Think of the Trees!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by R C Nesbit, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Maybe because they /could/ have it now, but those in charge choose not
    to give it to them.
    Krusty, Jan 26, 2011
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  2. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    Well I'd expect you to have some sympathy and compassion for the poor
    barstewards in Afghanistan. We gave them all the means to get rid of the
    Communist tyrants then left them to the even worse whims of Islamic tyrants.
    I'd say our only fault is we don't help other nations in similar straights.

    Well here is another opinion you may agree with.
    Our professional armed forces are a mercenary army. Being paid by a
    democratically elected sovereign govmint only it look more respectible.
    Therefor they can't complain about the job, whatever it may be on a given
    day. When we had a conscripted army it was reasonable that they be put at
    risk only to protect the worst risks to national interests.

    You may also agree that we should have as much petrol as we want as cheaply
    as possible ;o)

    I don't expect you to agree with my opinion that we shouldn't have stopped
    at the borders of Iran.
    Hog, Jan 26, 2011
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  3. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    It seems reasonable that we supply them with the best kit we can but when
    the wind changes it can take time to re-equip and they need to deal with it.

    The (very) simple problem in Afghanistan, as in Iraq post conflict, is lack
    of numbers to fight an insurgent war. There is one man for every 100 they
    need. It would have made more sense to have occupied a smaller area,
    trained a local army then let them go out and fight it. Because the other
    problem is the legal standards we impose on our own troops.
    Hog, Jan 26, 2011
  4. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    Oh I can justify it on several levels. But I admit the justification used
    at the time was shoddy.

    I'm curious if you agree it's wrong to trade with countries like China or to
    allow our companies to do business there until they reform completely.
    I expect you agreed with the isolation of South Eeefrica, which I suppose I
    did too, and with the various justifications of said. Countries like China
    seem worse (to me).
    Hog, Jan 26, 2011
  5. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    Ah, well, that's a very good point.
    I'd do sanctions properly. The lot. Trade. Internet. Telecoms. Flights.
    Hog, Jan 26, 2011
  6. I am not sure he did ever exist but assuming he did the Dread Pirate thing
    offered by Mark is probably it.

    Either way we all know that most of the so called terror threat comes from
    our own gummints trying to scare the shit out of us for their own ends.
    Warmonger Property Tycoon and Friend of Haliburton Blur is the perfect
    example of lies for the sake of profiteering[1] as you will ever come

    [1] Political and financial.
    steve auvache, Jan 26, 2011
  7. Perhaps then The Eton Boy will sell it off to private capital so it can
    make a profit because as far as I can see we don't now.
    steve auvache, Jan 26, 2011
  8. Worked for Rhodesia. Nobody can deny we totally fucked that place over by
    using sanctions.
    steve auvache, Jan 26, 2011
  9. R C Nesbit

    Higgins Guest

    I understand that you're given to complaining about the levels of public
    spending and, hence, taxation.
    Higgins, Jan 26, 2011
  10. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Not me guv. I object to wasting public money on things like disability
    benefit for anyone who can spell 'I feel a bit poorly', & I object to
    using it to increase the massive profits the universities make, but I
    certainly don't object to ensuring squaddies on active service don't
    have to share body armour.
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2011
  11. R C Nesbit

    Adrian Guest

    No idea - but the local Uni to here seems to have made profits of £2.7m
    on turnover of £260m this year and a loss of £1.3m on turnover of £235m
    last year.

    Not quite sure I'd call that "massive". Maybe they're just
    Adrian, Jan 27, 2011
  12. R C Nesbit

    M J Carley Guest

    They aren't making massive or, in most cases, any, profits.
    M J Carley, Jan 27, 2011
  13. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Dunno, enjoying the interest I suppose.
    No, because they wouldn't expect to have those. It's not about giving
    them the best possible kit regardless of expense, it's about giving
    them what they're meant to have, & squaddies on the front line are
    meant to have body armour & reliable weapons.
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2011
  14. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Yours made 16 million net profit last year, almost entirely from fees,
    & the profits have increased year on year. The annual report's
    available online for anyone to look at.

    I admit I haven't checked any other universities so maybe yours is the
    exception, but it seems unlikely. I'll hold my hands up if it is though.
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2011
  15. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    It's a bit more than a couple of years, it originally kicked off in
    2003 when a guy was killed after having to lend his armour to someone
    Dunno, at least a decade or two.
    They complained more with the new ones that jammed at the merest hint
    of sand, & rightly so imo.
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2011
  16. R C Nesbit

    M J Carley Guest

    Surplus, not profit. That will be eaten up as the cuts to funding come
    in. As for it being `almost entirely from fees', check the table on
    page 6. The largest single element is funding council grants and they
    will be cut in the near future.
    It is an exception:

    Bath is a bit odd, because it is essentially a technical university
    (engineering, science, management and modern languages are the main
    subjects) and has not been hit by the cuts to `non-priority' areas.
    M J Carley, Jan 27, 2011
  17. R C Nesbit

    Adrian Guest

    (M J Carley) gurgled happily, sounding much like they
    were saying:
    Could just as easily suggest the surplus (£12.2m according to the most
    recent annual report, on £175m turnover - oh, and £3.7m of that surplus
    is "exceptional items", so only £8.5m from normal activities, or just
    under 5%) is from research (£30m income) or "other income" (£30m) as from
    fees. Anyway, how's that £50m fee income split between UK first degree
    undergrads, overseas undergrads, postgrads and the other "educational
    Adrian, Jan 27, 2011
  18. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    Well we can only hope the general effect will be that more and more centres
    of learning go this way, more and more students will take useful courses and
    the rest of the shite will dwindle.
    Hog, Jan 27, 2011
  19. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    The 73 million in cash/investment assets should keep them going for a
    while yet.
    My mistake, I was remembering the text that says the increase from the
    previous year was mainly due to an increase in tuition fees.
    'may face deficit', 'concerns' & 'predicting' doesn't mean much. I'll
    go rooting for a few other sets of accounts next time I'm bored.
    That & the fact you work there :p
    Krusty, Jan 27, 2011
  20. R C Nesbit

    M J Carley Guest

    The money stays in the bank: no `profits' are made. How many companies
    would consider that a `massive' profit, by the way?
    You reckon? You can only sell the family silver once.
    And that is about to be wiped out by the measures proposed by the
    government: an increase in fees but a massive cut in subsidy.
    Go ahead. You might like to start here:
    M J Carley, Jan 27, 2011
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