This Ride had it all

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Started off cold and dreary.. Then.. it got a little better with some
    partial sunshine, warmed up just a bit.. After we cleared the metro-
    plex, we made good time, up to New Boston.. Big Ed and Bjay
    met us there and with a lot of cell phone directions, Jerry and the
    Morgan Kane rolled in.. After a quick lunch, we finished up the ride
    to Mena.. the final destination..

    The ride from Mena to the Lodge on Tallamena ridge was great, as
    usual and we had a good dinner, with a lot of visiting and catching up.

    Friday morning came on us and it was overcast and cold.. The planned
    ride for the day was questionable, but the crew ran anyway.. Morgan Kane
    and I held back so he could resolve a critical business problem back
    home.. With a lot of help with GPS.. cellphone and maps, we finally
    caught up with the rest of the gang and what a ride it was..

    About 30 miles or so from Ft. Smith.. we ran into some rain.. The traffic
    was moving right along, though.. so we plowed through it and commenced
    heading south, back to the comfort of our Mena motel..

    Saturday morning.. it was time for us to start back to our starting places
    everyone was reluctant to say the final goodbyes, so we just did the "so
    type of things..

    Morgan Kane, Jerry, Big Ed, Brian and me headed south to Texarkana, while
    Louie and Redshad stayed in Mena.. We made a pretty nice little run down to
    the twin cities and broke up there, with Morgan Kane and Jerry headed down
    to Houston while Big Ed, Brian and me started on the trip back to DFW.. Bjay
    lives in the Texarkana area, so he drank a last cup of coffee with me and
    was the end of a terrific ride together..

    Big Ed pulled out first, then Brian followed him just a few minutes later..
    our coffee, me and the old Green One hit the highway .. Although I didn't
    either Big Ed or Brian, the trip back to Dallas was kind of a leisurely ride
    memory lane for me.. I ran the old highway 67 from Redwater to Mt.Pleasant..
    Jeez.. that old highway is always a pleasure for me to ride.. There's just
    much of my history that is connected to various places on that highway..

    Pulled off at the rest stop near Mt. Vernon and got a drink of water..
    a cigarette and visited with several fellow travellors..

    Rolled into LaCasa about two o'clock, covered up that Green Vulcan and
    made all my reports to the Mexican, while she made me some of the best
    enchaladas I'd eaten in a long time..

    It was one good trip, all told.. even with the spats of bad weather we'd run
    into.. Nothing severe enough to interfere with the good riding, good fellow-
    ship and the company of those fine friends..

    We'll get 'er done again, real soon.. I hope..

    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Apr 29, 2007
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  2. Bill Walker

    BJayKana Guest

    Bill Walker buddy, you submitted a great discription of our Mena Ride,
    of which we'd been talking about for weeks.

    I am working on my version of our Mena ride, with such nice Ladies and

    B. Jay Kana--
    03Valk-&-98 Magna
    Have a Dandy Day--
    BJayKana, Apr 30, 2007
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  3. Bill Walker

    redshad Guest

    Well...Wheres it at?? You been home now for 3 days. You should be all
    rested up by now and able to type 250 words a minute.

    redshad, May 1, 2007
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