TM Rating report.

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Hotdamn, I ride off in the sunset, enjoy Father Day, by being bragged on
    and finally get back on here, this monday morning, and
    che'wah'wah... the ratings are almost at 1000. This time 6 days ago,
    they were under 300.

    Even a ''non-ride'' report by Louie the great, was a success. mymy.

    But Mighty Mike's business blunder is still the main source for our
    boosted ratings.

    NRD (nextreportduein48hours)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 18, 2007
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  2. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Send him a check.. better yet.. Send the SIL over to Renegade Motor-
    cycles to get his bike worked on.. Ol' Two Bit Mike needs the dough..
    Ol' Two Bits is scrambling around trying to find $1500 to try and buy
    his way out of another **** up.. lol.. hmmm Seems to me like some
    old boy that claims he's been doing good business for six years, would
    have at least that much on his hip, don't it ? Who knows when some old
    boy might stagger into that joint and have a real nice motorcycle to sell..

    another hmmm... Wonder what's wrong with his checkbook, anyway ?
    Maybe that bank of his has run out of money, too.. ya's'pose ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
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  3. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Let's see what's wrong with this idea, some jerk legged half wit like
    Mike tears up my motorcycle while it's in his shop, he shows he
    doesn't have a battery charger on hand to maintain a battery on a bike
    that's for sale, he can't provide a little water and soap to clean a
    motorcycle every once in a while....while it's for sale, and when
    asked to fix the broken bit on the bike that his shop broke he avoids
    it like a rattlesnake. All the repair will likely come to is buying
    another panel and either having it painted to match the bike or have
    the tab plastic welded on the old panel. And this is the guy you want
    me to take a $1500 check from (even though the selling price as Mike
    dictated was $2000)?

    Nah, I'd have to wonder how good the cash money is from someone like
    Mike now. I also have serious doubts as to Mike having insurance to
    cover his shop's negligence/abuse/neglect. Most any reputable
    businessman would either take care of the broken pieces, detail the
    bike back into the shape it was in when he got it, help load it onto a
    trailer or take care of the battery.....and be done with it, or would
    turn the entire thing over to their insurance and let the owner of the
    bike deal with the insurance carrier. I don't believe Mike has
    insurance on that junk business he's running over there.
    Brian Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  4. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    He sure hasn't acted like it, has he ? In his place.. that would have been
    the first thing I'd have hollered.. "Hold it.. I'm insured.. wait'll I get
    adjustor out here to straighten all this up"..
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  5. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Then again, that would be for a reputable shop with insurance. Not a
    junk dealer that has a reputation of screwing up motorcycles and not
    being able to make the damage they cause right.

    I'm still waiting for all these examples Mike has of us making a
    living screwing others.....not to mention all these other things he's
    claimed about me. I've shown proof of what Mike Thompson and his shop
    are all about.
    Brian Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  6. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hey Mike Thompson.. you getting all this ? hmmm.. I'd sure hate to have
    to go back and repeat all this stuff.. Be sure to keep copies.. Who knows,
    I just might want to do some research and show how ol' Brian exposed a
    sleazy assed motorcycle dealer.. That portfolio must be getting pretty
    thick, by now..

    Hey Brian.. how much did that Hurrican eat, over the weekend ? I sure
    hope you don't get as mercenary as your old dad and let ol' Two Bits
    buy you off.. Damn.. I'm talking to a crew down in Austin, that just might
    get interested in all this.. Those Latino Steel boys don't take kindly to
    Gringos that **** up other peoples motorcycles and then bad mouth
    them for it..

    Not quite like those boys from up north that get all hysterical, drop motor-
    cycles and shit.. Or.. the ones that talk up some shit and then head in the
    other direction.. Wait a minute.. phones' ringing.. maybe that bunch in
    Houston is trying to get in touch.. Nah.. it was just that old friend of
    in El Paso.. He's taking a look at it..

