Sorry to talk like this........ but one thing I know is computers and I do know how to post a pic !!!!!! I am just saying that this N/F/G is not set up to post pic's on. Now if you want I can put up some pic's on the Harley N/G for you all to drool over . I just think that you all if you are able to ride this far should come to check it out if and only if you are coming this way. I for one would not go all the way to where you all live just to go to a bar !!!!!!!I would go for the ride and the trip yes, If I found a nice place or maybe if one of you all could tell me and my MC a good place that would be nice. We can ride, we went to San Antonio and the hill country last weekend . Did you all get out of your town or just race sport bikes ?????? I can beet a lot of young inexperienced spot riders also. I used to do the motto cross racing circuit in California an did the Baja race a time or two. How about you all. This fact not fiction. If you all came down you might get to know my real name. If you go to the Sen of Texas web page you will see me with the sen Eddy Lucio he is wearing my vest on one of your bikes. Sorry if I was harsh but I just waned to set this straight and if you don't like the place I was talking about ... each to there own likes and dislikes. That is why we all are different. Imagine if we all were the same ( Boring ) As always and maybe never to return. DUSTY Want to race ?