time to put the cat out and turn off the lights?

Discussion in 'Australian Motorcycles' started by Marty H, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. Marty H

    G-S Guest

    I try to be polite... really I do...

    But sometimes you make it a bit difficult.

    G-S, Aug 30, 2010
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  2. Marty H

    G-S Guest

    Clem's had me kill filed for a while now, so I don't think you should
    count me in your ratio calculation.

    G-S, Aug 30, 2010
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  3. Marty H

    atec77 Guest

    shove him in the goose file
    the noise gets much less
    atec77, Aug 30, 2010
  4. Marty H

    Moike Guest

    Oh the exquisite irony!

    Moike, Aug 30, 2010
  5. Marty H

    atec77 Guest

    atec77, Aug 30, 2010
  6. Marty H

    Lars Chance Guest

    Ahh thanks.
    I'd best not get in the way of fervent whackers.
    Lars Chance, Aug 30, 2010
  7. Marty H

    Knobdoodle Guest


    its a open, unmoderated forum, you cant really tell what people can
    and can not post to.. when the numbers are large and 99% of the
    posters are on the same wavelength you can weed the tod sploggers out,
    but this place is now too small and the noise is too large for that to
    You say "tell people they can not post", I say "pleaded with people".
    Potayto/potarto; the people were too stupid to listen and the people ended
    up finding that this new aus-moto that they'd made themselves was not to
    their liking and they left.
    [shrug] It was always entirely the people's choice.
    My big mistake was assuming they valued the old aus.moto like I did.
    Knobdoodle, Aug 30, 2010
  8. Marty H

    Marty H Guest


    Marty H, Aug 30, 2010
  9. Marty H

    Knobdoodle Guest

    You seem to be incredibly well informed on what I do and what I think
    A few points though; as I have repeated ad-infinitum I am not even in the
    slightest way irked by the postings of the of the noise-makers. They're
    noise-makers; that's what's to be expected.
    Also; I think I've only ever hit "ignore thread" a half-dozen times and they
    were pretty-much entirely those massively idiotic aus-cars crossposted

    Really, my only sin is that I (used to) encourage people to not reply to
    people who were just trying to promote intentional arguments (as opposed to
    the natural and unavoidable arguments that occur in newsgroups...especially
    when people are so pissweak that can't admit they've made a mistake and just
    accuse the other of being a troll... errr.... where was I?)

    I tried to save the group.
    You tried to make some civil-rights issue out of it.
    You won. Congratulations.
    The group is dead.
    Knobdoodle, Aug 30, 2010
  10. Marty H

    JustBiggus Guest

    So one more run of shirts with RIP added to them?
    JustBiggus, Aug 30, 2010
  11. Marty H

    Knobdoodle Guest

    (remaining in fecesbook)
    Knobdoodle, Aug 30, 2010
  12. Marty H

    Lars Chance Guest

    Remnant in Facebook?
    Lars Chance, Aug 30, 2010
  13. Marty H

    JustBiggus Guest

    I've never seen the attraction to Faecesbook myself.
    JustBiggus, Aug 30, 2010
  14. Marty H

    JustBiggus Guest

    Ride in Front?
    JustBiggus, Aug 30, 2010
  15. Marty H

    JustBiggus Guest

    Only being on 3 other NG over time, all apart from Aussie rules ones
    seem dead.

    although aussierules one only has about 10 regular posters.
    JustBiggus, Aug 30, 2010
  16. Marty H

    atec77 Guest

    managing anything but a web based chat is beyond the pale for many
    just like morse code we is old tec
    atec77, Aug 30, 2010
  17. Marty H

    atec77 Guest

    atec77, Aug 30, 2010
  18. Marty H

    G-S Guest

    It's Smacks turn!

    G-S, Aug 30, 2010
  19. Marty H

    Toosmoky Guest

    Not dead, just resting...

    Like my Triumph.
    Toosmoky, Aug 30, 2010
  20. Clem, I am no better informed about what you do and think than anyone
    else would be, I just read your posts. You have announced that you
    killfile certain people (GWF for example) and invited the rest of us to
    do the same. You have repeatedly asked posters not to reply to people
    you have killfiled. Any reasonable person would conclude that the people
    you have killfiled irk you.

    Your claim that you've only ever hit 'ignore thread' a half-dozen times
    is impossible to believe, even if you meant " ... in the last month
    ....", which I don't believe you did. There have been 10 of those
    cross-posted spam-fests in the last month, at least 6 of which were
    started by that well-known troll 'peta_lucarse' - surely you're not
    trying to make us believe you read them?

    At no point have I ever attempted to make a " ... civil rights issue of
    it ... ". You're confusing me with someone else.

    My contribution to the "Is Aus.Moto Dead?" debate has been to provide a
    neat little graph showing that contributions have been in steady decline
    for 10 years, and if you discard posts that are blatant noise (such as
    x-posting bullshit) then the level of contributions has now fallen to
    the levels first reached in 1995.

    If I could quote somebody called Knobdoodle who posted (in this thread):
    " It's all the fuckheads who kept replying to the tweedlers that ramped
    up the noise-level and drove off the bike contributors. "
    Setting aside the fact that you need more compelling reasons to explain
    the continuous 10-year decline, I presume you're calling me a 'fuckhead'
    (since I reply to Gerry, for example).

    Given that, I'm sure you can understand why I was suggesting (politely)
    that you might like to take your contributions somewhere else. The fact
    that you were in here first is irrelevant.
    Andrew McKenna, Aug 31, 2010
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