Tickets - What's the chances of dodging it?

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Whinging Courier, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. **** all I expect as I'm not a terrorist and technicalities don't apply
    to humble SOVan driving motorists such as myself.

    I just got a pull and six pigs descended on my van. Six!

    They gestapoed me about general shite, but to cut a very long story
    short they gave me a ticket for not displaying a tax disc despite my
    pleas of it being in the post and having receipts to back it up.

    The ticket has:
    My name - spelt wrong.
    My DOB - wrong

    Also, they've put that the offence of No vehicle excercise licence [sic}
    Now, IANAL, but road going vehicles don't need an excercise licence do
    they? I notice the **** managed to get the date and time right though.

    Oh, and one of the cheeky bastards said I looked ill and fucking
    searched me for narcotics!

    I hate London. You don't get shit like this in the country.

    Fucking wanker.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 10, 2004
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  2. Whinging Courier

    Mo Childs Guest

    Oh, and one of the cheeky bastards said I looked ill and fucking
    I think it's called stereotyping
    Mo Childs, Nov 10, 2004
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  3. I asked why I got a tug and was it because 'I'm driving a pikey van'.

    Apparantly not, they just didn't like the fact I wasn't displaying a tax

    Since I cancelled the original message and you've snipped out all the
    relevant stuff :) I don't suppose it matters now anyway.

    I'm going to post the main points again, not that I think it will do me
    much good: the do the crime, do the time brigade will be out in force
    but **** 'em.

    Name on ticket - spelt wrong; forenames and surname.
    DOB - wrong
    The ticket says automatic number plate recognition - I don't know if
    this is relevant but I was stopped in a routine stop with a load of
    other pikey looking wagons.

    Oh, and the offence I got a ticket for was No vehicle excercise licence

    The fact I could prove the tax was in the post made no difference, is
    there any way of dodging this? Unfortunately, despite the glaring errors
    in my name, DOB and offence description they managed to get the
    registration number correct and the time and place.

    Tickets for this and that are like waiting for a frigging bus for me and
    stopping work hasn't slowed the onslaught.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 10, 2004
  4. It was a load of rookies on a day out IYKWIM.

    It isn't the tax people that have got anything to do with this, it's
    purely a bill (old bill) issue.

    AFAIK, they're not going to inform the DVLA. The same thing happened two
    weeks ago when I got stopped on my bike and they radioed in and they
    said I had no tax (or insurance)

    Cunts. As I pointed out to chinky bitch at the desk, it's a fucking
    inconvenience. Had I been working I'd have paid the ticket but since
    I've got nowt better to do I asked for a court appearance.

    I reckon I should do the same with this one, assuming my V5 comes back
    before 28 days.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 10, 2004
  5. Whinging Courier

    Dan White Guest

    Go for a court date, then when[1] the summons appears, write all of the
    above facts down in a POLITE manner, and post to the issuing office. It got
    my complete bollocks summons withdrawn a coupla years back.

    [1] I really mean "if". In order to prosecute for no tax, they MUST get
    details from DVLA, despite what nobber on the roadside said. The idea of
    prosecuting for "not displaying" when you are in fact legitimately taxed is
    a fucking joke, and they would probably get a bollocking from the
    magistrates for wasting everybodys time.
    Dan White, Nov 11, 2004
  6. I can do polite very well but I seem to be having a very long run of
    back luck.
    Thanks for the advice. I never considered I could send evidence or a
    statement before going before the magistrates.

    Normally, I'd take the hit and say a fair cop but as you say it is
    legitimately taxed[1]

    [1] I mean it has been applied for. What happens if they hadn't received
    my application at the time of the stop? I guess I'm going to have to
    cough up.
    Whinging Courier, Nov 11, 2004
  7. I wasn't sweating at all. I told them exactly what I thought of them in
    the most condescending way I could and I knew they'd do next to nothing
    about it.
    This is the bad bit. I phoned the DVLA again today about taxing it.
    They've got my V5 application and it is being processed. They said it
    won't be with me until about the end of November, probably to make
    enquires and check with the old owner but they did say that I shouldn't
    be keeping it on the road, despite having applied for it.
    I am insured. I was insured the moment I collected the van and Carole
    Nash, bless 'em, had an insurance certificate delivered to my door next

    If the worst comes to the worst, I'll get hit with the £60 and have to
    pay it but it might be worth stringing it out to see if they'll drop it.
    I'm undecided at the moment.

    The bike one I'm definitely fighting though, that *was* out of order.
    No, that was the bike one. I think I'm a fairly good judge of character.
    Sometimes I got against my better judgement but as regarding the old
    bill, I'll respect the older ones because you just know they've heard
    everything before and even the newer ones if they aren't displaying an
    ego. The ones I condescended to got a laugh anyway (you had to be there)
    Never heard of that one. I did ask today but they insisted I needed a
    Whinging Courier, Nov 11, 2004
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