Tire Questions (oh my)

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by Eric Johnson, May 8, 2006.

  1. Eric Johnson

    Eric Johnson Guest

    My wife is in need of tires for her CBR600F2. Hs anyone tried the Tomahawk
    recaps yet? If so, what are your impressions? Also, the size that they
    have for the front is a 120/70-ZR17 and the CBR calls for a 60 profile.
    What problems would the profile change cause if any? While we are at it,
    what type of oil should I use on the gun in my tankbag on the way to the NRA
    meeting? ;-)


    Eric Johnson, May 8, 2006
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  2. My F2 came used with 70s, and I replaced it with 60s. No real handling
    difference, except the traction was way better with the new tires. ;) They
    were Bridgestone BT-50s.
    Phil, Squid-in-Training, May 11, 2006
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