Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Interesting conversation took place last night.. Another of the good
    brothers at TMRA II called me.. Name's not important.. We discussed several
    issues and the one that has stuck in my mind has been the ill conceived
    perception by so many, that TMRA II is a one sided democratic controlled

    Nothing could be furthur from the truth.. As a matter of fact.. Sputnik, who
    as we know is the Chairman of TMRA II and an activist in the political arena
    in Austin, makes a point of attending as many Republican functions as
    Democratic ones.. For example.. Sputnik was very active at the State
    Democratic Convention as well as the State Republican Convention.. Sputnik
    supports many of the republican candidates and incumbents throughout the
    state and nation.. He is a democrat (I think).. but he is balanced in
    support of issues that are on both sides of the aisle in our legislature..

    The membership also reflects a balance of republican and democrat
    persuasions.. Although I suspect there just may be more democrats, the
    republican brothers and sisters members,would argue that point, I'm sure..

    Perhaps my own affiliation has contributed to this misconception of the
    makeup of TMRA II.. Needless to repeat, I am definitely a democrat .. Be
    that as it may, the republican brothers and sisters who know me personally
    can attest that the concern of TMRA II is to represent motorcyclist's
    interest and the best interests of our nation and state.. That is not
    necessarily the order of priority..

    As brothers and sisters of our mutual interests in motorcycles and the
    rights of motorcyclists, we have often joined together, as democrats and
    republicans, to access our political system and to make sure that our
    government is representative of all of us as Americans..

    TMRA II is unique in that respect and should be supported by everyone who
    rides.. Dirt bikes, Touring bikes, Sports, Cruisers or whatever you ride,
    even Cages and Pickups benefit greatly by the representation by TMRA II each
    time the legislature is in session..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 9, 2004
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Sheesh.. Jim.. that would take days. I will try. Actually Elmer McKeeghan
    or Mike Alvey either one would be better qualified to more completely give
    you ALL the details of the organization.. Membership is open to anyone..
    The organization has chapters throughout most of the state... Sputnik is the
    chairman of TMRA II and has been almost from the beginning.. Some say that
    he is the "father" of the organization..

    The organization is focused on the legislative interests of motorcyclists
    rights across the state, although Sputnik spends some time helping plan and
    organizations like it, in other states.. TMRA II maintains an office in
    Austin and maintains a presence in our state capitol, especially during the
    legislative sessions, when members throughout the state gather there to
    access their representatives and either argue for or against bills affecting
    our rights .. Their high profile visibility in the capitol ensures that many
    of the bills which might not represent the best interest of bikers are
    brought to the attention of the membership..

    Some might say that TMRA II is simply a lobbying effort by bikers, and that
    is also accurate, but it is much more . Each chapter has monthly meetings
    which all the members who attend express concerns, interests or ambitions
    for the legislation or other issues which are of concern to them.. Very
    open.. and usually informative.. The fellowship is another part of TMRA II
    that I personally enjoy.. Regardless of party affiliation, republicans and
    democrats come together as Bikers and they discover the many issues that we
    all have in common..

    One particular issue that I have focused on for a lot of years is our
    insurance costs in Texas.. Others are concerned about the high cost of our
    utilities and fuel.. Other issues concerning the environment are heard ..
    The helmet law of choice in Texas is one of the products which we can be
    thankful to TMRA II, for.. Although it isn't a perfect law and has some
    areas that need to be smoothed out, we do not wear helmets if we meet the
    requirements of the state..

    I hope this gives you an idea of what TMRA II is about.. It is only the tip
    of the iceberg.. Good.. honest and interesting people who share your
    enthusiasm for motorcycles..and they work to make all our lives a bit more
    enjoyable and free.. Mike Alvey or Elmer McKeeghan monitor this newsgroup
    and post on here occasionally.. I'm sure they will notice your request for
    information and will also respond when they get a chance.. Thanks for asking
    me, and I hope that my little bit of information gives you some insight of
    TMRA II.. I will discuss it more, if you like .. when we ride together
    again... See you guys after I return from Arizona... Be safe while I'm gone
    and regards to IceMan and both the lovely wives .and family..

    BTW.. be sure to make the young man of yours know that this old veteran
    wishes him a successful tour in Iraq and my prayers will be with him and all
    the others while they are in harm's way.. Godspeed ... youngster.. stay

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Jul 10, 2004
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