Talk about getting caught with your pants down.. LOL.. I sure fell down on my job this month.. As the saying goes.."weren't my fault".. either.. Seems like a conflict in times came up this month with the regular scheduled meeting of the Tarrant Chapter and the Big Toy Run co-ordinators.. They both had meetings scheduled at the same time.. The Tarrant Chapter supports the Toy Run and most of the "honchos" participate in organizing the annual run.. I got the call late and started calling to let everyone know of the changes.. The Chapter meeting was re-scheduled to December 22nd.. American Legion Post .. 7:30 PM.. See you there.. Sorry if there was an inconvenience and damn.. did I ever feel foolish when that Harley wheeled into my patio.. Sheesh.. it was cold as a witch's tit.. And sure enough, there's my friend Waco.. all leathered out and ready to go to a meetin'.. Well.. what could I say.. "dammit" .. Waco.. I sure feel bad, You need to give me a good contact number, I've been trying to get in touch, all afternoon.. hmmm.. could be that new Sears model of gucci wireless is smarter than me.. huh ? I'm always tickled to death to get a chance to see ol' Waco, anyway.. He was understanding and all, about the whole mixup, so I made him a fresh cup in that gucci coffee deal, I bought at Sears.. (I finally finally figured out how to make the coffee, at least).. The mexican had just made a big pot of chicken and dumplings and she's real proud of her expertise with that proud southern gourmet dish.. It should be noted that I taught her how to do that.. Anyway.. she grabbed the biggest bowl in the kitchen and dished up the chicken and dumpling for our good friend.. Also.. it should be noted, that when you invite Waco to sit at the table, you better be ready to feed a BIG guy.. LOL.. She hovered around while he ate and that expectant look on her face was unmistakable.. Finally he pushed that empty bowl back and told her that was the best chicken and dumplings, he'd ever had... The mexican cleared that table with a smile on her face, happy .. then retired to the bedroom to watch her mexican channel "soaps".. The Toy Run is scheduled for the 19th of December and we will make the ride from the Dallas side..On the 22nd, we'll be attending the meeting of the Tarrant Chapter TMRA II meeting.. Anybody who wants or needs company for either event is invited and/or welcome.. See you around both doins'... Everybody take care.. damn it's cold out there.. Your friend in Irving Bill Walker