tire plugs use 'em or?

Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by jim stinnett, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. jim stinnett

    jim stinnett Guest

    Ok, so I have this almozt new Dunlop 220 with a plug in it. So far it hasn't
    been losing any air at all.
    If it were up to you, would you continue to ride it as is, have it patched
    from the inside or just get a new tire?
    I am not planning any road trips in the near future so I am not worried
    about getting stranded anywhere with a bad tire.
    I have used plugged/patched tires before for a few hundred miles, but those
    were all high performance low mileage tires that got replaced fairly soon
    Just wondering.

    jim Stinnett
    jim stinnett, Jul 31, 2004
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