Interesting conversation took place last night.. Another of the good brothers at TMRA II called me.. Name's not important.. We discussed several issues and the one that has stuck in my mind has been the ill conceived perception by so many, that TMRA II is a one sided democratic controlled membership.. Nothing could be furthur from the truth.. As a matter of fact.. Sputnik, who as we know is the Chairman of TMRA II and an activist in the political arena in Austin, makes a point of attending as many Republican functions as Democratic ones.. For example.. Sputnik was very active at the State Democratic Convention as well as the State Republican Convention.. Sputnik supports many of the republican candidates and incumbents throughout the state and nation.. He is a democrat (I think).. but he is balanced in support of issues that are on both sides of the aisle in our legislature.. The membership also reflects a balance of republican and democrat persuasions.. Although I suspect there just may be more democrats, the republican brothers and sisters members,would argue that point, I'm sure.. Perhaps my own affiliation has contributed to this misconception of the makeup of TMRA II.. Needless to repeat, I am definitely a democrat .. Be that as it may, the republican brothers and sisters who know me personally can attest that the concern of TMRA II is to represent motorcyclist's interest and the best interests of our nation and state.. That is not necessarily the order of priority.. As brothers and sisters of our mutual interests in motorcycles and the rights of motorcyclists, we have often joined together, as democrats and republicans, to access our political system and to make sure that our government is representative of all of us as Americans.. TMRA II is unique in that respect and should be supported by everyone who rides.. Dirt bikes, Touring bikes, Sports, Cruisers or whatever you ride, even Cages and Pickups benefit greatly by the representation by TMRA II each time the legislature is in session.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker