This stupid new SORN thing for uninsured vehicles

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Speedgazebo MOTP #1, May 25, 2011.

  1. Has anyone else looked into how this works? I can't believe that
    anyone would design such a stupid, ill concieved system.

    It seems that if your insurance expires, and the vehicle is still
    taxed, you have to surrender the the disc and declare it SORN. You
    can't keep a vehicle taxed but not insured, so If your insurance
    expires while the tax is valid, and for whatever reason you don't want
    to immediatley reinsure it, you have to go through all the trouble of
    sending the tax disc back and then re taxing it when you reinsure it.

    I'm sure they will be happy with the revenue it raises through people
    misunderstanding the system.
    Speedgazebo MOTP #1, May 25, 2011
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  2. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    SteveH Guest

    Nothing to misunderstand - to have tax you must have insurance.

    It makes fining people for no insurance a trivial paper exercise.

    Even with 4 bikes and 3 personally owned cars, I can't say it's
    something that's a concern for me.
    SteveH, May 25, 2011
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  3. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Ian Field Guest

    Seems entirely OTT since ANPR tells plod if the vehicle in front hasn't got
    Ian Field, May 25, 2011
  4. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    SteveH Guest

    They don't even need to see the vehicle now - all they need to do is
    cross-reference the databases and start sending out fines.

    If said fines are ignored and a further cross-check shows the same
    problem, they can send the tow truck and plod around to lift the car and
    / or owner.
    SteveH, May 25, 2011
  5. I can see there being a few fisticuffs on driveways, in resentment at
    the gross intrusion this represents.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 26, 2011
  6. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    CT Guest

    It all seems perfectly reasonable to me.
    CT, May 26, 2011
  7. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Borg Guest

    I just SORNed my Trike on line and it didn't ask for the TAX disk to be
    sent back
    Borg, May 26, 2011
  8. You're goin' dahn....
    Speedgazebo MOTP #1, May 26, 2011
  9. Speedgazebo  MOTP #1

    Adie Guest

    he didn't say whether the tax had expired or not.
    Adie (replace spam with nickname to reply)
    YZF-R1 : FZ1N : RD350LC
    (anyone would think I was partial to Yamahas)
    BOB#15 ex-UKRMMA#22 BOMB#11
    Adie, May 26, 2011
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