This is what I wanted to say, but never could...

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Brian Walker, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. Brian Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I was hanging around the streets here in Indianapolis waiting on the
    elections crap. After a couple days of the Obama "setup", I got bored
    today and went "shopping". I've got training tomorrow and got done
    early today, so there's not much to do here in downtown other than
    shopping. I wandered into the bookstore and found a few books to
    browse. Valentiino Rossi's biography was one. Okay, I looked at the
    pictures and moved on. There's only so many times you can look at
    Rossi's bike leaned over before they eventually have you saying "oh,
    I've seen that". The next book I found was a sport riding book and how
    to be better at it. There were a bunch of good tips/tricks and I
    finally found myself sitting down to read it.

    To make this story short and not to re-write the book, I found one
    phrase in there that has me saying "that's what I've always wanted to
    say, but never found the words". The phrase came on a topic of how to
    handle emergency situations. The topic was going into how to keep your
    wits about you and not make dumb moves. We all have known at least one
    person who's done this. A car moves in front or the rear tire slips,
    and they panic. They'll panic and find themselves doing a stupid wreck
    where if they just didn't panic they'd have been okay and not been
    looking at high repair bills or worse....serious injuries.

    Well, the phrase went something like this: Your mind reacts to the
    environment it's used to. If you never ride in dangerous situations,
    you'll never condition your mind on how to react. If you ride at times
    "on the edge", you're less likely to panic when an emergency situation

    Wow! I mean, that makes total sense. Police don't get their badge and
    practice to have roses thrown at their feet. Nope, they practice
    emergency situations.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd share this. I hope everyone's doing
    well....and it's back to the Obama crap for me!
    Brian Walker, Apr 24, 2008
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