    the press was considered sacrosanct) acquired a Russian edition
    (Cionski Protocoli) of Weishaupt's work, in a cloak and
    dagger caper, from Professor Sergyei Nilus, an Orthodox
    Catholic priest. Marsden translated it into English, publishing
    it under the title: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
    Zion. For his temerity Marsden was murdered. Nilus' original
    copy of the Protocols, bearing the date August 10, 1906,
    is now in the British Museum, London.

    In the U. S. A., Henry Ford, Sr., founder of the Ford
    Motor Company, ordered millions of copies of the Protocols
    printed, in several languages, and distributed throughout the
    world. World JEWRY vehemently protested the Protocols
    were “forgeries” (sic). Ford replied, (New York World, 2-17-
    21), “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols
    is that... they have fitted the world situation up to this time.
    They fit it now.” Senator Jacob Javits, JEW, chaired a U.S.
    Senate Investigating Committee to report on the Protocols.
    The U. S. Senate, who does what it is told, confirmed the
    Protocols were “forged” (sic). Forgeries of what? No debate
    was conducted on the correlation between the Protocols and
    what has occurred on the World stage!
    300-men, all acquainted with each other, control the economic
    destiny of the continent.
    WALTER RATHENAU, JEW, powerful German financier .
    The World is ruled by very different personages that those
    who are not behind the scenes would imagine.
    BENJAMIN DISRAELI, JEW, Prime Minister, Great Britain.
    You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our
    guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters.
    We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny,
    and played havoc with them.
    MARCUS ELI RAVAGE, JEW, Century Magazine (January
    The meaning of the history of our last century is that today
    300 Jewish financiers, all masters of Lodges, rule the world.
    JEAN IZOULET, Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle (1931).
    OF ZION, containing 24 Protocols, are divided into Articles.

    Several PROTOCOLS may have been deleted by Professor
    Nilus because he deemed them harmful to the
    Church. Herein, because of limited space, the PROTOCOLS
    will be abridged. (Edward Gibbon reminds us — The
    Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapters XV, XXVIII,
    XLVII, XLIX — that the Jewish conspiracy was behind the
    fall of ALL of civilized antiquity).


    Protocol 1: Political freedom is an idea, not a fact. One
    must know how to apply this idea as bait whenever it appears
    necessary to attract the masses of the people to one's party
    for the purpose of crushing whoever is in authority. This task
    is made easier if the opponent himself has been infected with
    the idea of freedom, so-called liberalism, and for the sake of
    an idea is willing to yield some of his power. It is precisely
    here that the triumph of our theory appears; the slackened
    reins of government are immediately, by the Law of Life,
    caught up and gathered together by a new hand; because the
    blind might of the nation cannot for a single day exist without
    guidance, and the new authority merely fits into the
    place of the old authority weakened by liberalism.

    Our right lies in force. The word “right” is an abstract
    thought proved by nothing. The word means no more than:
    Give me what I want in order that I may have proof that I
    am stronger than you.

    Our power in the present tottering condition of all
    forms of power will be more invincible than any other
    because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has
    gained such strength that no cunning can undermine it.

    Behold the alcoholized animals bemused with drink, the
    right to an immoderate use of which comes with freedom. It
    is not for us and ours to walk that road. Goyim are bemused
    with alcohol, and from early immorality into which it has
    been induced by our special agents.

    Protocol 2: The administrators, whom we shall choose
    from among the public with strict regard for their servility,
    will not be persons trained in the art of government, and will
    therefore become pawns in our game: in the hands of men of
    learning and genius, specialists bred and reared from early
    childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.
    In the hands of the States there is a great force that creates
    the movement of thought in the people. That is the
    Press! It is in the Press that the triumph of freedom of speech
    finds its incarnation. But the goyim have not known how to
    make use of this force and it has fallen into our hands.

    We shall instigate economic and military wars between
    the Goyim states. When wars are over both sides are devastated
    and at the mercy of our international finance. This is
    the “Jewish Harvest.” First, we manufacture the huge war
    machines. Second we destroy the flower of White manhood
    thereby weakening the racial stamina of the Goyim. Third,
    the White nations are prostrate under huge debts and we
    profit interest upon interest.

    Protocol 3: And thus the people condemn the upright
    and acquit the guilty, persuaded ever more it can do whatever
    it wishes. Thanks to this the people are destroying every kind
    of stability and creating disorders at every step. By encouraging
    abuses of power by rulers, and by agitating and stirring
    up the mob the press “will put the final touch in preparing
    all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly
    skyward under the blows of the maddening crowd.”

