MOT time on the NigglePan soon, most likely accompanied by another big bill. It does need new steering head bearings, plus potentially new disks at the front. And those will be original Honda given that I'm *so* happy with the EBC disk on the back. And no time at the moment to do the work myself so I'm looking at handing some dosh over to someone else as I don't even have the time to get it to the esteemed Colonel Tupperware, so local bike shop it is. Which in itself is a bit crap. So of course the thoughts turn towards a potential replacement. Thing is, the Pan is so damn competent at what it does that it's hard to find anything else to replace it. I've pretty much given up on trying to commute on it daily (clutch issues again, the Husky is just so much easier on my hand) so I do need a commuter as well. May as well be the Husky... So I thought a bit about bikes that I could see myself using as a replacement, mainly for longer trips (even two-up) with a bit of commuting thrown in. Budget is a bit of a concern as usual - it's unlikely that I would keep the bike much longer than towards the end of this year due to some 'life-changing events' as people call them these days. So, call it four grand. The shortlist I drew up was rather short indeed, namely: - Another, lower mileage 1100 Pan. Probably not, I could chuck the additional cash at mine and just sort myself out with a higher screen and fix up some of the more annoying niggles. - BMW R1100GS. Budget doesn't stretch to an 1150 and I prefer the looks of the 1100 anyway. - Guzzi Spada. I'd like another one but for some reason I haven't seen one for sale for ages. The main worries I have about the R1100GS are the seating position (that's after all the reason that I sold my RS to petrolcan) although you can get lowered footrests for them, and the pillion seat. On the GS it's high enough so La Americaine probably needs a step ladder to mount the bike... Any of the London GSsers willing to entertain a CIHAGM on a GS in exchange for a blat on the Husky or on the Pan?