TMRA 2 .. DFW Chapter

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmmm... I thought I'd asked you to name a few of those crucial issues that
    you've been discussing with all those "representatives" that you keep
    referring to.. None have come to mind, yet.. huh ?

    LOL.. Be sure to let someone know which candidate you will be supporting in
    '06.. or is that going to be top secret until after the elections.. uh..
    Maybe like all these "issues" that you keep going on about.. right ?
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL Of course you aren't .. Your pissfights are all limited to usenet..
    ROTFLMAO.. You sure don't .. Newsgroup insults and bullshit is your limit..
    Sheesh... See you when I get to Houston..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
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  3. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yup.. that's what I'm talking.. See you, then..Thanks..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I don't, actually.. When it comes to cases, you have no idea what any of
    those Bills represent or what your position on them would be.. Neither can
    you tell us which of the representatives you have contacted about any of
    them.. ROTFLMAO... You are a bald faced liar, Nurick, as well as being a
    usenet kook..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Semantics JC.

    Regardless of how you characterize it the optics are Bill represents
    the group.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Aug 11, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    I would like to say here that if you were interested in moving the bikers
    rights agenda forward in the Texas legislature, then you would do it...Bill
    Walker or no. You could easily become involved in the political process
    without ever having to meet Bill or Brian, or ever attend any TMRA2

    So, if you feel you have been chased off from TMRA2, there are many avenues
    still available to you. All it takes is motivation and will.

    I'm sure you could be a valuable asset to any SMRO, but unless you actually
    *do* something, you are a wasted asset.

    If you really want to cheeze Bill Walker off, go get involved. Become the
    spokesman for some other SMRO for this newsgroup. Become a better spokesman
    than Bill. Become a better advocate for motorcyclists rights than Bill.

    That'll show him. Go show that bastard what a *real* rights avocate should

    But...if you don't...then shut the **** up.
    Wakko, Aug 11, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    I think you would have a hard time getting any activists to agree with you.
    Any activist would welcome a combined effort to advance motorcyclists
    rights, no matter what organization it came from.

    But, you have to admit that a group of activists is much more effective than
    a single person. A group effort has many advantages. A full time paid
    lobbyist...coordinated letter writing campaigns...the ability to put asses
    in seats before our representatives in a show of support...etc.

    If you don't like TMRA2, then there are other organizations that would
    welcome your help. If you don't like any of them either, then start your
    own. It's a free country.
    Wakko, Aug 11, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Wakko Guest

    Is Iggy the spokesman for reeky? How embarassing. I'd join reeky if it
    weren't for Iggy.
    Wakko, Aug 11, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Works for me..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Awwwww... I'm crushed.. Your association with (?) all the movie business has
    convinced me that I'll never buy another theater ticket.. Let that be a
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... I keep up just fine.. You keep on slinging out all this phoney
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    BWAHAAAA..... CONFUSED...? Holy Shit, Nurick.. don't you even know what
    is in those Bills ?? What was your position on them and which
    "representatives" did you share your views with, about them ?
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Vic Guest

    In theory, that's a great idea Wakko, for normal people it would probably
    work. I think the point everyone opposed to the Walker "My way or the
    Hi-way" attitude, is that the Walkers do not respond as a normal human
    beings when confronted with disagreement, at any level. There's a man who
    represents ABATE, that's had almost every post he's made to the newsgroups
    baraged with inuendos, lies, fabrication and distortion of facts, by one of
    the Walkers, to the point where he seldom posts anymore. I'm sure one of the
    Walkers will drag out his long list of grievences against this individual,
    in justifying all the denagration. If they do, it won't be a pretty sight,
    and from my stand point, will not speak well of anyone trying to actually
    promote common ground within the motorcycleing community.

    You may be a friend of theirs, Wakko, and maybe have seen a side of Bill
    and Brian that's not been shown here on usenet. I personally don't care.
    What I find curious though, is that no matter what the topic, or who they
    are talking to, or how pleasent the discussion starts out, sooner or later
    if you don't agree with them, it will turn nasty. I'm sure I'll receive
    comments for one or the other of them, that I have no business posting in a
    tx news group because I'm from Michigan, or that I am just another Walker
    hater trying to stir up trouble. The fact is, some times they get so
    outragous that it's hard not to comment. It's like they assume that
    'silence' from the rest of us is acceptance of what point they are trying to

    If you haven't noticed this, maybe it's because you 'know' them in real
    life, and accept it because 'everyone knows, that's how they are, you just
    have to ignore it.' This is usenet though, what you say is taken exactlly
    how you write it. People here don't 'know' them, and are not about to accept
    their BS simply because they are the Walkers.

