Think of the Trees!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by R C Nesbit, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    OK, listen up! Especially you mountain bikers etc.

    Go to these sites and sign the petitions.

    Just don't fucking argue, just do it, OK?

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jan 24, 2011
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  2. R C Nesbit

    prawn Guest

    Well, looking around me: there is Forestry Commission monoculture and
    privately owned coppiced managed stock. I know which *I* prefer.
    prawn, Jan 24, 2011
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  3. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    I'm broadleaved in agreement, in that I can't see a private owner
    making Kielder into a holiday village, fenced off with barbeldy wire.
    Most of the cash-crop forestation would continue as is, and as most
    public-owned forest stock has access enshrined under CROW nobody would
    notice much difference. Places like Symonds Yat and the New Forest,
    OTOH, may change and not for the better.
    SIRPip, Jan 24, 2011
  4. R C Nesbit

    prawn Guest

    This. There is a lot of knee-jerk reaction on this issue which I thought
    I should highlight.
    prawn, Jan 24, 2011
  5. R C Nesbit

    wessie Guest

    there's loads of coal under the Forest of Dean. Not very far under and open
    cast would be the most efficient means of extraction. Private enterprise
    has been pushing to make a big hole near Cinderford. So far the schemes
    have all been turned down so capitalism has failed to achieve what the
    residents of Cinderford manage with aplomb.
    wessie, Jan 24, 2011
  6. R C Nesbit

    malc Guest

    Tis true, Cinderford is the arsehole of the Forest, despite being almost the
    highest point.
    malc, Jan 24, 2011
  7. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    **** right off. The Forestry Commission are cunts, & the Rambliars
    Association & the BHS were both instrumental in getting my access as a
    trailrider to both forests & the countryside in general severely
    restricted. So they're cunts too, & anything that pisses them off &
    affects their hobbies in the same way they affected mine gets my vote.
    Krusty, Jan 25, 2011
  8. R C Nesbit

    Adrian Guest

    Pastor Niemuller rode a trailie.
    Adrian, Jan 25, 2011
  9. R C Nesbit

    ginge Guest

    And you think a privately owned forest will improve your access?
    ginge, Jan 25, 2011
  10. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    Ah. It's all karma, innit.
    SIRPip, Jan 25, 2011
  11. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    I think there's more of a chance than there is now, but that's not the
    point. Funnily enough the forest with the most relaxed access/lack of
    rules that I know of is Savernake, which is already privately owned.

    The other forest near me is Westonbirt, which is apparently on the 'for
    sale' list. That has no public access at all without paying a large
    fee. The final one I use occasionally is the Chilterns. You can't ride
    a horse there without buying a permit, & even then you're only allowed
    to walk (not trot or canter) & the areas you can use & times you can
    use them are very restricted.

    The premise of these campaigns that 'the public can currently use
    forests but won't be able to if they're sold' is nothing but
    Krusty, Jan 25, 2011
  12. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    I had to oogle a bit to make sense of your statement, I must confess.
    Whilst it seems that the residents may well have been doing a bit to
    it, they're also mounting a pretty determined campaign to prevent
    anybody else getting in on the act.
    SIRPip, Jan 25, 2011
  13. R C Nesbit

    Pete Fisher Guest

    I was wondering what would happen to those forests with cycle hire
    places and waymarked trails like Cannock Chase. They also have open air
    music events there, so perhaps they'll sell it as a profit making

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Aprilia Shiver Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber" |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 |
    Pete Fisher, Jan 25, 2011
  14. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    I think that's a valid way of looking at it. However, for casual use -
    going for a wlk in the trees of a Sunday afternoon - the FC forests
    are, IME, pretty much open access. This may change ... but a locked
    gate and a bit of wire isn't going to stop me and the dog strolling.

