TMRA 2 .. DFW Chapter

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Just got the call and the regular monthly meeting for DFW Chaper will be
    Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM, Aug. 10... The meeting place will be VFW Hall
    at 300 Smith St., Dallas.. The VFW is located just east of loop 12 and south
    of Davis St.

    Elmer McKeeghan will be chairing the meeting and this one will be just ahead
    of the District Advisors' meeting in Elgin, Tx. on the 13th of August..
    Anyone who has ideas which should be addressed in our upcoming year might
    want to attend this meeting and put them on the table.. Now is the time to
    have those ideas explored and presented to Advisors throughout the state..
    That's the way the agendas are set and the priorities are established as to
    the direction of this motorcyclists advocacy group..

    See all of you there..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Aug 8, 2005
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  2. Bill Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Yeah, because you did SO much in the last legislative session to get how
    many laws/bills passed? Oh, I'm sorry........ZERO?!! Yeah, I foresee a
    whole lot of people joining you. And, if they join TMRA (or whatever other
    orginization you belong to) it will be in SPITE of you and your bullshit
    Iggy, Aug 8, 2005
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  3. Since you missed my last reply I've added it here too.

    Sorry about the wait I was out of touch for two weeks. I really shouldn't
    have bothered answering this since I did leave town the next day and I did
    leave you all without any responses from me, sorry about that, however I'm
    back in town now.

    The question I posed to you which you quickly ignored was what have you done
    that makes you such an expert. You were quick to attack others for trying
    and I wanted to know what bills you've gotten passed. If you are that expert
    then please enlighten us on your accomplishments.
    As far as my ducks, well here they are and they do line up pretty much ok.
    Now I'm not going to bother with the 2003 session since there was a break in
    the quorum and that killed everything towards the end of the session, both
    good and bad. So I'll stick with the 2005, even tho that session was pretty
    lame even with everyone there.
    Now I know Bill was in Austin to help support a few bills this session. Now
    I wasn't in Austin as often as Bill so I don't know what other bills he was
    supporting besides the ones we were trying to get passed. We failed on some
    bills and did get another passed, we also defeated some we didn't want
    passed. Sometimes what you are able to kill is more important that what you
    But with the groups help (which does include Bill and many others) we were
    able to defeat the
    Subject: Relating to the authority of certain local law enforcement agencies
    to establish a checkpoint on a highway

    Subject: Relating to the authority of certain law enforcement agencies to
    establish a checkpoint on a highway or street

    Subject: Relating to the authority of certain law enforcement agencies to
    establish a checkpoint on a highway or street

    What did get passed.

    Subject: Relating to the establishment of an all-terrain vehicle trail and
    recreational area program

    I know that Bill did attend at least two public hearings for bills when he
    was asked to show up. Since according to Texas legislature notification only
    has to be posted 24 hours in advance, its great when enough of the
    supporters show up to make a difference. I know in the first public meeting
    I attended this session we had laid the ground work but the support of the
    public hearing made the difference in getting the bill out of committee.

    So I've answered the question about what Bill helped out on. Not as
    grandiose as one may have hoped, but this is Texas politics and we'll go
    back next session and try once again. It has taken us more than one try on
    each bill to get them passed.

    Now you answer the question about the legislation you helped get passed, all
    the public hearings you attended.
    Elmer McKeegan, Aug 9, 2005
  4. Just replying to his general statements about TMRA2 and Bill. All these
    people claim how much they dislike Bill and his tactics and then do the same
    things they say they detest. So I just try to point out the error of their
    ways when they attack TMRA2 or Vets. He has done both.
    I don't get involved in many of these fits, but sometimes it does get to me.
    Attacking Bill because he cares enough to try and do something is just
    wrong. If you don't like Bill then fine, I'm sure he could care less, but
    don't attack him because he bothers to get involved and tries to accomplish

    I just reply to the group and don't care about his email address. As far as
    losing it all together I guess you keeping him killfiled pretty much answers
    that. I'm waiting to see if he will answer the question since he implied he
    knows a lot about the political process.
    Elmer McKeegan, Aug 9, 2005
  5. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Brian wrote:
    ‘‘Elmer, what's up?
    I wasn't aware this Iggy (has anyone noticed that a spell-check comes up
    with "Piggy"?) person was still with us. I did such a wonderful job with
    my killfile, I never saw anything he wrote. It seems I'll have to modify
    my killfile a bit more now that he seems to have lost his email address
    from the replies people are making to him. Oh well! There's nothing like
    throwing a bit more coal into the fire for me....