    Example of their BS: They've implied that everyone who's not as active
    in mororcyclist's rights as they are, or they think they should be, are
    nothing but 'Welfare Bikers' and 'Posers'. Then they complain that that
    these so called "Welfare Bikers" won't join arm and arm with them to fight
    the good fight. I don't know about you Wakko, but anyone who tries to
    soliciate my help, after insulting me, has a steep hill to climb, lol.

    The Walkers have never solicited my help, nor any one elses that I'm
    aware of, but I find it hard to believe that an organization like TMRA2
    wouldn't welcome my participation. However, having just been called a
    Welfare Biker by a member and proponent of the group, makes it rather
    difficult to believe that members of this group don't all think the same
    thing. I know better, from people like you, that TMRA2 does not think that.

    I have no doubt that Bill and Brian are working hard for the rights of
    Motorcyclist, I don't think that's ever been in dispute. I just think they
    fail to realize that the same people, that they run into the ground over
    some thing as silly as 'what shade of blue the sky is', are the same people
    they would want to be shareing their opinion when discussing motorcycle
    rights. I for one, would not want to be standing 'arm and arm' with them at
    the Capital, and have them 'go off' with the kind of BS they do here. Let's
    face it, they can be, and are, an embarrasment at times.

    TMRA2 is probably a worth while organization. I'm bright enough to
    realize that Bill and Brian do not represent the membership at large (or at
    least I hope they don't). I wouldn't have known about TMRA2 if it hadn't
    been for them. However, if all I had to judge it's worth, were the words and
    actions of Bill and Brian Walker, I'd want no part of it.

    Best regards,

    Vic, Aug 11, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    What part of "I don't speak for anyone but Bill Walker" does you simple mind
    not grasp, Nurick ?
    Whoops.. You are too funny, Nurick.. Squirrelly.. and funny..
    What "group" are you referring to, now.. Nurick ? ROTFL... You don't belong
    to any group.. hmmm... Maybe if you did, they'd allow you to "pick" a
    representative or something, but I doubt it..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Poor lil' ol' Nurick.. He WANTS almost as much as he's terrified..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I love watching you weaselling and squirming, trying to come up with some
    kind of bullshit to justify your bullshit.. hmmmm... Wouldn't it be better
    if you just said... "duh.. I don't know"...??????
    Prove it...Prove me wrong, Nurick..
    Nah... no chance.. Remember, I told you "it ain't working".. I'll be over
    in Reeky, just a little later today.. See you there..
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Vic Guest

    "Brian Walker"
    I think you've finally figured it out Brian. Don, in a very small way, is
    representing Yamaha. Should his enthusiasm in owning a Yamaha cause him to
    assume anyone who doesn't, is a Wanna-Be biker, or Poser, he'd be jumped on
    as quickly as any one else who'd make such a stupid statement. If he
    persisted, he may silence his critics, but their impression of him, and
    posibly all Yamah riders will not be changed. Silence is not always an
    indication that you've won an argument, lol.

    I guess we can further "optically"
    You'd be wrong on this one, Contray to what you think, no one represents
    reeky, lol. We're all free thinkers, lol.

    I guess we
    Right on the mark again, Brian. And the folks in Alberta can be quite
    proud of the way he promotes their area.
    Now you're back to voicing your opinoin as fact again, lol.

    You don't have to be an officer in an organization in order to represent
    it. If you are the only contact a person has with it, what ever impression
    you leave with a person, is a lasting one. That person may never call you on
    a 'mis-speak', they'll just walk away, fileing away the impression you made
    for the organization Brian.

    Best regards, Vic
    Vic, Aug 11, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    You are a lying twat.. I work closely with ABATE on many issues.. I know
    much of the Texas ABATE leadership and many of the members .. LOL... Agreed
    and disagreed with many of them, as well as some in TMRA 2.. You've told a
    bald faced lie and can't substantiate a damned word of it..

    I'm sure one of the
    ROTFL... Obviously, you know so little about the "motorcycling community"...
    Here's a clue.. It ain't on no newsgroup...
    Damn.. you just get sillier with your comments.. LOL
    Here's another little clue.. The Welfare Riders that I've named, are well
    known as such and they aren't about to contribute anything to anyone or
    anywhere, other than on a newsgroup.. Yep.. I include you in that
    hmmm... Aren't you the little twit that lived in Texas..? Wasn't that before
    I became involved in TMRA 2 ? <chuckle>

    However, having just been called a
    What's to think about ? You are either a Welfare Rider, or you are not.. In
    most cases... once a Welfare Rider, always a Welfare Rider..
    ROTFL... Not much chance of "standing arm in arm" with anyone in your case,
    horsefly.. You didn't arm up with anyone in Texas, and I doubt that you've
    armed up with anyone in Michigan..
    You haven't been invited or solicited.. Ain't that a shame ?
    Bill Walker, Aug 11, 2005
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