To MJ and the fans

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sir. Tony, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    You just don't get it, do you, you fucking thick ****.

    The information regurgitated on here, was drawn from the net equivalent of
    the voters role, and the best bit of all, is you chose to register said
    domain, volunteered said information freely, and I suspect effectively
    'signed' something electronically or otherwise, that agreed to such
    information being held and acknowledging that it is freely available.

    Still at least I have more of an idea what 'ASB' stands for now, and it's
    not the original thought that was 'Acutely Stupid Bastard', much as it's
    quite, quite fitting.
    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
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  2. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    I'm not going to let this drop. The timing of the posting makes it an
    offence, & I don't know why you was talking to blueyonder.

    I've gone straight to the top with my compliant & will do everything in my
    power until something is done about this.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
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  3. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    I've also send my complint to the Usenet abuse team, because it was posted
    after i've stopped that information from being public so he had no right to
    be posting that.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  4. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    But you hadn't, and it's all documented on here unfortunately for you.

    Get this through your thick skull - the info was there to be found,
    therefore you'd not 'stopped that information from being public'.

    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
  5. Sir. Tony

    Ginge Guest

    Retracting information that has legitimately been in the public domain
    does not suddenly make that information private.
    Ginge, Aug 1, 2005
  6. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    A have stopped that information from being public at 17:21, but you have
    posted that information at 23:36(thats 6 hours after that information was no
    longer public information) you had no right to do that, if you posted that
    information before 17:21, then you would have had every right to do so.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  7. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    Yes it dose.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  8. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    It was initially posted up at 16:14, YTC.

    You can't do anything about anyone merely forgetting to snip stuff when
    replying to that post, either, in terms of anything legal... :)

    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
  9. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    Not by merely retracting it, it doesn't.

    Anyway, I'd have thought a popular guy like you would have no reason to fear
    their personal details being found on a publically accessed server - worried
    someone might send you flowers?
    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
  10. Ginge wrote
    Do we know what the S stands for?

    Quite right, shocking bad form, they are all very naughty girls and
    steve auvache, Aug 1, 2005
  11. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    If anyone sent me flowers, I will have them done for sexual harassment!
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  12. Sir. Tony

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    I thought you weren't going to say anything else?

    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Aug 1, 2005
  13. Sir. Tony

    Cab Guest

    Congrat-fucking-lations you complete ****. Take that to the top.
    Cab, Aug 1, 2005
  14. Sir. Tony

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    I was giving an illustration about how ISPs think about posting information
    that is already public.
    How is wanking through car windows going to change anything?

    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Aug 1, 2005
  15. Sir. Tony

    Cab Guest

    Besides, isn't there a rule saying that the contact info for domain
    names has to be correct, otherwise you could lose the domain name? So
    if this is true and Tony is lying about his address, we could get his
    domain name pulled?
    Cab, Aug 1, 2005
  16. Sir. Tony

    ogden Guest

    If you were feeling that petty, maybe.
    ogden, Aug 1, 2005
  17. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    Indeed... but I don't think there's any need to go that far - personally,
    I'd like to buy him a rucksack, and get him sent on a delivery to a tube
    station. ;-)

    With any luck, the fact he's now properly in the public domain, will make
    him wind his neck in a bit, lest someone else feel compelled to do it for
    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
  18. Sir. Tony

    JackH Guest

    What about if they sent you some booze... bottle of brandy, perhaps?
    JackH, Aug 1, 2005
  19. Sir. Tony

    frag Guest

    Sir. Tony scribbled:
    DNS updates have to filter down from the root servers to all the DNS
    servers around the world. This can take upto 4 days.

    Plus the fact I quoted someone else's post with the information in.

    Plus the fact withdrawing public information doesn't make it illegal to
    use the previously published information.

    Plus the fact you're a bit of a yoghurt really, aren't you?
    frag, Aug 1, 2005
  20. Sir. Tony

    frag Guest

    Sir. Tony scribbled:
    Classic! Hilarious! Absolutely priceless.

    Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
    frag, Aug 1, 2005
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