    ‘‘Just replying to his (iggy) general statements about TMRA2
    and Bill. All these people claim how much they dislike Bill and his
    tactics and then do the same things they say they detest. So I just try
    to point out the error of their ways when they attack TMRA2 or Vets. He
    has done both. I don't get involved in many of these fits, but sometimes
    it does get to me. Attacking Bill because he cares
    enough to try and do something is just wrong. If you don't like Bill
    then fine, I'm sure he could care less, but don't attack him because he
    bothers to get involved and tries to accomplish something.
    Was him losing his email address part of how you replied to him, or has
    he generally lost it all together?
    I just reply to the group and don't care about his email address.
    As far as losing it all together I guess you keeping him killfiled
    pretty much answers that. I'm waiting to see if he will answer the
    question since he implied he knows a lot

    ‘‘Elmer, Iggy won't read that much ''writing''. Too much
    information, for him! So he will just do a oneLiner type responses. It
    is his nature, it seems! I don't think I have ever read a real OnTopic
    comment from Mr. Iggy. He is one of those that takes jabs and gets the
    heck out here. I would be surprised if he actually gives you a civil,
    logical opinion, pro or con’’ cheers, BJAY
    BJayKana, Aug 9, 2005
  6. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Not wanting to speak for Iggy since he is certainly able to speak for
    himself, and does, but I would like to point out an angle maybe you
    have not considered.

    Obviously you are proud of the accomplishments of the TMRAII. You have
    worked hard to support bikers rights in your State and that is
    commendable. I am sure you have tried to leverage every last iota of
    support from those you have been able to reach with your message and I
    am sure you attempt to utilize every forum available to you to send
    that message.

    The disconnect here Elmer is this very forum. Here we have a forum
    dedicated to Texas motorcycle riders. Here you can speak your mind,
    frame your message in whatever context you desire and for little or no
    cost deliver your message and solicit support. Yet in this very forum
    the man who represents [1]the TMRAII has systematically abused,
    bullied and belittled the very riders you seek. He has fabricated the
    worst type of lies about them and continued to post them as truth. He
    has attacked them verbally and physically. And he has used some of
    their family members as fodder for his fallacies. At the end of the
    day he has alienated the supporters you sought and has driven them out
    of a forum that could have been very useful to you. Instead of
    cultivating it he has killed it. Look at the traffic here. If it
    wasn't for the cross posting to Reeky and the three or four regulars
    who post here, this group is a desert. It could have been an oasis.

    More to the point his actions has soured many on the laudable goals of
    the TRMAII and it wouldn't surprise me if some of those people have
    contacted the elected officials you are currently lobbying. If they
    haven't yet I suspect they may be one of Bill's tirades away from
    pointing out to the Legislators who represents the TMRAII and what
    they are capable of.

    You obviously consider Bill a friend and of course I wouldn't question
    that. It is a personal choice. However you might rethink having Bill
    represent your group in a public forum. He is not very good
    advertising and clearly (at least here) is not an effective advocate
    for your message. From my perspective I suspect he has been partially
    responsible for your limited success in moving your preferred bills

    [1] It has been suggested in the past Bill does not represent the
    TMRAII, but that premise fails the giggle test when he is your
    spokesman in the group. He announces meetings, agendas, encourages the
    two or three who are reading to attend and provides summaries of
    discussions and results. With or without the proper authority to do
    so, Bill has offered himself up as a TMRAII spokesman.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Aug 10, 2005
  7. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Doesn't preclude me from expressing an opinion
    Lots of Bills die on the table, sometimes intentionally.
    I don't doubt that Brian. Bill can be a very articulate and persuasive
    speaker/writer. Had he done more of that here and less of the abusive
    crap, you might have discovered stronger support for the TMRAII.
    Thanks for helping me prove my point.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Aug 10, 2005
  8. Bill Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Sure you didn't, Brian....still a lying son of a bitch just like dear old
    dad, huh?

