To MJ and the fans

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sir. Tony, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. Hah. Sez you.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jul 31, 2005
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  2. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    Who gave you permission to use what ever name that was?
    Why are you spamming what websight?
    He bloody deserve it.
    You was out of order. All i said was the accusers where telling lies on
    court about Michael Jackson, them you had to just get all heated and start
    acting like some mad dog.
    Sir. Tony, Jul 31, 2005
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  3. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    Sir. Tony, Jul 31, 2005
  4. Sir. Tony

    petrolcan Guest

    No, its EN37LQ
    petrolcan, Jul 31, 2005
  5. Ginge wrote
    steve auvache, Jul 31, 2005
  6. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    I'm just no big fan of Apple computers, they look good, but I prefer a PC.
    Sir. Tony, Jul 31, 2005
  7. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    I'm just no big fan of Apple computers, they look good, but I prefer a PC.
    Sir. Tony, Jul 31, 2005
  8. Sir. Tony

    frag Guest

    Grimly Curmudgeon scribbled:
    Oh no, thats terrible. It'd be even worse if someone quoted it all for
    Google to store lots of copies of forever, and added, ooh, I dunno,
    something like "Sir Tony address" for cross reference purposes?
    frag, Jul 31, 2005
  9. Sir. Tony

    Ginge Guest

    That IMHO is taking it too far, the objective of highlighting Ton't
    oversight was A) to take the piss, whilst watching him attempt to fill
    in the hole he just dug and B) make him think twice about his idiotic

    That, plus seeing Susan Willer sue his arse.
    Ginge, Jul 31, 2005
  10. Sir. Tony

    Ginge Guest

    I wasn't aware I needed permission to call you Mr Brandy.

    I'm a little disappointed in the people who thought it a good idea to
    post your address though, that's uncalled for.
    Ginge, Aug 1, 2005
  11. Sir. Tony

    mike bothe Guest

    mike bothe, Aug 1, 2005
  12. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  13. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest!!blueyonder!!blueyonder!!border1.nntp.ams.gigan!!!!!pri!not-for-mail
    From: "frag" <>
    Subject: Re: To MJ and the fans
    Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 22:34:44 +0000 (UTC)
    Organization: You must be joking!
    Message-ID: <dcjjm4$as1$>
    References: <kaPGe.57480$>
    Mime-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
    User-Agent: XanaNews/
    X-No-Archive: yes
    Lines: 43
    X-Trace: 1122849421 5637
    X-Received-Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 01:58:27 BST (

    My e-mail of complaint has been sent.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  14. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    From: "Abuse - Copyright" <> Add to Address Book
    To: "tony brandy" <>
    Subject: RE: Complint about the posting of my "Name & Address" on a
    newsgroup [521536:615777]
    Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 04:25:58 +0100


    Many thanks for taking the time to submit this report to Zen Internet Ltd.'s
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    All incidents are attended to in the order they are received. The volume of
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    however we endeavour to deal with the majority of cases within 72 hours.
    Once we have begun processing this incident we will notify you of the steps
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    All action taken will be appropriate and in line with our Terms and
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    When making an infringement report, please ensure you include as much
    information as possible to assist us, we would also ask that submissions are
    made in plain text and any relevant non-text information is attached.

    We require:

    1. The date and time the incident occurred within the past 7 days.
    2. The source IP address or the domain name.
    3. The full details of the alleged copyright infringement including; title,
    year of creation, director/producer, distributor and details of
    International/UK copyright holder.
    4. The method of distribution being used.
    5. Any logs to corroborate the report.
    6. Any further pertinent information

    Reports submitted without all the above information will not be acted upon.

    In cases where the incident may merit the involvement of a legal body you
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    If your e-mail is not in relation to an abuse incident, please call us on
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    Best regards.

    Technical Support - Abuse Department
    Zen Internet Ltd.
    T: 0845 058 9009
    F: 0845 058 9110

    -----Original Message-----
    From: "tony brandy" <>
    Received: 01/08/2005 04:24
    To: <>
    Subject: Complint about the posting of my "Name & Address" on a newsgroup

    The wording of this post as follows:

    Grimly Curmudgeon scribbled:
    If you don't get cut-off, i will get the police involved.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  15. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    From: Add to Address Book
    Subject: Re: [#30907630] Online Abuse Report
    Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 04:29:28 -0000

    Thank you for your interest in Google Groups Beta. We're actively
    developing this service and your feedback is important to us. This is
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    To further assist our users, we have created a Help Center on Google
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    If you haven't already, please check out the Help Center at

    We'll be updating the Help Center frequently based on feedback and new
    developments. Thanks again for your feedback and for using Google.

    The Google Team
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
  16. Sir. Tony

    ogden Guest

    Disappointed, but not surprised.
    ogden, Aug 1, 2005
  17. Sir. Tony

    frag Guest

    Ginge scribbled:
    's alright, I post with x-no-archive set. I just wanted to see Tony
    squirm and panic, which going by the email I got "I'm going to the
    police about this", he did rather well :)))

    As you say, absolutely nothing he can do as the info was freely
    available in the public domain by his own choosing.
    frag, Aug 1, 2005
  18. Sir. Tony

    Dr Zoidberg Guest

    Someone complained to BY about me after I reposted their name and address
    from the whois record.

    Blueyonder said that as this was publicly available information they would
    do nothing as you can see below , so you have wasted your time
    "We have spoken to the Internet Security and Abuse Team regarding the
    posting of your details and they agree with ourselves and several other
    posters in the thread that as this information is in the public domain
    then no abuse issue has taken place. The registrant of your domain
    should have informed you that this information would be available to
    anybody that carries out searches on the domain using any of the tools
    available. I also note that you have sent in a report direct to the
    Abuse Team who will provide their own response"


    Hermes: "We can't afford that! Especially not Zoidberg!"
    Zoidberg: "They took away my credit cards!"
    Dr Zoidberg, Aug 1, 2005
  19. frag wrote

    Rocking, the perverted little shite wants to be a bully now.

    If you want a character witness....

 can **** right off.
    steve auvache, Aug 1, 2005
  20. Sir. Tony

    Sir. Tony Guest

    At the time it was posted, it was no longer public information. You have
    committed an offence under the data protection act.

    That all I'm saying on that subject.
    Sir. Tony, Aug 1, 2005
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