Tintaldra Hotel, AMCN and Boris.

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Pisshead Pete, Dec 19, 2003.

  1. Last Monday night I had the pleasure, unlike Boris, of staying at the
    Tintaldra Hotel and in the infamous cell one, to boot.

    During the course of a very pleasant evening with mine hosts, Alf and
    Miaja, the conversation drifted to a discussion of a recent copy of AMCN
    and Boris' herbally induced, Schnapps ramblings...

    Fark me, Bull Bar! Time for you to buy a bike with a fairing and stick to
    wanking-over/editing your third rate porno mag (a salubrious lesbian
    friend introduced me to it, honest) in the city son! All you had to do was
    ask. Then again, any excuse to cuddle up to Woose in the love shack would
    probably have kept you happy. And what's with the shower curtain fetish?
    Most of us had that figured out by the time we discovered where the little
    black curly hairs on the soap came from!

    ....and **** you, I used to like saggy mattresses.

    ....and lights that flickered.

    I never got to use the heater.


    Pete ....temporarily lurking.
    1. Well it _is_ harsh week[2].
    2. Sorry Sharks[3].
    3. **** you too!
    The journey IS the destination.
    Pisshead Pete, Dec 19, 2003
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  2. Pisshead Pete

    Knobdoodle Guest

    Funnily enough; Boris's rant (and, more importantly, the subsequent
    denials/contradictions) have probably done far better for Alfs business
    than if he'd kept his mouth shut.
    No such thing as bad publicity......
    Welcome back Pisshead and have a harsh Christmas yukkahn!
    Knobdoodle, Dec 19, 2003
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  3. Pisshead Pete

    Jules Guest

    Yeah I, too, have stayed in the cell and loved every dank second of it. And
    the air conditioner worked a treat.
    Jules, Dec 20, 2003
  4. Pisshead Pete

    sharkey Guest

    Didn't read Boris's write-up[1], but frankly, if you're
    sober enough to worry about the accomodation at Tintaldra,
    you haven't quite worked out this beer thing, have you?
    Oh, okay, so I'm just going to have to stand there in the
    newsagent reading the column until they tell me to **** off.


    [1] I'm too busy writing footnotes to read motorcycle mags.[2]
    [2] Sorry Peteo.
    sharkey, Dec 21, 2003
  5. Agreed, but I know Boris can be far more entertaining than that. Besides,
    any softcock that can't have a good time staying in a country pub needs
    his head read!

    Pissy Chrissy and Merry New Year to you and the family too, Bargearse!
    Pisshead Pete, Dec 21, 2003
  6. Pisshead Pete

    conehead Guest

    Amen to that, too.

    On the subject of country pubs, Peter (the Bear) Thoemings new guide to
    fucking about has a picture of a pub on the cover. I reckon it's the
    Victoria Hotel at Ouyen. Anyone have any other thoughts (about which pub it
    conehead, Dec 22, 2003
  7. Send me a copy, list of thoughts and I'll go on a recognisance mission!
    Pisshead Pete, Dec 23, 2003
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