    It seems I'll have to modify my
    Lost my email address? LOL that's a laugh! Still making up
    stories....hmmmm, again, just like that lying sonofabitch of a father of
    yours, huh?

    You lost it long ago, my friend. Saying I lost my email address is like you
    Iggy, Aug 10, 2005
  9. Bill Walker

    Iggy Guest

    A bald-faced lie. I've never attacked either. I HAVE said that Bill does
    nothing but drag both groups down

    He has done both.
    But that's just it, he doesn't effectively DO all.
    You're a dumb shit, Brian. IF you've actually had me kill-filed in the
    past, the same rules should apply. I haven't morphed headers or my email
    addy at know it and I know it. Do try to keep from being a lying
    son of a bitch like your daddy. <chuckle>
    Iggy, Aug 10, 2005
  10. Bill Walker

    Iggy Guest

    Brian wrote:
    ''Elmer, what's up?
    I wasn't aware this Iggy (has anyone noticed that a spell-check comes up
    with "Piggy"?) person was still with us. I did such a wonderful job with
    my killfile, I never saw anything he wrote. It seems I'll have to modify
    my killfile a bit more now that he seems to have lost his email address
    from the replies people are making to him. Oh well! There's nothing like
    throwing a bit more coal into the fire for me....

    ''Just replying to his (iggy) general statements about TMRA2
    and Bill. All these people claim how much they dislike Bill and his
    tactics and then do the same things they say they detest. So I just try
    to point out the error of their ways when they attack TMRA2 or Vets. He
    has done both. I don't get involved in many of these fits, but sometimes
    it does get to me. Attacking Bill because he cares
    enough to try and do something is just wrong. If you don't like Bill
    then fine, I'm sure he could care less, but don't attack him because he
    bothers to get involved and tries to accomplish something.
    Was him losing his email address part of how you replied to him, or has
    he generally lost it all together?
    I just reply to the group and don't care about his email address.
    As far as losing it all together I guess you keeping him killfiled
    pretty much answers that. I'm waiting to see if he will answer the
    question since he implied he knows a lot

    <snip the usual BJay bullshit>

    Wow, you really are a chickenshit, little, dumb mother fucker, ain't ya?
    Iggy, Aug 10, 2005
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <grin> Would you care to mention a few of those "very riders" ?

    He has fabricated the
    Whew.. What 'lies' ? About "who" ?

    LOL... Let's see just a few examples of all this..

    At the end of the
    What were all these so called "supporters" doing before I came on this
    newsgroup ?.. Where were they before I became a member and advocate of TMRA
    2 ?

    Instead of
    ROTFL... My importance is very exaggerated in your mind, isn't it ?
    <sigh> Very gracious, I'm sure..

    It is a personal choice. However you might rethink having Bill
    ROTFLMAO... Operative words are "public forum".. right ?

    He is not very good
    hmmm.. Interesting.. You certainly seem to be doing a great deal of talking
    about "messages" and "advocates".. Something is working ..

    From my perspective I suspect he has been partially
    Do you know which Bills that you are trying to discuss, here ?
    ROTFLMAO.. I don't like you one damn bit more than you like me.. The
    difference being, I'm on the ground.. month after month, while you sit in
    Canada playing usenet.. Your silliness is only exceeded by your foolishness
    ... Next time you'd feel called upon to "pay someone a visit in their home,
    with a couple of your friends".. you'd probably be better served if you are
    prepared to back up that threat... Usenet drivel isn't impressive ..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  12. No bald faced lie. You were called out when you ran down the vets. Your
    intentions may have been to attack Bill, but you ran down the vets instead.
    That is the same for TMRA2, you may have meant to run down Bill, but that is
    not what you say. Here is a quote from you when Bill spoke of Mike Alvey
    chairing the TMRA2

    "Yeah, they are THE ones to count on to get absolutely NO legislation
    passed....with your expert help, of course <chuckle>"

    You attacked TMRA2 and then in the end slighted Bill.

