This says it all!

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by redshad, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. redshad

    redshad Guest

    I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we
    are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist
    attacks on Sept. 11,
    we have experienced a surge
    in patriotism by the majority
    of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had
    barely settled when the "politically correct! ! " crowd began
    complaining about
    the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

    I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who
    is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost
    entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there
    are a few things that those
    who have recently come to
    our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This
    idea of America being a
    multicultural community
    has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As
    Americans, we
    have our own culture, our
    own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has
    been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by
    millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

    We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
    Russian, or any other language.
    Therefore, if you wish to become part
    of our society, learn the language!

    "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian,
    right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian
    men and women,
    on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly
    It is certainly appropriate to display it
    on the walls of our schools. If God
    offends you, then I suggest you
    consider another part of the world as
    your new home, because God is part
    of our culture.

    If Stars and Stripes offend you, or
    you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
    should seriously consider a move
    to another part of this planet. We
    are happy with our culture and have
    no desire to change, and we really
    don't care how you did things where
    you came from. This is
    our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen
    right to express his opinion and we
    will allow you every opportunity to do
    so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our
    our pledge, our national motto, or our
    way of life, I highly encourage you
    take advantage of one other great American freedom,
    It is Time for America to Speak up
    redshad, Nov 22, 2005
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  2. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese,
    Japanese, Russian, or any other language.
    Therefore, if you wish to become part
    of our society, learn the language!’’

    ‘‘Redshad, you gotta big ole Hell Yeah, from this ole patriotic
    redneck from NETexas’’ BJAY)!
    BJayKana, Nov 22, 2005
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  3. yah, why don't we speak Navajo or Seminole or Sioux ?

    damn immigrants....
    another viewer, Nov 22, 2005
  4. and all those damn restaurants piss me off too!

    this is america, we dont' want to eat chinese, mexican, french, cajun,
    italian, greek, kosher, japanese, english, vietnamese, dutch, spanish,
    thai, german nor mediterranean foods and i'm not even too damn sure
    about that canadian bacon!

    pisses me off, man.....
    another viewer, Nov 22, 2005
  5. and fried pork rinds
    another viewer, Nov 22, 2005
  6. and those are all rooted in the immigrant/refugee class too

    Cajun ? them froggy acadians
    Chili ? them damn meskins again
    BBQ ? them damn nigga slaves who came involuntarily

    looks like we're down to pemmequin, turkey and yams again for the all
    'merkin patriots.

    which brings us to thanksgiving...... you buncha turkeys!
    another viewer, Nov 22, 2005
  7. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Ya'll, yah, why don't we speak Navajo or Seminole or Sioux ?
    damn immigrants...’’ Jonathon Swift!

    ‘‘Most of those native American Indians in certain areas do,
    dont' they? Wink!.’’ I think a few of em' speak my native
    language.’’ BJAY)!

    'Ya'll take care'' --BJAY--
    BJayKana, Nov 22, 2005
  8. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘BILL FRIGHT,and all those damn restaurants piss me off too!
    this is america, we dont' want to eat chinese, mexican, french, cajun,
    italian, greek, kosher, japanese, english, vietnamese, dutch, spanish,
    thai, german nor mediterranean foods and i'm not even too damn sure
    about that canadian bacon! pisses me off, man.....(another Viewer)!

    ‘‘Thank goodness for the Coney island Hot Dogs and Texas Dairy
    Queen Burgers, that helps, huh, Jonathon, >chUckle> BJAY)!
    BJayKana, Nov 22, 2005
  9. redshad

    BJayKana Guest

    ‘‘Beemer,looks like we're down to pemmequin, turkey and yams
    again for the all 'merkin patriots.
    which brings us to thanksgiving...... you buncha turkeys!’’
    Another Opinion

    ‘‘AV, you forgot about good ole' American Spam, its been
    around for 61 years! It don't get anymore Americana than that sir. Oh
    yeah, Corn bread Dressing, how American is that, with candied yams,
    okie dokie. ’’ BJAY)!
    BJayKana, Nov 22, 2005
  10. those greek and aramaic versions are just too damn hard to read.
    God drives an older cage:

    "God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury."

    King David was the original long distance rider:

    "David's Triumph was heard throughout the land."

    i'm not making these up folks, it's the revealed word and all...
    another viewer, Nov 22, 2005
  11. redshad

    Calgary Guest

    I am glad you said that. I have been reading some of the comments
    thinking they are rather extreme.

    RCOS# 7

    2000 - Yamaha Venture Millenium Edition
    Calgary, Nov 23, 2005
  12. Dont forget about Spam and cheese casserole made with real Velveeta.
    Yum YUM!!!!!


    1 can Spam- cut into 1/2 inch chunks
    1 small or medium onion, cut up fine
    1 small can tomatoes- broken up
    2 cups elbow macaroni- cooked and drained

    Combined above ingredients and placed
    into greased casserole dish.
    Pour sauce over all and mix.

    3 Tablespoons butter
    3 Tablespoons flour
    2 Cups milk
    1 cup Velveeta cheese-cut into chunks

    Melt butter and add flour to make roux as for
    a white sauce and then add milk.
    When cooked (about 3 minutes), add chunks
    of Velveeta cheese. Stir till cheese melted.

    Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes.
    R. Pierce Butler, Nov 23, 2005
  13. redshad

    RL Guest

    Cheese-Whiz? Potters here in Breckenridge, makes the best Philly
    Cheesesteak sandwiches I ever ate. Tender, perfectly seasoned, thinly
    sliced beef, grilled jalapenos and onions, piled on a soft, toasted bun and
    topped with a mound of shredded mozzarella cheese, along with a side order
    of curly fries and your favorite beverage... oh so yummy!

    Sounds almost worth the ride up here, doesn't it? ;)

    Sunny, ISRA #7123
    '02 XVS650A "Deerslayer"
    '00 XVS650 "Red"
    '99 XVS650A - Joe's "Deerslayer Too"
    '84 V30 Magna (parting out)
    RL, Nov 23, 2005
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