TMRA II Meeting Rescheduled

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Talk about getting caught with your pants down.. LOL.. I sure fell down on
    my job this month.. As the saying goes.."weren't my fault".. either.. Seems
    like a conflict in times came up this month with the regular scheduled
    meeting of the Tarrant Chapter and the Big Toy Run co-ordinators.. They both
    had meetings scheduled at the same time..

    The Tarrant Chapter supports the Toy Run and most of the "honchos"
    participate in organizing the annual run.. I got the call late and started
    calling to let everyone know of the changes.. The Chapter meeting was
    re-scheduled to December 22nd.. American Legion Post .. 7:30 PM.. See you

    Sorry if there was an inconvenience and damn.. did I ever feel foolish when
    that Harley wheeled into my patio.. Sheesh.. it was cold as a witch's tit..
    And sure enough, there's my friend Waco.. all leathered out and ready to go
    to a meetin'.. Well.. what could I say.. "dammit" .. Waco.. I sure feel bad,
    You need to give me a good contact number, I've been trying to get in touch,
    all afternoon.. hmmm.. could be that new Sears model of gucci wireless is
    smarter than me.. huh ?

    I'm always tickled to death to get a chance to see ol' Waco, anyway.. He
    was understanding and all, about the whole mixup, so I made him a fresh cup
    in that gucci coffee deal, I bought at Sears.. (I finally finally figured
    out how to make the coffee, at least)..

    The mexican had just made a big pot of chicken and dumplings and she's real
    proud of her expertise with that proud southern gourmet dish.. It should be
    noted that I taught her how to do that.. Anyway.. she grabbed the biggest
    bowl in the kitchen and dished up the chicken and dumpling for our good
    friend.. Also.. it should be noted, that when you invite Waco to sit at the
    table, you better be ready to feed a BIG guy.. LOL.. She hovered around
    while he ate and that expectant look on her face was unmistakable.. Finally
    he pushed that empty bowl back and told her that was the best chicken and
    dumplings, he'd ever had... The mexican cleared that table with a smile on
    her face, happy .. then retired to the bedroom to watch her mexican channel

    The Toy Run is scheduled for the 19th of December and we will make the ride
    from the Dallas side..On the 22nd, we'll be attending the meeting of the
    Tarrant Chapter TMRA II meeting.. Anybody who wants or needs company for
    either event is invited and/or welcome.. See you around both doins'...
    Everybody take care.. damn it's cold out there..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2004
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  2. <>In part of<>~~~~~>Sorry if there was an inconvenience and damn.. did I
    ever feel foolish when that Harley wheeled into my patio.. Sheesh.. it
    was cold as a witch's tit.. And sure enough, there's my friend Waco..
    all leathered out and ready to go to a meetin'.. Well.. what could I
    say.. "dammit" .. Waco.. I sure feel bad, You need to give me a good
    contact number, I've been trying to get in touch, all afternoon.. hmmm..
    could be that new Sears model of gucci wireless is smarter than me.. huh
    I'm always tickled to death to get a chance to see ol' Waco, anyway.. He
    was understanding and all, about the whole mixup, so I made him a fresh
    cup in that gucci coffee deal, I bought at Sears.. (I finally finally
    figured out how to make the coffee, at least)..
    The mexican had just made a big pot of chicken and dumplings and she's
    real proud of her expertise with that proud southern gourmet dish.. It
    should be noted that I taught her how to do that.. Anyway.. she grabbed
    the biggest bowl in the kitchen and dished up the chicken and dumpling
    for our good friend.. Also.. it should be noted, that when you invite
    Waco to sit at the table, you better be ready to feed a BIG guy.. LOL..
    She hovered around while he ate and that expectant look on her face was
    unmistakable.. Finally he pushed that empty bowl back and told her that
    was the best chicken and dumplings, he'd ever had... The mexican cleared
    that table with a smile on her face, happy .. then retired to the
    bedroom to watch her mexican channel "soaps"..
    The Toy Run is scheduled for the 19th of December and we will make the
    ride from the Dallas side..On the 22nd, we'll be attending the meeting
    of the Tarrant Chapter TMRA II meeting.. Anybody who wants or needs
    company for either event is invited and/or welcome.. See you around both
    doins'... Everybody take care.. damn it's cold out there..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    another humorusly told- tale. (grin)
    I bet that was a close to being an embarrasing situation, when you heard
    that Harley rumble up. But, the Mexican saved your hine-in, you say.<>
    Ya probably knew quidkly it was Wakko, right? <>Ummmmm, I like chicken
    and dumplins. And your honey, the mexican, did a superb job, eh? I
    really got tickled, when you said, she retired to the bedroom, to watch
    Mexcian TV Soaps. (grin)...Bill, have you learned much of the Mex
    language? It happens to be about my Favorite language. And, I must, say,
    my favorite food. Did you ever eat at La Casa Rosa, here, on St Line? I
    have been eating there since 1962. They have ''closed tacos'', ya ever
    heard of them?
    chat later.

    <>Happy Holidays<>Bjay,.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 16, 2004
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. buddy... La Casa Rosa is a good place to eat..I don't remember the
    "closed taco" thingy, but they sure put on a good enchilada plate.. Good

    The mexican sets a good table too.. Whew.. she's one helluva good cook..
    Knows all that stuff that normal gringoes don't get to eat very often..
    course .. everybody know that I'm not quite the typical gringo..

    Dependin' on who you're talking to, some folks claim I speak better spanish
    than most mexicans.. The bride didn't speak any english at all when we
    first got married over fifteen years ago.. She was a school teacher in
    Mexico and now she's teaching here in Texas... Helluva deal.. huh ?

    There's others who claim I speak the worst spanish, they ever heard.. hmmm..
    don't speak english much better.. Seems like I usually get my point across,
    no matter which language I am speaking, tho...

    Take care Bjay..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2004
  4. <>~~There's others who claim I speak the worst spanish, they ever
    heard.. hmmm.. don't speak english much better.. Seems like I usually
    get my point across, no matter which language I am speaking, tho...
    Take care Bjay..
    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Maybe you speak spanish with a ''RedNeck'' accent. I bet your wife has
    a pretty sounding name, huh? <About our LaCasa Rosa Mexican Restaurant,
    they cook with onions, and lots of garlic. I think enchiladas are so
    much better with onions. Their hot sauce is superb, and it's Hot Sauce.
    I'm taking do the same.

    <>Happy Holidays<>Bjay,.
    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Dec 16, 2004
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