    So no bald-faced lie here, just your attacking of both groups and the
    evidence is before you.
    Elmer McKeegan, Aug 10, 2005
  13. Bill Walker

    Calgary Guest

    Once again Bill you have no idea what I do here in Canada but you
    fabricate bullshit stories in a lame attempt to puff up your own
    profile while trying to degrade others.
    More of your lies Bill. I do not recall ever making that threat to
    you. This is the umpteenth time I have reminded you of that but you
    continue to post the same lie.

    If anyone is left reading this crap, here is your TMRAII
    representative, once again lying and using veiled threats. This is the
    man charged by the TMRAII to carry your message. I somehow doubt you
    are in very good hands.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millennium Edition

    This message may contain incidental references to various
    brands of motorcycles, vehicles or parts manufacturers.
    They are included for informational purposes only and
    are not intended to upset, inflame or otherwise disturb
    the sensibilities of anyone associated with the brands.
    Hyper-sensitive readers of the post who might be upset
    with the content are advised to make copious notes,
    organize them into a coherent message and then hit the
    delete button.
    Calgary, Aug 10, 2005
  14. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    <smile> The only one degrading you is yourself.. hmmm.. You keep on
    talking about what I "fabricate" and never seem to point out that
    Sure.. you remember that little threat.. it was immediately followed by my
    posting my home address to be sure you found your way.. ROTFL...
    <laugh> No one is in my hands, unless you could consider yourself, there..
    You are not only a lame wannabe, you are blessed with an overabundance of
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  15. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    LOL... That isn't what this is all about with Don Binns.. You haven't
    touched the tip of the iceberg.. There is a common denominator between Don
    Binns and a few of these other Newsgroup groupies.. When you look closely,
    it becomes obvious..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    hmmmm.... I don't recall that your name has been connected with anything,
    Bill Fright.. As far as I can determine, you "claim" to ride a motorcycle..
    nothing more.. To my knowledge.. you've never attended any activitiy or
    function that is of benefit to anyone connected with a motorcyclists'
    advocacy group..FYI... I drink very, very little .. I'm a bit past the "beer
    brawling" stage, in years..
    Nah.. You definitely are NOT a rider that I've alienated from anything, Bill

    I do two major
    You've certainly done an excellent job of "avoiding" LOL.. You live in the
    Austin area, if my impression is correct.. right ? Motorcyclists Advocacy
    groups have been in YOUR hometown countless times, since January of this
    year.. Thousands of them, and from all over this State of Texas.. Far as I
    can tell, you've never put in an appearance at any of those events.. Many
    people on this newsgroup have..
    Perhaps fortunately, you aren't an "advocate" for anything but Bill Fright..
    If one man... Bill Walker is influential enough to keep you on the
    sidelines, where you obviously are, there really isn't much to be desired as
    an advocate.. <chuckle> There certainly isn't much demonstration of all
    that integrity you want to crow about, in this post..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  17. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. That's interesting.. Considering that I've only been involved with
    TMRA 2, for a short while.. compared to some of these guys.. where were you
    before I became a member.?? I've never laid eyes on you.. Texas is a big
    ol' state.. Chapters of different motorcyclists advocacy groups are
    scattered all over the place.. even in Houston.. your home town.. Far as I
    know.. you don't belong to a one of them.. Welfare bikers like you don't
    advocate for much of anything, especially to someone else's benefit..

    Bill Walker doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you can function
    anywhere besides on usenet..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  18. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Who have I driven away from anywhere, Nurick ?? What a damned
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  19. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL... Which "private party" did I "crash" ? The funny part is, that
    you've never been within a city block of me, that I know of.. <chuckle>
    and you made that decision several years ago, when you discovered that I'd
    not put up with your juvenile bullshit on this newsgroup or on the ground..
    Simple minded little usenet freaks like you, don't usually expose
    themeselves more than they have to..
    <evil grin> I outgrew the gun thing a long time ago..hmmm... First of all..
    there was no "party crashed".. Secondly, the man that supposedly got
    assaulted is almost twice my size.. Thirdly.. that whole group was
    "packing" all kinds of guns.. I didn't need a gun that day.. hehehe.. What
    happened ?
    It ain't working, Nurick..
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
  20. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    No need to worry about that.. LOL.
    Bill Walker, Aug 10, 2005
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