They don't make 'em like they used to

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Charlie, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    We live right on a village street. At the behest of SWMBO, who's
    annoyed by vans parking hard against the house, I have been looking into
    the legality of parking on pavements. It all goes back to the s.72 of
    Highway Act of 1835, which states (take a deep breath):

    LXXII. And be it further enacted, That if any Person shall wilfully ride
    upon any Footpath or Causeway by the Side of any Road made or set apart
    for the Use or Accommodation of Foot Passengers ; or shall wilfully lead
    or drive any Horse, Ass, Sheep, Mule, Swine, or Cattle, or Carriage of
    any Description, or any Truck or Sledge upon any such Footpath or
    Causeway ; or shall tether any Horse, Ass, Mule, Swine, or Cattle on any
    Highway, so as to suffer or permit the tethered Animal to be thereon ;
    or shall cause any Injury or Damage to be done to the said Highway, or
    the Hedges, Posts, Rails, Walls, or Fences thereof ; or shall wilfully
    obstruct the Passage of any Footway ; or wilfully destroy or injure the
    Surface of any Highway ; or shall wilfully or wantonly pull up, cut
    down, remove, or damage the Posts, Blocks, or Stones fixed by the said
    Surveyor as herein directed ; or dig or cut down the Banks which are the
    Securities and Defence of the said Highways ; or break, damage, or throw
    down the Stones, Bricks, or Wood fixed upon the Parapets or Battlements
    of Bridges, or otherwise injure or deface the same ; or pull down,
    destroy, obliterate, or deface any Milestone or Post, Graduated or
    Direction Post or Stone, erected upon any Highway ; or shall play at
    Football or any other Game on any Part of the said Highways, to the
    Annoyance of any Passenger or Passengers ; or if any Hawker, Higgler,
    Gipsy, or other Person travelling shall pitch any Tent, Booth, Stall, or
    Stand, or encamp, upon any Part of any Highway; or if any Person shall
    make or assist in making any Fire, or shall wantonly fire off any Gun or
    Pistol, or shall set fire to or wantonly let off or throw any Squib,
    Rocket, Serpent, or other Firework whatsoever, within Fifty Feet of the
    Centre of such Carriageway or Cartway ; or bait, or run for the Purpose
    of baiting, any Bull upon or near any Highway ; or shall lay any Timber,
    Stone, Hay, Straw, Dung, Manure, Lime, Soil, Ashes, Rubbish, or other
    Matter or Thing whatsoever upon such Highway, to the Injury of such
    Highway, or to the Injury, Interruption, or personal Danger of any
    Person travelling thereon ; or shall suffer any Filth, Dirt, Lime, or
    other offensive offensive Matter or Thing whatsoever to run or flow into
    or upon any Highway from any House, Building, Erection, Lands, or
    Premises adjacent thereto ; or shall in any Way wilfully obstruct the
    free Passage of any such Highway ; every Person so offending in any of
    the Cases aforesaid shall for each and every such Offence forfeit and
    pay any Sum not exceeding Forty Shillings, over and above the Damages
    occasioned thereby.

    I particularly liked 'any Hawker, Higgler, Gipsy, or other Person
    travelling ...'
    Charlie, Apr 28, 2011
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  2. Obstructing the queens highway usally covers it , ring the plod ,
    they will if poked come out
    steve robinson, Apr 28, 2011
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  3. Charlie

    wessie Guest

    then seek advice from DanL
    wessie, Apr 28, 2011
  4. Charlie

    Charlie Guest

    Thank you both. Well, TBH, it's simply an excuse for SWMBO to indulge
    in some Vesuvian toys:pram de-interfacing. She was less than completely
    gruntled when I told her that it is illegal in London, Bristol and some
    other cities, but not nationally.

    It's a narrow street and the UPS boys probably have impossible schedules
    to meet, so I tend to <shrug>. I really only posted s.72 because of the
    magnificence of the language. That said, our plod wouldn't come out for
    HGVs abusing our <7.5t limit (even when we provide company and plate
    numbers) or cars parked on corners, so they are unlikely to come out for
    such a technical triviality.
    Charlie, Apr 28, 2011
  5. Charlie

    ogden Guest

    ogden, Apr 28, 2011
  6. Charlie

    boots Guest

    An Arthur Daley type I believe.
    boots, Apr 28, 2011
  7. Charlie

    Beav Guest

    Many years ago, a bloke was murdered by a disgruntled student (he was a
    lecturer) in our village. The bloke's wife rang plod and told them he'd been
    shot and appeared to be bereft of life. Plod came on a fucking push bike,
    some 2 hours after the call.

    lod do **** all these days unless there's an emergency [1]

    [1] Pies have come
    Beav, Apr 28, 2011
  8. Charlie

    SIRPip Guest

    SIRPip, Apr 28, 2011
  9. Charlie

    Ben Guest

    I hadn't noticed.
    Ben, Apr 28, 2011
  10. The Older Gentleman, Apr 28, 2011
  11. Charlie

    SIRPip Guest

    He's very polite - he'll tap you on the shoulder when he's finished.
    SIRPip, Apr 28, 2011
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