    Hey Mike.. didn't know I'd make you famous, did'ja ?
    Bill Walker, Jun 18, 2007
  7. BJayKana

    BJayKana Guest

    Nah, Bill, my SIL's expensive Fancy Harley Heritage is probably worth
    more than Old Mikes entire Renegade Outfit. (chuckle)

    B. Jay Kana--
    02 Valkyrie Cruiser--
    ( happy trails to you all)
    BJayKana, Jun 19, 2007
  8. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Attaway, bill. That's taking responsibility for your dumbass. It's a
    day late, but a good effort nonetheless. Take it easy, though. You want
    to dominate brian, but make him feel like he's able to think on his own.

    I've been thinking on your calling brian a dumbass yesterday, on
    Fathers' Day. I think you owe brian a big ol' hug. Surprise him with
    it. I mean, it's the day after Fathers' Day. He'd never expect his
    first hug, ever, after making a mess of one news group and downright
    forcing you to make an ass of yourself on another. That's why hugging
    the little stinker right now has such a great shot of making up for your
    whole miserable existence, bill. Do it. Do it now. Think of the children!
    Ari Rankum, Jun 19, 2007
  9. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Whew, I just went through that old spam box and found a few emails
    from Mike. He's claiming to have over 3000 satisfied customers!

    He's so full of shit!

    That Hurricane didn't cost me a dime to sit in my garage and have me
    polish and look it. All total it's cost about $5 since I picked it up
    from Mike's junk shop....counting the cost of water, soap, wax, Quik
    Detailer and Pigspit I had to get. I'm not too sure if Mike was
    actually cheap about taking care of the bike. It hasn't cost really
    anything (not a dent in my wallet) to work on this bike to get it
    looking good again. Now I'm just thinking Mike and his bunch are
    really just lazy as hell.
    Brian Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  10. BJayKana

    louie Guest

    bJay u need to try to quit talking down to us. We all know you're surrounded
    by those big money riders, and have known it for a while. Earlier you
    insulted Acorn by saying your SIL wouldn't be caught dead in a 2bit shop
    like O' Acorn was in.
    We're coming up to see you to eat, sleep, etc... don't put ass kickin on
    the list too

    louie, Jun 19, 2007
  11. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Sure is funny, but even pushing a motorcycle across a parking lot and
    up onto a trailer by myself while being pissed off....I didn't get so
    excited as to drop it. 400lb motorcycle up a ramp and on that
    trailer.....didn't have a problem.

    Top that, you slimey shit!

    You couldn't even sit flat footed on a motorcycle at a dead stop
    without getting excited and dropping it. Something about all that shit
    you were talking up that you would do to Bill Walker if you ever met
    up with him. As it turned out, all you did was piss yourself, drop
    your motorcycle and then hollar "I SAW IT, I SAW IT!".

    Yeah, you're a real asset for Mike to have in this deal.....
    Brian Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  12. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    I must've missed his posting where he said that!

    And to think I was starting to warm up to Bjay with his buttering me
    up and treating you guys like shit. Made me feel like I be special or
    sumptin. Now I find out it was all just a trick to insult me by saying
    they wouldn't be caught dead in a 2bit shop like Mike Thompson has.

    Gee, I guess the ass kicking will be on the top of the list for that
    ride....somewhere in the area of getting gas....and right after. I
    sure don't want to do the ass kicking first, Bjay will still need to
    pay for that gas and all.

    Wait a minute, maybe the ass kicking should be on the bottom of the
    list.....we've also got to think of Bjay buying us those dinners and
    putting us up at night.

    We'll get the planning done, and make sure we leave room for ass
    Brian Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  13. BJayKana

    louie Guest

    He'll recant here pretty quick, like he does so well. But if not we'll kick
    his ass last so as not to get cut short on the hospitality. Even though none
    of us will ever measure up to his SIL, we will not kick his ass also. Have
    you ever heard of BJay's SIL? He has a Harley, I think.

    louie, Jun 19, 2007
  14. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Really, I hadn't heard Bjay has an SIL. Harley? Really?

    Bjay needs to stop snubbing me and let me know these things.....

    Yes, I believe the best bet is to save the ass kicking to the very end
    of the ride....but be sure we get that last tank of gas from Bjay so
    we can make it home.