    We appear on the scene as alleged saviors of the worker
    from oppression then propose to him to enter the ranks of
    our fighting forces — Socialists, Communists, Anarchists —
    to whom we always support in accordance with an alleged
    brotherly rule.

    Protocol 4: In order to give the goyim no time to think
    their minds must be diverted toward industry and trade.
    Thus all the nations will be swallowed up in the hot pursuit
    of gain. Gentile Masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and
    our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its abid
    ing hiding place, remains for the whole people a mystery,
    and they will not take note of their common foe.

    Protocol 5: In order to put public opinion into our hands
    we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving
    expression to all sides to many contradictory opinions, and
    for such a length of time as will suffice to make the goyim
    lose their heads in the labyrinth, and come to see that the
    best thing is to have no opinion in matters political, which it
    is not given to the public to understand because they are
    understood only by him who guides the public. This is the
    first secret.

    By all these means we shall so wear down the goyim that
    they shall be compelled to offer us international power of a
    nature that by its position will enable us without violence
    gradually to absorb all the State forces of the world and to
    form a Super- Government.

    Protocol 6: The establishment of huge financial monopolies:
    finance, publishing, oil, sugar, steel, medicine, railways,
    liquor, food, clothing — containing reservoirs of colossal
    wealth upon which Goyim must depend in order to exist.
    The Goyim must be deprived of their farms and ranches
    which will be achieved by loading them with debts which
    must be ruthlessly exploited.

    Protocol 7: Our agents are in the governments of all
    countries of the world advising their leaders. Thus we have
    an international network while the Goyim has none.
    Through economic treaties and loan obligations, and the
    hostilities and intrigues they create, we will so entangle the
    threads of world governments that they will be unable to act
    without our approval. If one nation dare oppose us we will
    collectively organize their neighbors and destroy that country
    through universal war.

    Protocol 8: We have infiltrated the Goyim courts of law
    and degraded it into a legal jungle. We are now in a position
    to tell you with a clear conscience that at the proper time we,
    the law-givers, shall execute judgment and sentence; we shall
    slay and we shall spare; we as head of our troops are mounted
    on the steed of the leader. And the weapons in our hands are
    limitless ambitions, burning greed, merciless vengeance,
    hatred and malice!

    Protocol 9: From us the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We
    have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines:
    monarchists, demagogues, socialists, Communists Christians,
    utopian dreamers of every kind. All are harnessed to
    our task: everyone of them is boring away at the last remnants
    of authority, striving to overthrow all established forms
    of order. By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to
    tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace. But we
    will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our
    International Super-Government with submissiveness.

    Protocol 10: We have drawn up a master-plan to bring
    all the nations of the earth under one despotic Jewish dictator,
    by subjecting all the peoples of the earth to such terrible
    suffering, confusion, and torment that they will in desperation
    accept whatever we offer to them.

    To secure this we must have everybody vote without distinction
    of classes and qualifications in order to establish an
    absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated
    propertied classes. Democracies and Republics with everybody
    having a vote down to the last scum and rabble provides
    us with our great opportunity.

    Protocol 11: The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are
    their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves
    get hold of the flock? God has granted us, His Chosen People,
    the gift of dispersion and in this, which appears in all
    eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all of our strength,
    which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty
    over all the world.

    Protocol 12: Not a single announcement will reach the
    public without our control. This arises through the total
    control of the Press, and control of Masonry at the highest

    Protocol 13: In order that the stupid goyim may not guess
    what we are all about we further distract them with amusements
    games, pastimes, sex, people’s palaces... Who will ever
    suspect that all these peoples were stage-managed by us to
    conform to a political plan which no one has so much as
    guessed at in the course of many centuries? Liberals and Utopian
    dreamers, whom we will discard once we take over, will
    take a great part in wrecking goy institutions.

    Protocol 14: In countries known as progressive and
    enlightened we have created a senseless, filthy, abominable
    literature, which we will use to provide a telling relief by contrast
    to our government when we attain to power…

    Protocol 15: We shall slay without mercy all who take
    arms to oppose our coming Kingdom.

    We shall remake all legislatures, all our laws will be brief,
    plain, staple, without any kind of interpretations, so that
    anyone will be in a position to know them perfectly. The
    main feature will be submission to orders and this principle
    will be carried to grandiose heights.