    What concerns my treehugging side is the irrepairable damage that could
    be caused to "ancient" woodlands, those currently of mixed broadleaved
    species - like the FoD and New Forest. If the deciduous trees are
    felled and logged, then replaced a la FC with rows of cash crop
    conifers, that's not just Sunday strolling off the cards, it is a whole
    ecosystem irrecoverably destroyed. There's a whole load of gear that
    thrives in the dappled shade of a deciduous forest that won't even look
    at repopulating the silent gloom within the span of the needliferous
    SIRPip, Jan 25, 2011
  15. R C Nesbit

    Pete Fisher Guest

    Indeed. Biodiversity innit. I do my bit by having some conifers (with a
    view to the log burner) and a mixture of Birch, Oak, Sallow, some kind
    of Acer and loads of Hazel , but that's in France.

    | Pete Fisher at Home: |
    | Aprilia Shiver Yamaha WR250Z/Supermoto "Old Gimmer's Hillclimber" |
    | Gilera GFR * 2 Moto Morini 2C/375 |
    Pete Fisher, Jan 25, 2011
  16. R C Nesbit

    Krusty Guest

    Rights of way will remain regardless so it's unlikely you'd have to.
    AIUI the sale contracts won't allow that, & the FC will be making
    regular inspections after the sales to ensure nothing naughty's going
    on. In fact there's a good chance at least some of the forests will go
    to very green philanthropists who will make them far more ecologically
    useful than they are now.
    Krusty, Jan 25, 2011
  17. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    That's a term I've become familiar with in later life. I clearly
    recall the startling difference between the woods I grew up looning
    around in and the unutterably bleak conifer plantations that were the
    setting for stage rallies. Never mind diversity - there's no life at
    all in plantations - nothing can grow in the darkness beneath them,
    which is highly acidic due to the leachate from the needles, birds
    cant/won't/don't nest in the branches and because there's FA to eat
    there's no small mammals in residence, bar the odd grey squirrel.

    Monoculture, that's the term. Foul, that's the experience - you can't
    even walk through them, unless you stick to the FC roads (for which
    they stiff the Motor Clubs an incredible amount per car per mile for
    rallying) as the furrows they use for planting never level out and even
    the firebreaks are ankle-breaking boggyashell hard going. Grim.
    You're going the right way (for future generations, at least) as all
    bar the oak is fast growing, in that list. Self replenishing, even.
    SIRPip, Jan 25, 2011
  18. R C Nesbit

    SIRPip Guest

    Whilst I take your point (a la the Catman/Champ handbagfest) it would
    be far from the first time that I've come across ROW that have been
    ploughed, gated, fenced across or otherwise made more than difficult or
    less than obvious that they're a ROW. Notoriously easy to close off,
    with a lengthy process to re-open.
    Reading around the FOD action, I understand that condition to be
    binding only on the /original purchaser/ which means that the use of a
    front company which freely allows a subsequent sale will result in a
    condition-free open contract. Exit the remnant FC, tail between legs.
    There is that, and TBH, the appeal of logging deciduous trees and
    replanting with conifers would be neccessarily limited to companies
    with a lot of cash and stability guaranteed to await a return in 20
    years - although if you look at vast tracts of the Scottish Highlands,
    the UK isn't exactly short of such concerns.
    SIRPip, Jan 25, 2011
  19. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    Prawn spoke:
    Well, looking around me there is a local forest which up until a few
    years ago was privately owned and it was an impenetrable mess, tracks
    were rutted quagmires, and collapsing rusting barbledy wire fencing all
    over the place.

    Now it is being managed and is a very pleasant place.

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jan 25, 2011
  20. R C Nesbit

    R C Nesbit Guest

    SIRPip spoke:
    There was something on the tellybox the other day about a woods in
    Cumbria which had been sold off by Thatchers lot the last time the tories
    tried this.

    The woods have now grown a fence around it, and the car park has
    padlocked gates.

    What is it about Tories that they have to sell *everything*?

    uppercase(d) BBIWYMC#1 BOG#11? MRO#31 IBCDBBB#1(kotl)
    FJ1200, CCM130 Benelli Cabriolet (gone)
    Looks like Rab C Nesbit.
    R C Nesbit, Jan 25, 2011
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