To all here

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Dusty, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. Dusty

    Dusty Guest

    Sorry to talk like this........ but one thing I know is computers and I do
    know how to post a pic !!!!!! I am just saying that this N/F/G is not set up
    to post pic's on. Now if you want I can put up some pic's on the Harley N/G
    for you all to drool over .
    I just think that you all if you are able to ride this far should come to
    check it out if and only if you are coming this way. I for one would not go
    all the way to where you all live just to go to a bar !!!!!!!I would go for
    the ride and the trip yes, If I found a nice place or maybe if one of you
    all could tell me and my MC a good place that would be nice. We can ride, we
    went to San Antonio and the hill country last weekend . Did you all get out
    of your town or just race sport bikes ?????? I can beet a lot of young
    inexperienced spot riders also. I used to do the motto cross racing circuit
    in California an did the Baja race a time or two. How about you all. This
    fact not fiction.

    If you all came down you might get to know my real name. If you go to the
    Sen of Texas web page you will see me with the sen Eddy Lucio he is wearing
    my vest on one of your bikes.
    Sorry if I was harsh but I just waned to set this straight and if you don't
    like the place I was talking about ... each to there own likes and dislikes.
    That is why we all are different. Imagine if we all were the same ( Boring )
    As always and maybe never to return.
    Want to race ?
    Dusty, Aug 9, 2007
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  2. Dusty

    louie Guest

    sounds like you called Walker

    louie, Aug 9, 2007
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  3. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    I haven't talked to him....

    I'm not sure how much of a "race" it'd be with a 81 GL1100. Sure would
    be interesting though. I don't know anything about his posting
    pictures to the newsgroup, but I've been hoping he would. I seem to
    recall a movie getting posted here by the recommendation of a Houston
    twat who used to post here....that was FUNNY!!!

    BTW, did anyone else understand his posting here? Sounds like he just
    got home from the Pig Pen....
    Brian Walker, Aug 9, 2007
  4. Dusty

    Bill Cattell Guest

    /snip rant/
    Dusty, pay no heed to the characters in here - we're all just a bunch of
    thick-skinned, pigheaded, opinionated biker scum (except yours truely who
    is a true gentleman thru and thru). ;-)

    Looking at the HogPit website I am looking forward to a road trip. It
    would be a haul from up here in Area 51 but a fun ride none the less.

    I think is was mentioned in another thread that posting to a text only
    newsgroup is frowned upon but your idea about posting to one of the
    alt.binaries groups is a good plan. I'll bet several of the regulars
    around here spend A LOT of time up in that neck of the woods... (wink,

    Just remember - don't take us seriously (unless we're talking about
    setting up a ride) - we sure don't (take ourselves seriously, that is).

    Bill Cattell, Aug 9, 2007
  5. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    ------Dusty tells it straight-------
    -------Topic; To All Here!------
    Sorry to talk like this........ but one thing I know is computers and I
    do know how to post a pic !!!!!! I am just saying that this N/F/G is not
    set up to post pic's on. Now if you want I can put up some pic's on the
    =====Harley N/G for you all to drool over== .

    == I just think that you all if you are able to ride this far should
    come to check it out if and only if you are coming this way. I for one
    would not go all the way to where you all live just to go to a bar
    !!!!!!!I would go for the ride and the trip yes, If I found a nice place
    or maybe if one of you all could tell me and my MC a good place that
    would be nice.

    ===We can ride, we went to San Antonio and the hill country last weekend
    Did you all get out of your town or just race sport bikes ?????? I can
    beet a lot of young inexperienced spot riders also.

    ===I used to do the motto cross racing circuit in California an did the
    Baja race a time or two. How about you all. This fact not fiction.

    =====If you all came down you might get to know my real name. Ifyou go
    to the Sen of Texas web page you will see me with the sen Eddy Lucio he
    is wearing my vest on one of your bikes.

    ======Sorry if I was harsh but I just waned to set this straight and if
    you don't like the place I was talking about ... each to there own likes
    and dislikes. That is why we all are different. Imagine if we all were
    the same ( Boring ) As always and maybe never to return.
    Want to race ?


    Well-Sir, Dusty, ain't nothing wrong with being ''straight
    forward'....I am fairly known to be ''too.'' I Think I mostly speak my
    mind. I have said stuff on here, that I regreted, but if I've ever hurt
    anyones feelings, or made someone angry, I try to remember to

    The issue of ''posting photos'' on this txmoto group doesnt seem to be
    a problem for; Louie, Redshad, Wakko, and Jerry.....I dont quite
    understand why you got ''wrankled'' about it??????

    Shoot, even I posted photos on here once, using Yahoo's help......what's
    the big deal.
    Dusty, hail’, I did it using this ''twoBit Webby TV apparatus''

    Got to mess with ya' little here, Dusty.

    Your last short phrase was; ‘‘Want to race’’ You do ride a
    Harley, doncha?

    One more thang; You live way too far for me to ride in one
    day.....hail' it would take two days for me......hey....I aint no Iron
    Butt'ass ''certificate'' holder, know what i'm sayin'? Over??

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Aug 9, 2007
  6. Dusty

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well Hell.. who stepped on your Krispies ? Guess you sure told off a lot of
    people on this lil' ol' newsgroup, huh ? What's up with all that ? If you
    are feel-
    ing better, you can take this opportunity to go **** yourself.. If you
    aren't feel-
    ing better, you can still go **** yourself.. Damn.. this rant of yours
    reads like
    some drunk posted it.. sheesh.. Who the hell do you think you are, and who
    the hell do you think you are challenging ?

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 9, 2007
  7. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Can you first put that into English so I can understand it?

    If not, what about Spanish???

    I'm not sure if you're wanting my help to repair a motorcycle or
    you're challenging me to a race....
    Brian Walker, Aug 9, 2007
  8. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah...what you say!
    Brian Walker, Aug 9, 2007
  9. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest


    I'll see his challenge and raise him two!!!
    Brian Walker, Aug 9, 2007
  10. Dusty

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘You want to race how says I will use a gl
    1100???????????????’’ ''Dusty''

    BrianWalker said: Dusty;
    Can you first put that into English so I can understand it?
    If not, what about Spanish???
    I'm not sure if you're wanting my help to repair a motorcycle or you're
    challenging me to a race....

    As much as I am trying not to be to hard on our new txmoto member from
    deep south Tejas. --Brian,I have to tell you I agree with you
    above, and had to LMAO, the way you put it into =words and phrases...=
    BJayKana, Aug 9, 2007
  11. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest

    Brian!!!!! You in town?
    Bike nite at "Twin Peaks"
    Ed Hart, Aug 9, 2007
  12. Dusty

    Brian Walker Guest

    I am NOW!!!

    Let's do the bike nite @ the Mesquite Twin Peaks!!! Who's up for it?
    Anyone else, give me a ring on my cell and let's hook up and see what
    kind of shit we can start up at this place!!!
    Brian Walker, Aug 11, 2007
  13. Dusty

    bj_kana Guest

    what it........I'm in the mood.
    bj_kana, Aug 12, 2007
  14. Dusty

    Ed Hart Guest


    Ed Hart
    All My Imaginary Friends Are Gone.
    I guess It Is Time To FInd Some New Ones.
    Ed Hart, Aug 12, 2007
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