    Besides, I have to keep up my reputation of "making a living scamming
    others", like Mike the Junk Dealer said. Have I mentioned Mike the
    Junk Dealer lately?
    Brian Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  15. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    Stay out of this, beewee. Having figured out you're a dumbass last
    Fathers' Day, billie and I are trying to cipher some things out on your
    behalf. We'll tell you what to do when we're done thinking on it.
    Ari Rankum, Jun 19, 2007
  16. BJayKana

    Brian Walker Guest

    Yeah, you do that! It seems you didn't fare too well last encounter
    you had with him.

    Be sure to wear a helmet, either for your motorcycle dropping you keep
    doing or to save yourself from being injured when you get bitch
    slapped. Then too, you'll have to make sure you're wearing a higher
    quality helmet than Mark Johnson....his helmet didn't save him from
    suffering $20k in personal injuries from a bitch slap.
    Brian Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  17. BJayKana

    Ari Rankum Guest

    bill, unfortunately, it looks like you're going to have to do more
    parenting than publishing a succinct and damning summary of brian's
    mental acuity on Fathers' Day, when you called him a dumbass. The way
    brian keeps fucking things up (see above), calling him names is not
    going to get you Father of the Year. You're going to have to beat him,
    bill. I'll stay right here, and you take brian out back and whop him a
    Ari Rankum, Jun 19, 2007
  18. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoop.. Whoop.. Don't listen to these guys, Bjay.. All they're doin' is
    just trying to stir up some trouble in our family... Your wife being my
    first cousin, twice removed and all.. My suggestion that your SIL .. you
    know.. the one with that high dollar Harley.. might have been victimized
    by that bunch of crooks at Renegade Motorcycles.. remember.. was
    only a suggestion.. Nothing more than that..

    That damned Louie and RedShad are nothing more than Gucci Gold-
    Wing riding trouble makers, with complexes.. Don't get drawn into
    their nefarious, no-good doins.. Another one you better watch out for
    is that damn Big Ed.. After he's had a shot or three of tequila, and
    starts to mumble all that shit he does when he's doing that counsel-
    ling.. he starts waving a chicken leg around.. He's up to no good, also..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  19. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    <chuckle> Dude, you had your "shot" at the Walkers.. two years ago in
    Breckenridge.. That one was in person and you failed miserably, to do
    anything but make a pure ass of yourself.. This time.. you tried to make
    a comeback and try them on usenet.. Odds are.. you have failed miser-
    ably, again.. <sigh> Seems like a dude that thinks he's smart as you,
    would just leave well enough alone.. rather than just looking for trouble
    like you seem to enjoy doing.. My neighbor has got an old dog over
    at his house.. that fucking dog, just don't like him.. bites him every time
    he gets close.. The sucker loves and guards the other members of
    the family, though.. so Shane keeps the ill tempered sumbitch around..
    He just stays away from him and leaves the damned thing alone.. Shane
    isn't near the genius that you think you are, but he's head and shoulders
    above you, in the smarts dept..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
  20. BJayKana

    Bill Walker Guest

    ROTFL.. You just get more ridiculous all the time, Ari Rankum.. For the
    record .. trying to exploit the "dumbass" comment is probably the best
    means to demonstrate your own stupidity.. For someone who thinks he's
    smart as you do.. it's outright funny.. Might be more understandable, if you
    were smart enough to let the dust settle.. but, this one is so fresh that
    one can read the recent threads and find it.. The "dumbass" comment is
    a response from me, isn't it ? Taking it out of context and trying to use
    to provoke someone or fuel the flames isn't too bright, on your part.. You
    might want to give all us old Texans some credit for being smart enough
    to not fall for your usenet games..

    <sigh> Then again.. you aren't even smart enough to know when someone
    is trying to give you a break and allow you to back away with some degree
    of dignity.. Whew.. You just keep on reaching out to prod that old dog, and
    he just keeps snapping your fingers off.. lol.. If you don't learn to leave
    alone.. you ain't gonna have any fingers left.. Ask my neighbor, Shane..
    Bill Walker, Jun 19, 2007
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