Think of the Trees!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by R C Nesbit, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. R C Nesbit

    Lozzo Guest

    Our oil supplies in the middle east are nowhere near the Aghan borders.
    We're stuck with troops out there because that lying **** of a war
    criminal Blair promised Bush they'd be there for as long as it took for
    him to get revenge for the 9/11 attacks, that's all. It has **** all to
    do with oil, or anything like it. It has everything to do with one
    crackpot US president trying to make a name for himself. He acheived
    that much, but for all the wrong reasons.

    Anyway, whose fucking oil is it anyway? Certainly not ours by rights,
    is it? If the Arabs want to burn the fucking lot there's absolutely
    **** all we can legally do about it.

    Our troops do not belong in Afghanistan and have no right to be there -
    the longer they are there, the greater the danger to mainland UK. The
    only way to rebuild relations between hard line muslims in that area
    and the UK is to get the **** out of their country and let them run it
    for themselves, however they want to run it and whether that suits the
    way we want it run or not.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Jan 25, 2011
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  2. R C Nesbit

    Hog Guest

    I was referring to Iraq
    What has law to do with power. We need it ergo.... We made a small mistake
    with borders a century or more ago, that's all. Nothing that can't be
    Spend a little time reading up on what happened to the Afghan people after
    the Russians left. I've no problem with the coalition troops trying to
    rectify that situation. I can't imagine a better humanitarian use.

    Remember that rather a lot of people supported the attack in Iraq and the
    campaign in Afghanistan. You perhaps didn't. But the Govmint of the day
    makes the decisions. That wasn't a problem. It was very efficiently
    enacted and I applaud it. Problems arose in the post war reconstruction. We
    were a million troops short of a post WWII germany type solution and the
    dissolution of the Iraqi army regulars and Police was a huge
    (civilian/political) blunder. Not a war crime.

    As for the legality or not. Nothing relating to the present day UN is of any
    interest, nor should it be to a democrat or libertarian. It is heavily
    influenced by Communist and Religious dictatorships. I'll give them
    credence when there are standards of decency attached to voting rights and
    *active* participation.
    Hog, Jan 25, 2011
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  3. R C Nesbit

    wessie Guest

    a pipeline to the Indian Ocean from the Central Asian countries like
    Turkmenistan [1] would be handy for the US though. At the moment the gas &
    oil from there has to go via Russia, China and Iran which isn't going down
    too well in the White House.

    Your assertion that the Afghan war is about personalities and not
    petrochemicals is naïve.

    [1] 4th largest gas reserves on the planet
    wessie, Jan 25, 2011
  4. R C Nesbit

    ogden Guest

    I'm not sure what anyone who's signed up in the last ten years was
    expecting then.
    ogden, Jan 25, 2011
  5. R C Nesbit

    malc Guest

    I'm with you too
    malc, Jan 25, 2011
  6. R C Nesbit

    Thomas Guest

    FWIW, I think the ratio is ~50/50. Bin Laden is still thereabouts,
    Taliban is a real nasty word in Washington, and heroin is making a
    strong comeback. Of course, one could make the argument that a
    pipeline isn't likely if the Taliban are in power, but I'm not so sure
    about that. Some pretty despicable people become friends if there's
    enough money involved.

    BTW, Charlie Wilson's War is a fairly realistic story of American
    actions while the Russians were there, and the blind stupidity that
    allowed the Taliban to take over when the Russians left.
    Thomas, Jan 26, 2011

  7. And Goldstein is still a threat to Airstrip 1? Yeah right.

    I simply do not believe Bin Laden exists, except in the press releases of
    the merkin terrorists profiteering from the homeland security business.
    steve auvache, Jan 26, 2011
  8. R C Nesbit

    Mark Olson Guest

    I've begun to think he's the real life Dread Pirate Roberts.
    Mark Olson, Jan 26, 2011
  9. Good thing they came for him, then.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 26, 2011
  10. Too right. I've walked through many of them in Scotland and they're
    fucking horrible places. The odd one is ok for a shagging spot, but a
    deciduous woodland is much better for low cover.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 26, 2011
  11. Um.. I dunno how it works now, but there used to be wonderful payments
    system for landowners who wanted to plant conifers.
    A grant for planting (anybody who didn't make a profit from that wasn't
    trying hard enough)
    Icbw, but istr there was also a grant every year to compensate for the
    'loss' of earnings from the shit land the conifers were planted on.

    Cash in hand for selling the thinnings every five years (stakes, poles,
    firewood, etc)
    Guaranteed money for the mature trees, even if it's just off to the pulp
    mill with them.
    Grimly Curmudgeon, Jan 26, 2011
  12. R C Nesbit

    wessie Guest

    and grey squirrels: they thrive in conifer plantations apparently. Unlike
    the weak ginger variant. They'll all be displaced by the one true squirrel
    wessie, Jan 26, 2011
  13. R C Nesbit

    wessie Guest

    and a good tax dodge. Wogan sunk a load of money into it when he was doing
    the 3 days a week on the telly IIRC.

    There was a similar scheme for broad leaved planting. Introduced by the
    Tories when we had a grain mountain due to lack of imagination with crops
    and no market for biofuel. Farmers were paid to take land out of the crop
    rotation, plant native species and receive an annual stipend for
    "maintenance". Very little actual productive land was turned over, just the
    shit stuff too steep to plough or the land with very thin or marshy soil.
    Our neighbour planted a steep slope of several acres with cherry, birch
    etc. Worked out quite well as the coppicing bods just left the timber on
    the ground so we scavenged that for the Rayburn. Plus the variety of cherry
    was delicious: massive black things so we had a nice fruit crop to scrump
    as well, if you were quick, as the squirrels and blackbirds were greedy fat
    wessie, Jan 26, 2011
  14. Are you suggesting that Bin Laden is deserved of a MiB#?
    steve auvache, Jan 26, 2011
  15. R C Nesbit

    ogden Guest

    I made a similar point quite loudly when we were in Weston for the beach

    And then realised we were in the local forces pub and I was possibly
    about to die.
    ogden, Jan 26, 2011
  16. R C Nesbit

    ogden Guest

    Well of course. The pub was empty because Blair sent the most thuggish
    10% of the British male population to Iraq, allowing us to drink in
    ogden, Jan 26, 2011
  17. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Yes, you missed 'the last time the tories tried this' after 'Thatchers
    Krusty, Jan 26, 2011
  18. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Sure. But when they sign up, they probably expect to have the right kit
    to do their job[1]; the duty of care must extend that far.

    [1] Guns that don't jam, enough body armour & helicopters etc.
    Krusty, Jan 26, 2011
  19. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    Lozzo spoke:
    So let's conveniently forget that the way the hard line muslims want to
    run their country is to harbour and encourage terrorists and produce as
    much opium as possible to wage war on the West by other means?

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jan 26, 2011
  20. R C Nesbit

    Thomas Guest

    I can concede that he may be already dead, but if you think he never
    existed, that's far too big a con to pull off. It just ain't possible
    for that many people to be involved in something so big for so long
    with no one spilling the beans. (Think Wikileaks.) Even if he is dead,
    Al Qaeda operates as though he is alive, which is far more important.
    Thomas, Jan 26, 2011
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