TMRA2 Legistative Day

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by SKooter Bum, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. SKooter Bum

    SKooter Bum Guest


    Once again we ask that you join us to speak with Legislators on behalf
    of our issues

    Failure To Yield - Equal Access - Insurance etc.

    We shall be opposing

    Trans Texas Corridor - Helmet Bill - Road Blocks

    We have blocked rooms for Sunday Jan. 25th, 2009 at the Red Roof Inn,
    8210 N

    I-35 in Austin. That is next door to the one we have been using. Each
    room has Double Queen size beds at a cost of $ 44.99 + tax. To get
    this rate you must book your room by December 25th. You may stay over
    Monday night at the same rate if you so choose.

    To reserve your room(s) call 1-800-733-7663. Tell them "I'm with Texas
    Motorcycle Rights Association. We have rooms blocked at Austin North
    and I want (give the number of rooms). Be sure to specify Smoking or

    Free Bike parking only is located on the South and West side of the
    Capitol where parking meters are capped

    TMRA 2 will set up following the Biker Church Services at the Austin M
    C Community Service Center, 2103 E.M. Franklin, on Sunday the 25th for
    the Pre-Legislative Day information sharing and party. (Go East on
    Airport Blvd. from I-35, turn left onto M.L.K. Blvd., turn left at
    next light - E.M.Franklin. Center is one block up on your right.) We
    shall discuss the issues, hand out talking points, hold an auction and
    do all the things we normally did around the pool. All are welcome to
    attend Biker church services at 11:00pm.


    The bar will be open and no drinks may be brought in or out during the


    Sputnik @ 512-971-6777 or Terri @ 512-971-1377

    or check our websites or
    SKooter Bum, Nov 17, 2008
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  2. I hadn't received this yet. I'll pass it on to my club members, etc.
    Thanks for posting it.
    Westexas Rider, Nov 17, 2008
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  3. SKooter Bum

    redshad Guest

    Biker church services? Is Sputnik a preacher now? That guy will do
    anything to steal your money.

    redshad, Nov 17, 2008
  4. SKooter Bum

    Jerry Guest

    What are roadblocks and what is equal access as TMRA have issues with?
    Jerry, Nov 17, 2008
  5. SKooter Bum

    Mr. JayT Guest

    Yeah, me too, Jerry...yeah!
    Mr. JayT, Nov 17, 2008
  6. SKooter Bum

    redshad Guest

    I wonder if your supposed to hit the bar before or after biker church

    redshad, Nov 17, 2008
  7. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    I wonder if your supposed to hit the bar before or after biker church


    Very confusing to say the least.

    Suppose BJay had input to this agenda.

    Block rooms not roads. Is that a Hate Crime?

    louie, Nov 18, 2008
  8. SKooter Bum

    redshad Guest

    Lets say you went to the Sputnik Biker Church Service after you hit
    the bar. Then in church you repent for your sins but your drunk.
    Wouldnt that be a RWI ( Repenting While Intoxicated) and the biker
    church fine you a bunch of money??

    redshad, Nov 18, 2008
  9. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    I'm guessing roadblocks are DUI checkpoint type things, and equal access
    maybe has something to do with off-road vehicles and parks, dunno
    BiffB, Nov 18, 2008
  10. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    Dude, they serve wine at my church.
    BiffB, Nov 18, 2008
  11. SKooter Bum

    Jerry Guest

    I wonder if your supposed to hit the bar before or after biker church


    Is that the equal access thing I was asking about? If so, I can see where
    roadblocks would be a hindrance to access.

    All kidding aside, I can get 200% behind a Failure To Yield legislation and
    Jerry, Nov 18, 2008
  12. SKooter Bum

    louie Guest

    Well then, I can see your church also being against roadblocks.

    louie, Nov 18, 2008
  13. SKooter Bum

    redshad Guest

    Please send your check to TMRA2 care of Sputnik,,,,In the memo line be
    sure to put its for the Failure To Yeild Bill. Send as large of a
    donation as possible because he needs to buy stamps and envelopes and
    a motorcycle.

    redshad, Nov 18, 2008
  14. SKooter Bum

    Bill Cattell Guest

    The equal access amendment is to ensure that people on two wheels have
    access to parking, restaurants (like Keller's drive in) as well as access
    to parking where businesses try to restrict motorcycles. I've seen quite
    a few parking garages that specifically state that motorcycles are
    prohibited from parking. Most riders do anyway but it's wrong to try to
    keep bikers away just because of their transportation.

    What I've read about the roadblocks is that DPS wanted to run periodic
    roadblocks to ensure drivers were properly licensed and insured. Several
    state legislators complained that DPS would use the roadblocks to find
    illegal immigrants and arrest them. The argument is that that is not
    DPS's job. I've since read that DPS has stopped pushng the idea of
    roadblocks because of the backlash,

    Bill Cattell, Nov 19, 2008
  15. SKooter Bum

    Jerry Guest

    Thanks for the info. I guess scooter plonked me ( I did not feel a thing
    though) or he did not know. Heaven forbid any Texas agency enforce
    immigration laws. Being Federal and all. I bet if a person was making 20
    dollar bills in their garage, the DPS would knock down any Federal agents to
    get to you first.
    Jerry, Nov 19, 2008
  16. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    I am generally opposed to checkpoints of any kind. Seems to violate that
    whole "unreasonable search" thing, but I'll never convince a judge of that.
    BiffB, Nov 19, 2008
  17. SKooter Bum

    Jerry Guest

    Jerry, Nov 20, 2008
  18. SKooter Bum

    Jerry Guest

    Jerry, Nov 20, 2008
  19. SKooter Bum

    BiffB Guest

    Those are reasonable examples of things to which I am opposed. I think.
    Didn't watch all of the Youtube video due to crappy download speeds.
    Basically, if the cops have stopped me to find out if I'm doing
    something wrong, I am opposed to it. If they stopped me because I was
    actually violating a law, it becomes slightly more tolerable. But then
    there's that whole "The reason I stopped you sir, is the light on your
    license plate isn't bright enough. Could you step out of the car?" thing.
    BiffB, Nov 20, 2008
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