    Protocol 16: In order to destroy all collective forces save
    ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the
    universities, by re-educating them in a new direction. Their
    officials and professors will be appointed with special precaution
    and dependent upon our government; and they will be
    inculcated with detailed secret action-programs, in order to
    perform their profession.

    We shall erase from memory of men all facts of previous
    centuries which are undesirable to us and leave only those
    which depict all errors committed by goyim governments.

    There will be no such thing as freedom of instruction. All
    people will be initiated into one faith: Judaism.

    Protocol 17: We have long past taken care to discredit
    the clergy of the goyim and thereby to ruin their mission on
    earth. Day by day their influence on the peoples of the world
    is failing.

    Freedom of conscience has been declared everywhere.
    Only years separate us from the complete destruction of

    Protocol 18: When our Jewish King of the World is in
    power he will be protected by an aura of mystical Deity, that
    we will create, making the stupid goyim think of him as a

    Protocol 19: No dabbling in political affairs will be
    allowed the goyim. Anyone leading an opposition movement
    will be put to trial in the same category as thieving or murder,
    or any other abominable and filthy crime. Citizens will
    have no more influence or control in the affairs of politics
    than a herd of livestock or cattle.

    Protocol 20: The sum total of our actions is settled by
    the question of figures. The ruin of the Gentile States has
    been accomplished by withdrawal of money from circulation.
    We alone own their banks and control their fiscal policies.
    They are bound to us irrevocably by long-term debts
    and the interest we exact on those debts.

    So long as loans were internal the goyim only shuffled
    their money from the pockets of the poor to the wealthy.
    When we bought the necessary persons in order to transfer
    loans into the external sphere all the wealth of the States
    flowed into our cash boxes and the goyim began to pay us the
    tribute of subjects.

    Protocol 21: We shall replace the money markets by government
    credit institutions, the object of which will fix the
    price of industrial values in accordance with our views. These
    institutions will be able to fling 500-millions of industrial
    paper in one day, or to buy up, from that amount. Therefore
    all industrial undertakings will come into dependence upon
    us. You may imagine what immense power we shall thereby
    secure for ourselves.

    Protocol 22: In our hands is the great power of our day
    — gold: in our storehouses we can procure any amount we

    True force makes no terms with any ‘right,’ not even
    with that of God: none dare come near to it so as to take so
    much as a span away from it.

    Protocol 23: After our agitators have stirred up dissension,
    revolution, and the fire of anarchy all over the world,
    when the Chosen One is on the throne, then these agitators
    will have played their parts. Having served their usefulness
    then it will be necessary to sweep them away from his path
    on which must be left no knot, no splinter.

    Protocol 24: The coming King of the World will emanate
    from the ancestral lineage of King David. He will be
    selected by the Elders of Zion because of his outstanding
    ability. Only the King and three Elders of Zion will be privy
    to the mysteries, and secret schemes of the government.

    None will know what the King wishes to attain by his disposition
    and therefore none will dare to stand across an
    unknown path.
    Anyone like the author, who has...seen and heard with
    ominous dread the aims... of JEWISH economic, political and
    intellectual life can assert that they (the PROTOCOLS) most
    unalloyed expression of the JEWISH spirit... that an Aryan
    mind... could never under any circumstances have devised these
    methods of action; these underhand expedients and these swindles
    as a whole.
    ARTHUR TRIBITSCH, JEW, “Deutscher Geist oder Judentum.”
    It is... impossible for any intelligent person... to read...t he
    Protocols... without being astounded by their prophetic
    insight... In truth, however, we do not need the Protocols... to
    tell us of these things... What interests me is what I have discerned
    of the organized use of evil to subvert Western civilization
    and bring our traditional values crashing to the ground so
    that a totally different, a blood-chilling and hateful influence
    may henceforth dominate the world... Statesmen like
    Churchill, and Lloyd George; writers like Belloc and Wickham
    Steed, editors like H. A. Gwynne; Jews themselves of the caliber
    of Disraeli and Oscar Levy, have all contributed their testimony...
    to a vast accumulation of evidence... Jewish power is
    A. K. CHESTERTON, “The Learned Elders and the BBC.”
    All Gentiles should read the PROTOCOLS OF THE
    LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION in its entirety to understand
    why JEWS so vehemently protest its authenticity. Here
    is JEW tribal insanity reflected as in a mirror, darkly: frozen
    in eternity for all Mankind to see, understand, and resist.
    ¿, Jun 13, 2009
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